一、 考试出题的大致方向是:
1、 词汇:某些词义的识别,同义词辨析。英语习惯用法的熟悉程度。 2、 语法结构:语法规则的实际应用。 3、 语篇句意:从语篇角度,即上卞文和情景语境综合测试考生的阅读理解能力 4、 逻辑推理和生活常识
二、 考试题型:
1. 单纯地考单词或短语的释义:
There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety
A. comes off B. turns up C? pays off D. holds up
答案:C. pays off 得到报偿,是宿得的。comes off 举行,例了: The party came off successfully.晩会很 成功。turns up出现,出席;开犬。holdsup阻塞,延误°
2. ____________ 词汇辨析题主要是指同义词、近义词的辨析,这类题鮫难。 They are needed for ___________________ food into energy and body maintenance.
A. shifting B. transferring C. altering D? transforming 答案:D. transform转变,改变。指把一种形式变成另一种形式。通常指深刻、彻底的变化。可以指 外表,也可以指性质、特点、功能的改变。shift (位置、方向上的)移动和转变,transfer 一般表示转 送或移交迁移,尤指交通运输屮的换乘或职务的调动等。常用结构为transfer alter性格、 性质、大小等的改变,指的是在原来本体的基础上进行改变。
3. 固定短语搭配题:
With it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle ____ of flyingsintosspace and returning many times. A. capable B. suitable C. efficient D. fit 答案:A.
(二) 语法题:语法结构题,主要是考结构词:代词、介词和从句连接词。
.Moreover, inaccurate or indefinite words may make ___ difficult for the listener to understand the message which is being transmitted to him. A. that B. it C. so D. this 答案:B.
(三) 语篇题:
文章的上下文决定所缺处所选择的词.根据文章的整体内容进行理解,根据层次结构和内容的逻辑 关系,去选择符合文章情节的答案,这也叫情景意义的选择.
Getting enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for excess vitamins. Many people _________ believe in being on the \A? nevertheless B. therefore C. moreover D. meanwhile 答案:A.
1、 首先要整体浏览,対全文快速阅读一遍,了解文章的大意,掌握文章的主题,并留心文中的关键 词,了解这篇短文说什么,发生的时间、地点、文章的FI的、作者的观点与态度等 2、 再读全篇试填答案。在读第二遍吋,对于-?眼就能看出的答案,不必纠缠,马上就填入,对于那 些看看冇点像,但没冇把握的答案,可以开始试填,待看完第二遍时,再来看看试填的答案,如发现 先前填得不对,这时应该及时更正 3、 检查。把答案代入短文细读一遍看能否使全文连贯畅通,从语法上看句了是否主谓一致,特别要 注意非谓语动词是否与主语一致,时态是否前后呼应,检查动宾搭配,动词、形容词、名词与介词 的搭配是否
合理。如果发现问题,则要根据文章的主题思想、本句、本段利全文的上下文与逻辑关系, 璽新选择选项;在不确定处把4个答案一一代入短文细读一遍,看哪一项最贴切。如果个别选项实在 没有把握,那就根据感觉猜一个,但决不能放弃。
1、 精读第一句
完形填空文章的第一句话通常是没有空口的完整句子,而且第一句往往是文章的主题句(Topic Sentence),或是含冇主题词的句了,町以根据它來把握整个文章的中心意义和作者的行文的脉络。不 应该只是读懂具字面屮文意思,而是耍透过首句來预测文章的屮心内容,为接F來做题把准方向。 如:
The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word? 这就是一句非常有效的主题句。据此,我们可以人胆地预测文章的主题是讨论“词汇(word)“与“ 语言表达(language)\的关系。作者的态度通过“first and smallest“就说明作者认为“词汇”对于“语言'啲 重要意义。实际上,该篇文章的确是围绕”词汇“与”语言“的关系展开的。 2、 ?通读全文,掌握大意,粗选答案
在做题之前必须先集中粹力将短文通读两遍,掌握其大意。同时要记住短文里的人物、时间或地点, 尤其耍注意首句和尾句的含义。此时以边阅读边粗选答案,尽量减少空格,帮助更透彻地了解全文.在 没有通读全文、弄懂大意的情况下就急忙边阅读边依空选择。这是一种不良的答题习惯。而几那些 错误的答案会在大脑中先入为主,在复查时很难发现。 3、 从上下文寻找信息词
完形填空所选的文章都是具有逻辑关系、意义相联的语篇,血词语的重复出现、同义词和反义词 的使用是重要的连句成篇的词汇纽带,因此,在行文中不可避免地会出现词语的复现、前后同义词、 反义词相互照应等现象。
注意:在答题时,不要急于求成。而要充分利用上下文信息词,在继续阅读中寻找和斟酌答案。充分 利川文章的上卜-文和前后句,找到对选择有捉示作用的词或句。这些词有时可能是同义词或反义词。 例如:
1) Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places it is very very _.
A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous
2) Mrs O'Neill asked ___ questions and she didn't scold us either.
A. no B. certain C. many D. more
解析:and是一个并列连词;either为副词,用在否定句或否定词后加强语势,由此可以确定所填的 词也应是一个否定意义的词,因此答案是A。
完形填空所要求填的答案在意义上必须和短文内容相符,形式上必须符合语法规则和习惯用法。同学 们在选择答案时,应先从意义上判断其是否与短文内容相吻合,然后再从形式上(如时态、语态、 非谓语动词、主谓一致、固定搭配等)判断所选答案是否恰当,前后参照,连贯考虑,提高选择的 准确率。
比女口: Washoe is a young chimpanzee(黑猪狎).She is no 41 chimpanzee, though. Scientists arc doing a research 42 her . They want to see how civilized she can 43 . Already she does many things a human being can do.
解析:41空的选项是foolish/ordinary/special/simple,均为形容词,都能修饰chimpanzee,根据卜?文,此黑 猩猩在接受驯化,己经能做人能做的许多事,从而便可确定,她不再是普通的(ordinary)黑猩猩了.如果不 前后参照,去辨别四个词的用法,是无法选出正确答案的. 5?先易后难,迂回解题
做完形填空时,对于一时没冇把握的题冃,町以采用“迂回战术',在题号前标上记号,先绕过去做下 而的题目。在做完较容易的题目之后再回过头来思考那些难题,同时把已确定好了的答 案代入短文, 帮助理解。这样,也许难题就不难了。
6、 把握文章组织结构
主要是针对语篇题。做题时,要把准文章作者发展脉络,文章的起承转合,耍注意段落与段落Z间, 句与句之间的内在逻辑联系,领悟暗示,选对答案。
Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened _21_. As was discussed before, it was not —22— the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic —23—.
21. A. between B. before C. since D. later 22. A. after B. by C. during D. until
23. A? means B. method C? medium D. measure 答案:21. A. 22. D. 23. C
解析:我们注意到文章讲了两个吋间:20 IU:纪和15、16世纪,而19世纪显然是处在两者Z间,故 21填betweeno 22题是一语法结构题,固定结 构:It was not until■-that…0 23题属于前面介绍的\信 息词”题。上文中出现的:television, printing, newspaper均说明该题应填medium 7、 了解生活常识,确定相关知识。
Every morning she would give him breakfast in bed and bring him the paper to 30 A. check B.read C. keep D.sign
解析:外国人早上有读报的习惯,其中paper即为报纸.这是理解本文细节的关键,有了这些文化背景知 识,可迅速推断出正确答案为B
Whenever I recall my childhood, there is one thing I remember clearly. My father used his 36 to let my mother 37 her parents who lived far away. There was just my younger brother and myself in the 38 ? One evening, our father came home and there was no 39 , not even a piece of bread. My father had no money and he was as 40 as we were? My brother and I went to bed without having anything?
41 I knew from the expressions on my father^ face that he could not 42 us be hungry for long. He left the house, and about two hours later he 43 and woke us up. He had two small potato pics in his hands. I didn't know where he got the money for the food but somehow he 44 to find a way. It was clear that he wanted to get his children my 48 45 ?
? At that moment, I felt 49 knowing that he tried his best not to let us
53 the mother is the My father did not eat and had 46 all day but he sat there and felt 47 at seeing us eat. This has always stuck in 5() , and he wanted us to know he was always there with us. In 51 times, I think, it is important not to 52 weakness but strength? cement(黏合齐lj)that 54 It is his values and ks5u
36. A. car 37. A. call
3& A. classroom 39. A. food 40. A. poor 41. A. So
55 a family together, then the father is the steel that strengthens that cement. that have carried me forward and helped me deal with my own problems in life. B. ticket B. visit B. office B. drinks B.hungry B.Till
C? savings C. bring C? house C. electricity C? angry C. But
D. right D. invite D. farm D. gas D. sleepy D. Since