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外研版高中英语必修1 Module4 我爱记单词:单元词汇速记巧记

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①也“相当”漂亮—pretty adv.很;相当

②我发现(found)他的歌(song)“听起来”很优美—sound vi.听起来 ③兄弟(brother)少了 一个r就“,麻烦” 了—bother vt.打扰;烦扰;麻烦 ④很大一部分父母(Parent)帮忙支付子女的“租金” —rent n租金 ⑤要严格(strict)管理这片“区域”— district n.地域;区域;行政区 ⑥应用程序(APP)越来越“接近”平常人的生活了—approach vt.接近

⑦两个美眉(mn)两个他(tt)两个姨(ee)组成了一个奇怪的“委员会”—committee n.委员会

⑧人(man)通常(usual)都是“用手的” —manual adj用手的;手的 ⑨往外(ex-)与别人进行相互之间的变化(change) —exchange vt.交换

⑩之后(after)我就“买得起”福特车(Ford) —afford vt.买得起;有能力支付、” connect与contact可以说是“音、形、义”双胞contact vt.联络;联系(某人) 二、?转化法

sound vi..听起来—sound n.声音 rent n.租金—rent vt.租用

approach vt.接近—approach n.方法 park vt.停车—park n.公园

exchange vt.交换—exchange n 交换互换

contact vt.联络,联系(某人)—contact n.联络,联系;交往 三、合成法

home(家)+town(城镇) —hometown n 家乡 house(家)+hold(抱住) —household n家属家人 四、

1. My hometown lies in the suburb,where we carried out a survey about the neighbourhood. 我的家乡位于郊外,我们在那里对邻里关系进行一次调查。 2. I feel fortunate to live here because there is pretty attractive scenery here and many tourists come to visit it every year.能生活在这里我感到幸运,因为这里有非常吸 引人的风景,并且每年有很多游客来游玩。

3. Many people, who live in this district, say it's a nuisance to be bothered for rent every month.很多住在这个地方的人说每个月都要因为房租而受到烦扰,真是令人生厌。

7. He loves his occupation more deeply when he thinks that many people are still out of employment.


8. What was shown in the gallery was fascinating and couldn't be exchanged by anything. 这个美术馆中展览的作品非常吸引人,什么东西也无法替代它们。 9. Many poor children in the country starved because of the war and they couldn't afford anything.这个国家的很多穷孩子因为战争而挨饿,他们买不起任何东西。 4. Despite the crowded traffic, we finally approached the harbour and saw gorgeous sights and special architecture.尽管交通拥挤,但我们最终还是靠近了海港,并且看到了美丽的风光和奇特的建筑。

10. When we finally contacted the lost couple, we knew they survived fortunately. 当我们最终与这对失踪的夫妇联系上的时候,我们知道他们幸运地死里逃生了 5. The committee helped the unemployed and their household to find jobs in parking lots through this voluntary organization.委员会通过这个志跑者组织帮助失业者及其家人找到了-些在停车场里工作的机会。

6. He is a professional painter and his manual works make him proud. 他是一名专业画家,对自己亲手绘制的作品非常自豪。

11. A big supermarket and more than twenty different shops have been put up in our town so far.

到目前为止,我们镇已经建起了一家大型超市和二十多家各式各样的商店。 12. My neighbours of different occupations are very nice, and like helping each other, which often makes me feel we all get away from trouble of life.


外研版高中英语必修1 Module4 我爱记单词:单元词汇速记巧记


