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Part I Reading Comprehension (60 marks, 60 minutes)


Format Ⅰ(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)

Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

Passage one

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:





1. Who talked about water shortages in Brasilia at a panel discussion?

A. Journalist

B. A U.N. official

D. An official from the state of Goias

C. A Federal District official

2. What is among the reasons for less public water supply in Brasilia?

A. Waste of rainwater C. Growing plants on the roofs

B. Insufficient rainfall

D. Development in infrastructure

3. What did the Federal District government do to deal with water shortage?

A. They controlled population

C. They invested in artificial rainmaking

B. They limited water consumption D. They suggested “nature-based solutions”

4. What is Not a “nature-based solution”?

A. Gathering rainwater B. Preserving wetlands C. Sustaining water in soil D. Building house on floodplains

5. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Brasilia is facing the problem of water shortages B. The world has found a solution of water shortages C. The world is facing the problem of water shortages D. A report was released at the world water Forum in Brasilia

Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

The Queen has only given one interview while a sovereign. Her true personality remains elusive to the public. However, one thing is clear: Queen Elizabeth is an introvert. Introverts prefer quiet environments and feel energized from spending time alone or with people they know well. They aren’t necessarily shy, but they do tend to be more reserved and guarded with strangers. Fellow introverts will appreciate how draining an average day for Her Majesty must be. Fortunately, the Queen has some tricks to make public engagements easier. Just like us commoners rely on friends to save us from awkward situations or boring conversations, she subtly signals to her staff when she wants an intervention. If she places her handbag on the table, it indicates that she wants the event to end in the next five minutes. For more urgent situations, putting her bag on the floor shows that she wants her lady-in-waiting to rescue her immediately.

Most comfortable in the countryside, the Queen has a well-known passion for horses and dogs. There is a scene in the hit Netflix show The Crown which reveals a fascinating side of the monarch. While giving Jackie Kennedy a personal tour of Buckingham Palace, the two women find themselves bonding over their respective positions as introverted women who have found themselves in the limelight. Surrounded by the Queen’s beloved dogs, both women admit they are happiest around animals and that their extroverted sisters would have been much better suited to their public roles.

6. The underlined word “draining” (Paragraph 1) is the closest in meaning to ______.

A. frustrating

B. exhausting

C. demanding

D. aspiring

7. To be rescued immediately in a public engagement, the Queen would ______.

A. end the event within five minutes C. wave to her lady-in-waiting

B. place her handbag on the table D. put her bag on the floor

8. In the last paragraph, the underlined expression “the two women find themselves bonding over their respective positions” means that the two ladies ______.

A. admire each other

B. help each other in public D. show respect for each other

C. grow closer to each other

9. Queen Elizabeth and Jackie Kennedy share the following traits or facts EXCEPT that ______ .

A. both have sisters

B. both love animals

D. both are introverted woman

C. both enjoy being in public

10. The author’sattitude can be described as ______.

A. neutral

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

Back when Disney products were to be watched, not experienced. Walt Disney had a vision: a theme park that felt like stepping into a magical new place. Now, we can finally witness Walt’s first dream. Before construction could start, Walt needed funding. He and his friend Herb Ryman put their heads together and mapped our their dream for the Disneyland. In just one frenzied 1953 weekends, their idea came to life on paper -- and you’ll notice both subtle differences from and remarkable similarities to the modern Anaheim, California, park.

Like today, visitors would have entered the park in to a Main Street USA-type area. The tunnels aren’t as wide as they were imagined more than 60 years ago, but park-goers are still greeted with a train passing overhead as they make their way toward the magic. (Even with a modern Disney map, it’s tough to find there secret Disney park spots you never knew existed.) Walt always hoped for a castle as a focal point of the park, but its real-life copy changed from his initial dream. The first palace was a sprawling fortress, hiding a massive carousel(旋转木马)beyond its walls. Now, Sleeping Beauty Castle has more intricate spires, and King Arthur Carrousel takes its spins in Fantasyland, behind the palace.

Walt’s vision for the Mark Twain steamboat circling around Tom Sawyer Island and its Pirate’s Lair(巢穴)hasn’t changed much, though at that point it was called Frontier Country instead of Frontierland. That wasn’t the only name change, though. World of Tomorrow turned into Tomorrowland -- and eventually lost its rocket. Astronauts walked on the moon 14 years after the park was built, making the Rocket to the Moon seem out-of-date. Meanwhile, True-Life Adventured lost its first word, while most of the areas took on totally different themes.

B. critical

C. pessimistic


11. What was Walt Disney’s first dream?

A. To build a theme park

B. To draw a map on paper

C. To travel in a magic place D. To design a series of products

12. Before construction started, Walt Disney did the following EXCEPT_____

A. getting funding

B. planning the park

D. daydreaming with a friend

C. drawing the park on paper

13. Which of the following park spots has not changed much since Walt’s vision came to life on paper?

A. A Main Street area

B. World of Tomorrow

D. True-life Adventureland

C. Sleeping Beauty Castle

14. How many name changes have been mentioned in this passage?

A. One

B. Two


D. Four

15. What is the theme of this passage?

A. A tour in Disneyland

B. Walt Disney’s life story

D. Walt Disney’s first dream

C. The future of Disneyland

Passage four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

You’ve made it. You managed to navigate your way through the airport; you breezed through security; and you successfully boarded the plane. Now you’re comfortable in your seat in the cabin, and there’s even a little bit of elbow room, as the flight isn’t fully booked for once. With the hassle behind you, you settle in with your neck pillow, pop some Kenny G on your iPod, and get ready to spend quality time sleeping on a plane. And you’re about to make a huge mistake that will put your health at risk, as reported by Travel + Leisure.

It’s not because of Kenny G. It’s the shuteye part. According to Medline Plus, falling asleep during or takeoff could cause serious damage to your ears. It all has to do with the rapid changes in air pressure in the cabin. If you’re awake, a natural response to alleviate pressure on your eardrums during takeoff and landing is to “pop” them, to maintain pressure equilibrium. If you’re sleeping on a plane, you can’t actively work to relax those muscles and release the tension, so you can become susceptible to dizziness, ear infection, eardrum damage, hearing loss and nose bleeds. “A quick change in altitude affects the air pressure in the ear,” says Angel Chalmers, a British pharmacist, via



