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Unit 1 will 灏嗭紱浼?robot 鏈哄櫒浜?won't = will not they'll = they will everything 姣忎欢浜嬬墿 paper 绾革紱绾稿紶 fewer(few鐨勬瘮杈冪骇)杈冨皯鐨?pollution 姹℃煋 tree 鏍?she'll = she will building 寤虹瓚鐗?astronaut 瀹囪埅鍛?rocket 鐏

space 澶

┖ space station 澶

┖绔?fly 椋炶

took 鍔ㄨ瘝take鐨勮繃

鍘诲紡 moon 鏈堜寒锛涙湀鐞?I'll = I will fall 钀戒笅 fell 鍔ㄨ瘝fall鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 fall in love with 鐖变笂(鏌愪汉鎴栨煇鐗? alone 鍗曠嫭鍦?pet 瀹犵墿 parrot 楣﹂箟 probably 澶ф go skating 鍘绘粦鍐?suit 涓濂楄。鏈?able 鑳藉be able to 鏈夎兘鍔涘仛鏌愪簨 dress 绌胯。 casually 闅忔剰鍦?which 鍝even 鐢氳嚦 the World Cup 涓栫晫鏉?wrote 鍔ㄨ瘝write鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 myself(鍙嶈韩浠h瘝)鎴戣嚜宸?interview 闈㈣瘯 predict 棰勮█ prediction 棰勬祴 came 鍔ㄨ瘝come鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 come true (甯屾湜绛?瀹炵幇 sound 澹伴煶 company 鍏fiction 灏忚

徃 thought鍔ㄨ瘝think鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 strategy 绛栫暐

瀹?in the future

unpleasant 浣夸汉涓嶆剦蹇殑 scientist 绉戝

鏈潵 hundreds of 澶ч噺 already 鏃╁凡 made 鍔ㄨ瘝make鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 factory 宸ュ巶 simple 绠鍗曠殑 such 杩欐牱鐨?bored 鍘岀儲鐨?everywhere 鍚勫湴锛涘埌澶?human 浜虹被 shape 澶栧舰 huge 宸ㄥぇ鐨?earthquake 鍦伴渿 snake 铔?possible 鍙

兘鐨?electric 瀵肩數鐨?toothbrush 鐗欏埛 seem

浼间箮 impossible 涓嶅彲鑳界殑 housework 瀹跺姟 rating 绾у埆 Alexis 浜氬巻鍏嬭タ鏂?濂冲悕) Unit 2 keep out 涓嶈wrong 閿欒

...杩涘叆 play 鎾

斁 argue 浜夎

鐨?What's wrong? 鎬庝箞浜? style 椋庢牸 out of style 涓嶆椂

互 call sb. up 鎵撶數璇濈粰... ticket 绁?surprise 浣挎儕

楂︾殑 could 鍙

濂?on the phone 鐢ㄧ數璇濅氦璋?What's the matter? 鎬庝箞浜? pay for 浠?..璐?part-time job 鍏艰亴宸ヤ綔 okay 濂界殑 either 鍚屾牱鐨?涓?..) bake


鐑?bake sale 闈㈠寘鎴栫硶楗肩殑鍞崠娲诲姩 Teen Talk 闈掑皯骞磋鍧?鑺

傜洰鍚嶇О) tutor 瀹跺涵鏁欏笀 original 鏂伴鐨?the same as 涓?..鍚屾牱鐨?in style 鏃堕

鐨?haircut 鐞嗗彂 except 鎶?..闄ゅ

upset 蹇冪儲鐨?fail

澶辫触 get on 鐩稿 didn't = did not couldn't = could not return 褰掕繕 football

瓒崇悆 until 鍒?..涓烘 fit 閫傚悎 fit...into... 鎵惧埌鏃堕棿(鍋氭煇浜? as...as possible 灏藉彲鑳?.. pressure 鍘嬪姏 complain 鎶辨?include 鍖呮嫭 pushy 鍥烘墽宸辫鐨?push 鎺ㄥ姩 send 娲鹃仯 all kinds of 鍚勭鐨?compare 姣旇緝 crazy 鐤


媯鐨?themselves (鍙嶈韩浠h瘝)浠?濂?瀹?浠

嚜宸?adult 鎴愬勾浜?on the one hand (鍦?涓鏂归潰 organized 鏈夌粍缁囩殑 on the other hand (鍦?鍙︿竴鏂归潰 freedom 鑷

敱 Eve 浼婂か(濂冲悕) Erin

鍩冨皵浼?濂冲悕) Nicole 灏肩灏?濂冲悕) Emilio 鑹剧背鍒╁ゥ(鐢峰悕) Alice 鑹句附涓?濂冲悕) Unit 3 UFO (=unidentified flying object) 椋炵瀛愭湇鍔$殑)鐞嗗彂甯?barber shop 鐞嗗彂搴?bathroom 娴村

barber (涓虹敺 bedroom 鍗

у kitchen 鍘ㄦ埧 get out 鍑哄幓 alien 澶栨槦浜?bought 鍔ㄨ瘝buy鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 land 鐫闄?got 鍔ㄨ瘝get鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 take off 璧烽鐨勬椂鍊?experience 缁忓巻 imagine 鎯宠薄 strange 濂囨

while 褰?..

殑 follow 璺熼

殢 amazing 浠や汉鎯婂紓鐨?kid 寮鐜╃瑧 scared 鎭愭儳鐨?climb 鏀鐧?jump 璺宠穬 shout 鍛煎枈 rode 鍔ㄨ瘝ride鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 train station 鐏溅绔?ran 鍔ㄨ瘝run鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 run away 閫冭窇 anywhere浠讳綍鍦版柟 met 鍔ㄨ瘝meet鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 come in 杩涙潵 happen 鍙戠敓 accident 浜嬫晠 Beijing International Airport 鍖椾含鍥介檯鏈哄満 plane 椋炴満 heard 鍔ㄨ瘝hear鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 modern 鐜颁唬鐨?kill 鏉姝?Memphis 瀛熻彶鏂?缇庡浗鐢扮撼瑗垮窞瑗垮崡閮ㄤ竴鍩庡競) murder 璋嬫潃 hear about 鍚


鏄庝寒鐨?playground杩愬姩鍦?bell 閽?rang 鍔ㄨ瘝ring鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 told 鍔ㄨ瘝tell鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 close 鍏抽棴 silence 瀵傞潤 take place 鍙戠敓 recent 鏈杩戠殑 World Trade Center 涓栫晫璐告槗涓

績 destroy 鐮村潖 terrorist

鎭愭栧垎瀛?meaning 鎰忔?as...as... 鍍?..(涓鏍? became鍔ㄨ瘝become鐨


勮繃鍘诲紡 flight 鑸彮 earth 鍦扮悆 hero 鑻遍泟 flew 鍔ㄨ瘝fly鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 Davy 鎴寸淮(鐢峰悕) Martin Luther 椹竵鈥㈣矾寰封㈤噾 Allen 鑹句鸡锛堢敺鍚嶆垨濮擄級 Unit 4 mad 寰堢敓姘旂殑 anymore 鍐嶄篃(涓? direct speech 鐩存帴寮曡

reported speech 闂存帴寮曡

first of all棣栧厛 message


娑堟伅 pass on 浼犻?suppose 鍋囧畾 be supposed to 琚

姹?.. hard-working 鍔姏宸ヤ綔鐨?do well in 鍦?..鏂归潰鍋氬緱濂?in good health 韬

綋鍋ュ悍 report card 鎴愮哗鍗?nervous 绁炵粡绱у紶鐨?envelope

淇″皝 semester 瀛︽湡 true 鐪熷疄鐨?disappointing 浣夸汉澶辨湜鐨?lucky 骞歌繍鐨?copy 澶嶅埗 own 鑷

繁鐨?get over 鍏嬫湇 poor 璐

graduate (澶у


鏉戝簞 Peking University 鍖椾含澶у)姣曚笟鐢?volunteer

蹇楁効鑰?the Ministry of Education 鏁欒偛閮?Chinese Young Pioneer 涓浗灏戝勾鍏堥攱闃?rural 涔℃潙鐨?area 鍦板尯 meter 绫?sea level 娴峰钩闈?thin 绋钖勭殑 ate 鍔ㄨ瘝eat鐨勮繃鍘诲紡 fortunately 骞歌繍鍦?decision 鍐冲畾 husband 涓堝か dormitory 瀹胯垗 senior high school 楂樹腑 open up 鎵撳紑 start 寮濮?influence 褰卞搷 return 鍥炴潵 hometown 瀹朵埂 Greenpeace \缁胯壊鍜屽钩\缁勭粐 care for 鐓ф枡 border 杈圭晫 UNICEF 鑱斿悎鍥藉効绔ュ熀閲戜細 (=United Nations International Children Emergency Fund) WWF(=World Wildlife Fund) 涓栫晫閲庣敓鍔ㄧ墿鍩洪噾浼?danger 鍗遍櫓 Lana 鎷夊悕) Marcia 椹


タ濞?濂冲悕) Unit 5 have a great time 鐜╁緱鎰夊揩 organize 缁

勭粐 take away 鎷胯蛋 clean-up 娓呴櫎 flower 鑺?agent 浠g悊浜?around the world 鍦ㄤ笘鐣屽悇鍦?make a living 璋嬬敓 against 鍙嶅

charity 鎱堝杽浜

嬩笟 chance 鏈轰細 all the time 涓鐩?injured 鍙椾激鐨?sincerely 鐪熻瘹鍦?lawyer 寰嬪笀 tonight 浠婃櫄 mobile phone 绉诲姩鐢佃瘽 Andrea 瀹夊痉鐑堝▍ (濂冲悕) Mark 椹


) Michael 杩堝厠灏?鐢峰悕鎴栧


Review of units 1-5 What's the problem? 鎬庝箞浜? fat 鑲ヨ儢鐨?window 绐楁埛 play football 韪㈣冻鐞?consequence 缁撴灉 explain 瑙i噴 following 涓嬪垪鐨?Harry 鍝堥噷(鐢峰悕) Unit 6 collect 鏀堕泦 shell 璐濆3 marathon (浣撹偛



