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试 题 2019 年 ~ 2020年第2学期 课程名称:专业英语 (控制) 专业年级: 19级 考生学号: 考生姓名: 试卷类型: A卷 √ B卷 □ 考试方式: 开卷√ 闭卷 □ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. Please give the full terms of the following abbreviations and its corresponding Chinese meaning. (20') 1) PROM 5) MIMO 9) PLC 13) D/A 17)PID 2) FTF 6) SR flip-flop 10) AI 14) CAD 18) CRT 3) ROM 7) TF 11) ALU 15) SQL 19) DCS 4) VLSI 8) BCD 12) DMA 16) DSP 20) NCS 2. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. (20') Some comments on the term “intelligent control” are now in order. Intelligent controllers are envisioned emulating human mental faculties such as adaptation and learning, planning under large uncertainty, coping with large amounts of data etc. in order to effectively control complex processes; and this is the justification for the use of the term intelligent in intelligent control, since these mental faculties are considered to be important attributes of human intelligence. Certainly the term intelligent control has been abused and misused in recent years by some, and this is of course unfortunate. a Note however that this is not the first time, nor the last that terminology is used to serve one's purpose. Intelligent control is certainly a catchy term and it is used ( and misused) with the same or greater abundance by some, as for example the term optimal has been used (or misused) by others; of course some of the most serious offenses involve the word \or worse, the term intelligent control is used by many. An alternative term is \autonomous (intelligent) control\It emphasizes the fact that an intelligent controller typically aims to attain higher degrees of autonomy in accomplishing and even setting control goals, rather than stressing the (intelligent) methodology that achieves those goals. 注:1、教师命题时题目之间不留空白; 2、考生不得在试题纸上答题,教师只批阅答题册正面部分,若考生须在试题图上作解答,请另附该试题图。3、请在试卷类型、考试方式后打勾注明。

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3. Please translate the following sentences into English. (20’) 1. 闭环控制系统 闭环控制指在控制系统中,被控变量送回输入端,与设定值进行比较,根据偏差对被控变量进行的控制。闭环控制的特点是按偏差进行控制。典型的闭环控制系统结构如图1所示。 控制器比较机构给定值r(t)误差广义对象扰动f(t)控制作用控制装置u(t)执行器操纵变量q(t)过程被控变量c(t)-e(t)测量值y(t)检测元件、变送器 图1 闭环控制系统结构图 2. PID控制规律及控制系统结构 PID控制是比例积分微分(Proportional Integral Differential)控制的简称。 常规PID控制系统的结构如图1所示。其中,控制误差e(t)定义为: e(t)?r(t)?y(t) (1) PID控制器的输出,即控制作用u(t)定义为式(2): ?1u(t)?KP?e(t)?TI??t0e(t)dt?TDde(t)?? dt?(2) 式中,KP为比例系数;TI为积分时间常数;TD为微分时间常数。 比例、积分、微分调节各有其独特的作用。比例调节成比例地反映控制偏差,偏差一旦产生,比例调节立即发挥作用,以减小偏差;积分调节主要用于消除余差;微分调节反映偏差的变化趋势,并能在偏差信号变得太大前,在系统中引入一个有效的早期修正,从而加快系统的动作速度,减少调节时间。将三种调节方式组合在一起,就是比例积分微分(PID)调节 注:1、教师命题时题目之间不留空白; 2、考生不得在试题纸上答题,教师只批阅答题册正面部分,若考生须在试题图上作解答,请另附该试题图。3、请在试卷类型、考试方式后打勾注明。

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4. Please make a structure analysis of the following abstract and give the Keywords. (15’+5’) [1]In a computer-integrated manufacturing system ( CIMS), the components are connected by an automated guided vehicle system (AGVS). [2]This paper describes two computer simulations of an AGVS. [3]One simulation was programmed using an object- oriented programming language (OOPL); the other simulation was developed using a simulation macro language(SML). [4]The objective of both simulations was to test the impact of different AGVS control strategies on the efficiency of the CIMS. [5]The time to program the simulation using OOPL was 23% longer than with the SML. [6]However, once written, the OOPL simulator could be more quickly modified than the SML simulator. [7]An OOPL can use pre-existing code reducing the development time of future simulators. [8]Also, the graphical capabilities of the OOPL allowed a clear presentation of simulation results. [9]It appears that OOPL's have distinct advantages over conventional SML's as simulation programming languages. For example, Sentences [1],[2] are used to introduce the background and the research topic. Sentences [3]...... 5. Please draw a block chart to describe the general structure of an introduction for a journal paper.(20') 注:1、教师命题时题目之间不留空白; 2、考生不得在试题纸上答题,教师只批阅答题册正面部分,若考生须在试题图上作解答,请另附该试题图。3、请在试卷类型、考试方式后打勾注明。

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