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Unit Eight Teaching time 06-01 Honestyils It Going Out of Style

knowledge: Set phrases ability: understanding of the text emotion: Honesty is gold


1.analysis of the text 教学准备 2??To be honest in life



Step: Warm—up

1 .Class report to practice students1 speaking and listening Step Two: lead in

Ask students several questions

1. Did you ever cheat on exams? Why or why not?

2. How do you think of the people who cheated on exams? 3. What's your attitude about honesty?


The teachefs experience about so- calledcheating ---- an good example

Step Three: Back ground knowledge 1 ? Polls of pubic opinion

A public opinion poll is a method of learning what people think and how they feel about a wide variety of subjects.

The first poll of public opinion was conducted in 1824 in the US. In the early 20th century public opinion polls began using statistical sampling techniques. After the Second World War and particularly in the 1960s the popularity of the opinion polls grew. One of the best-known is the Gallup Poll—a poll of public opinion on a major political or social issue developed by George H. Gallup, an American statistician.

Two methods of sampling are practiced by the polls, random and quota sampling. The former consists in selecting persons to be interviewed at random. Quota sampling involves selecting a sample of people which is representative of the population in terms of age, occupation, sex, region and so on. 2. State Regents' examinations

In the state of New York, the Department of Education requires that high school students take year-end examinations in science, maths, and language subjects. A regent is a member of a board appointed to govern educational institutions- In New York, the regents make out these required examinations. The regents' exam does not replace the final examination. It is a

secure test, meaning that other than the regents themselves, no one, not even the teachers, is supposed to see the examinations prior to their administration. The exams are mostly multiple choice question, During the though students may be required to write a short essay or solve process of maths problems. A score of 65 is required to pass exam, the top background knowledge, score being 100. give chances 3. Income tax The US has had income tax laws since 1913. income tax is a for tax on the wages. Salaries, profits, interests and rent received by students to a taxpayer within a definite period of time. In the US say their approximately one quarter of a middle class family,s earnings opinions. goes to the government through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the form of taxes; in the Great Britain about one third of a middle class family\4. competency tests Competency tests are used to determine whether or not a person possesses a certain skill to do something, as opposed to a proficiency test which determines how well a person can do something. A competency test is a pass/fail test, the point being not to achieve an exceptional score, but merely to pass it. Usually a competency test is set in reading and basic maths computations, not in all subject areas. Sometimes students must pass competency tests at the end of each academic year to let the school authorities determine whether they are capable of doing work at their grade level. Recently a growing number of states in the US are requiring students to pass a competency test before receiving a high school diploma; if one fails the test, one receives a high school certificate which amounts to little more than a statement that one attended school. Step Four: Whole understanding Let students read the three pars of the text and try to summarize the main idea. Part One:(Linel——16) Cheating is now considered to be a mayor problem in colleges and universities in America. Part Two(Linel7~31)It talks about all measures taken by all universities. Par three(Line32—)Reasons for the increasing cheating is analysed in detail and finally come to the conclusion. Step Five: Detailed Analysis I. Part One 1. go/be out of style: become/be no longer fashionable Long hair is out of style in some areas nowadays.

1 don't think honesty is out of style.



