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一、 语音辨析:从 ABCD中选出一项划线部分读音不同的选项( 5分)

()1. A. locate B. state C. amount D. famous ()2. A. heave n B. beac on C. cheap D. repeat ()3. A. extend B. excited C. extra D. expe nsive ()4. A. in troduct ion B. provi nee C. protect D. dragon_ ()5. A. length_B. method C. think D. without

二、 单项选择题:(20分)

I. ln ancient China, the walls ____ to protect these states. A. are built B. were built C. built D. were buildi ng

2.lt _____ them more tha n ten years ______the Great Wall.

A. took, buildi ng B. took, to build C. spe nt, build ing D. spe nt, to build 3. The old woma n brought up her five gra ndsons ____ terrible con diti ons. A. in B. under C. with D. at

4. The rooms are too dirty, and we have our bedroom _____ . A. paint B. to paint C. pain ted D. painting 5.0 n the top of the mou ntain _____ .

A. sta nds two old temples B. sta nd two old temples C. two old temples stand D. two old temples stands

6. ___ is said _____ thousa nds of people died from the big earthquake. A. It, that B. It, what C. That, that D. That, what 7. ___ of water ______ .

A. Two-thirds, is wasted B. Two-third, are wasted C. Two-thirds, are wasted D. Sec on d-third, are wasted

8. This year, about ___ money were spent on raising people ' life standard. A. several milli ons B. several milli ons of C. several milli on D. several milli on of

9. The young lady is made ___ ano ther house to live in. A. find B. finding C. to find D. found

10. The nu mber of the computers used in young people ___ this year. A. are in creased B. is in creas ing C. are in creas ing D. i ncrease

II. Would you tell me about the place and people ____ you visited last year in Chongqing? A. that B. which C. who D. whom

12. I was frighte ned by a ____ sn ake yesterday.

A. 5-meters-l ong B. 5 meter long C. 5-meter- long D. 5 meters long 13. She was struck. The letter is ______ . A. 5 thousa nds word B. 5-thousa nd-word C. 5 thousa nd words D. 5 thousa nd word

14. The girl is weari ng the sun glasses to protect her eyes ____ the sun light. A. from B. in C. with D. at

15. Too little rest ofte n leads to ___ . A. fail B. failing C. failure D. A and C

16. Xiao Lin is one of the best _____ who _____En glish. A. teacher, teach B. teachers, teach C. teacher, teaches D. teachers, teaches

17. The old man is famous _____ a great writer ______ his no vel. A. as, as B. as, for C. for, for D. for, as

18. Can 'you imagi ne the an cie nt people built the Great Wall __ ? A. by hands B. by the hand C. by hand D. by their hands

19. Let 'stalk about how to man age the importa nt meeting, __ ?(反义疑问句 ) A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. won 'tyou

20. The young lady made ____ many foolish mistakes _______ we wan ted to fire her at once. A. so …that B. so that C. such …that D. such that


When I was about ten years old, I spotted a mouse running across our living room floor. My four youn ger sisters heard me scream ing 31 and joined me on the couch, 32 my father found us sta nding, yelli ng and pointing. Dad grabbed 33 and chased that mouse all over the place. We followed him in hot pursuit, 34 him on, “ Gedad. Get it! ”

Fin ally, the mouse was 35 , but whe n Dad pushed the broom into it, the mouse 36 a little squeal. All 37_ of us jumped on our father. We 38 his arms and legs,

“ Dhunfthim. Let him go! ”

Dad dropped his head 39 . He pulled the broom away and the mouse scampered off. “ Rwe.yelled. My father 4Q_ us as wed turned into numskulls. He bought a trap the n ext day.

B .at the top of my voices D .at the top of the voice

C. whe n D. where (

D. a stool C. a stick (

C. en courag ing D. calli ng (

D. killed C. beate n (

D. shouted out C. sent out (

D. six C. three (

D. pulled off C. pulled at (

( )39. A. in surprise B. in disappo in tme

C. with pleasure nt

D heard D. in defeat ( )4Q. A. looked at B saw


四、阅读理解: C regard

UNICEF was set up in 1946 after the war in Europe to help childre n. Childrens lives were cha nged because of the war. Now, UNICEF helps childre n all over the world. It works in 158 countries and areas. It helps governments and families to make the world a better place for childre n.

UNICEF gets the money from donations. It raises money by selling Christmas cards and orga nizing some other fun d-rais ing activities. People can help UNICEF by doing volun tary work.

)31. A. at the top of my lung

C. at the top of my lungs )32. A. that B. which )33. A. a trap B. a broom )34. A. cheeri ng B. urging )35. A. caught B. corn

ered )36. A. left out

B. let out )37. A. five

B. four )38. A. pulled dow n B. pulled away

UNICEF believes that all children should have clean water and food so that they can be healthy. They should go to school in stead of work ing to support their families. ()41. When was UNICEF set up?

A. In 1945 B. In 1946 C. In 1947 D. In 1948

( )42. ________ lives were cha nged because of the war.

A. Men's

B. Wome n'

C. Childre n' D. Baby's

( )43. How many coun tries and areas does UNICEF work in?

A. 156 B.165 C.158 D.185 ( )44. It raises money ________ .

A. by selli ng Christmas cards

B. by orga nizing some fun d-rais ing activities C. by doing volun tary work D. A and B

()45. UNICEF believes that all childre n should have __________ so that they can be


A. health care B. clea n water and food C. homes D. educati on


Whe n you are curious about someth in,gand want to know more about it, you can use the

way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries. The steps below can guide you duri ng the research.

Step 1

On a note card or piece of paper, write down the subject that you are in terested in. Just

get the main idea dow n. For example, you might write: Discover more about dino saurs.

Step 2

Next, stop and thi nk for a mome nt about what you already know about your subject. List

what you already know like the senten ces below:

(1) Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.

(2) Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years. (3) Some dinosaurs fed on plants, some on meat. Step 3

What can you do with what you want to learn? On your paper, start writing dow n questi

ons about the dino saurs as you think of them:

(1) What's the best weather for dinosaurs to live in? (2) How many kinds of dinosaurs are there? (3) Have dinosaurs really disappeared Step 4

Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to beg in your research. As you lear n more about your subject, y6u probably discover some new questi ons.

For example, you might discover that dino saurs disappeared about 65 millio n years ago.

Why? What happe ned, ask ing new questi ons can help you research your subject more widely.



