第 01 篇 基础程序设计
01 闪烁的LED
/* 名称:闪烁的LED 说明:LED按设定的时间间隔闪烁 */
#define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit LED=P1^0; .\\r\\n\
Puts_to_SerialPort(\DelayMS(50); while(1) { Putc_to_SerialPort(c+'A'); DelayMS(100); Putc_to_SerialPort(' '); DelayMS(100);
if(c==25) With PCB layout now offering automation of both component \ \often be the most time consuming element of the exercise.\ \if you use circuit simulation to develop your ideas, \ \are going to spend even more time working on the schematic.\};
//显示缓冲(2行) uchar Disp_Buffer[32]; //垂直滚动显示
void V_Scroll_Display() { uchar i,j,k=0; uchar *p=Msg[0]; uchar *q=Msg[Line_Count]+strlen(Msg[Line_Count]); //以下仅使用显示缓冲的前16字节空间 while(pLine_Count) break; p=Msg[k]; //p指向下一串的首地址 Disp_Buffer[i]=*p++; } } //不足16个字符时空格补充 for(j=i;j<16;j++) Disp_Buffer[j]=' '; //垂直滚动显示 while(F0) DelayMS(5); ShowString(0,0,\ \ DelayMS(150); 2
while(F0) DelayMS(5); ShowString(0,1,Disp_Buffer); DelayMS(150); while(F0) DelayMS(5); ShowString(0,0,Disp_Buffer); ShowString(0,1,\ \ DelayMS(150); } //最后清屏 ShowString(0,0,\ \ ShowString(0,1,\ \}
void H_Scroll_Display() { uchar i,j,k=0,L=0; uchar *p=Msg[0]; uchar *q=Msg[Line_Count]+strlen(Msg[Line_Count]); //将32个字符的显示缓冲前16个字符设为空格 for(i=0;i<16;i++) Disp_Buffer[i]=' '; while(pLine_Count) break; p=Msg[k]; //p指向下一串的首地址 Disp_Buffer[i]=*p++; } } //不足32个字符时空格补充 for(j=i;j<32;j++) Disp_Buffer[j]=' '; //水平滚动显示 for(i=0;i<=16;i++) { while(F0) DelayMS(5); ShowString(0,L,Disp_Buffer+i); while(F0) DelayMS(5); 3
DelayMS(20); } L=(L==0)?1:0; //行号在0,1间交替 DelayMS(300); } //如果显示结束时停留在第0行,则清除第1行的内容 if(L==1) ShowString(0,1,\ \ }
//外部中断0,由K3控制暂停与继续显示 void EX_INT0() interrupt 0 { F0=!F0; //暂停与继续显示控制标志位 }
//主程序 void main() { uint Count=0; IE=0x81; //允许外部中断0 IT0=1; //下降沿触发 F0=0; //暂停与继续显示控制标志位 Initialize_LCD(); ShowString(0,0,Prompt); ShowString(0,1,Prompt+16); while(1) { if(K1==0) { V_Scroll_Display(); DelayMS(300); } else if(K2==0) { H_Scroll_Display(); DelayMS(300); } } } //
/* 名称:液晶控制与显示程序 说明:本程序是通用的1602液晶控制程序。 */
#include<> #include<>
#define uchar unsigned char 4
#define uint unsigned int sbit RS=P2^0; sbit RW=P2^1; sbit EN=P2^2; //延时
void DelayMS(uint ms) { uchar i; while(ms--) for(i=0;i<120;i++); }
uchar Busy_Check() { uchar LCD_Status; RS=0; //寄存器选择 RW=1; //读状态寄存器 EN=1; //开始读 DelayMS(1); LCD_Status=P0; EN=0; return LCD_Status; }
void Write_LCD_Command(uchar cmd) { while((Busy_Check()&0x80)==0x80); //忙等待 RS=0; //选择命令寄存器 RW=0; //写 EN=0; P0=cmd;EN=1;DelayMS(1);EN=0; }
void Write_LCD_Data(uchar dat) { while((Busy_Check()&0x80)==0x80); //忙等待 RS=1;RW=0;EN=0;P0=dat;EN=1;DelayMS(1);EN=0; }
void Initialize_LCD() { Write_LCD_Command(0x38);DelayMS(1); Write_LCD_Command(0x01);DelayMS(1); //清屏 Write_LCD_Command(0x06);DelayMS(1); //字符进入模式:屏幕不动,字符后移 Write_LCD_Command(0x0c);DelayMS(1); //显示开,光标关 } 5