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1. How sad! __________ Ethiopian Airlines(埃航) plane crashed shortly after takeoff, killing all on board __________ the morning of March 10, 2019 local time.常州2019年4月九年级教学情况调研测试 A. A; on

B. An; on

C. A; in

D. An; in

2.-- What ________ big shame it is for some young people who still ________ at home after graduation! -- Year, Children should be given basic living skills at a very young age.<常州市第二十四中学教育集团2016-2017学年九年级二模>

A. /; remain B. a; remains C. a; remain D. /; remained

3.What _________ different Qingguo Lane we can see now! It has risen to the top attention since newly opened and it means a growing __________in traditional culture among people in Changzhou.《常州市九年级教学情况调研测2019.5》

A. the, habit

B. a, interest

C. / , dream

D. a, direction

4.--- What do you think of ____________ 8th China Flower Expo in our city? --- It was ____________ big success, I think.《常州九年级教学情况调研测试2014年5月》 A. /; a B. the; / C. the; a D. an; /

5.At the end of the film Wolf Warrior 2, you can see the moving words on the screen, ‘When you meet danger in _________ foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands ________ strong motherland.’《常州市九年级教学情况调研测试2018年5月》 A. a, the

B. a, a

C. the, a

D. the, the

6.--It's said that_________ earthquake hit Japan the other day.

--______ bad news! Let's give a helping hand for the people there.《常州九年级教学情况调研测试2017年4月》

A. an, How

B. a; How a

C. the; What a

D. an; What





1. --Kate says she is going to ______ her job in the hospital and open her own store. Is it serious? --I _________ . She never means it.《常州九年级教学情况调研测试2017年4月》

A. give up; wonder B. look for; agree C. keep off; suppose D. pick up; believe

2.China Dream is a great way to gather people together and the fast development of our country.《常州九年级教学情况调研测试2017年4月》

A.push for

B.fit for

C.deal with

D.cheer for

3.The hard work came to me in a great hurry. It _____ most of my weekends.<常州外国语学校2016-2017学年第二学期九年级一模2017.5>

A. put up B. sent up C. made up D. took up

4. --- Excuse me, but can you________ to your general manager ?

---- Sorry, she has gone the USA.《常州市九年级教学情况调研测试2018年5月》

A. put me back

5. A survey about why people like the film Avengers: Endgame (复仇者联盟4) so much was _______________ on the Internet last week.《常州市九年级教学情况调研测2019.5》

6. Jimmy broke his leg. _________, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.<江苏省常州市2019年九年级中考英语第二次模拟测试题>

7. I’m very happy to know the Star Partner in CCTV has ____________ lots of help ____________ those children in need of care and love.《常州九年级教学情况调研测试2014年5月》 A. provided; with B. given; for C. provided; for D. offered; with

8. — Why are there so many policemen in the jewellery shop?

— Don’t you know the shop _________ and that some jewellery was taken away?<江苏省常州市2019年



A. As usual

B. As a result

C. In order that

D. First of all

A. taken out

B. carried out

C. turned out

D. given out

B. put me though

C. put me away

D. put me on



A. was broken into

B. was broken out

C. was broken down

D. was broken off

9.--- It’s said that many workers in our city have _________ some organizations to help the elderly and the disabled people.

--- Yes. They have helped thousands of people up to now. We should learn from them.常州2019年4月九年级教学情况调研测试

10.-- Honey, is it a good idea to _________ a mirror on the wall of the sitting room?

-- Pretty god! It makes it seem bigger.<常州市第二十四中学教育集团2016-2017学年九年级二模> A.put away B. put through C. fix in D. put in

11.The shape of Water won four Oscars of the 90th Academy Awards, including Best Production Design, Best Score _____________ Best Director and Best Picture.《常州市九年级教学情况调研测2019.5》

A. as soon as

B. as well as

C. as much as

D. as good as

A. stayed up

B. put up

C. took up

D. set up

12.The number of the students in our grade_________ about_________, and three of _________ students

in our school are girls.《常州市九年级教学情况调研测试2018年5月》 A. are; six hundreds; fifths C. is; six hundred; five

13.--- Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your ______.

--- Maybe I will go to Shenzhen. I have never visited _____ city.<常州外国语学校2016-2017学年第二学期九年级一模2017.5>

A. five days’ holiday; the most fantastic B. five days holiday; the most fantastic C. five-day holiday; a more fantastic D. five-days holiday; a more fantastic

B. is; six hundred; fifths D. are; six hundreds; five





