[摘要]采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)的方法,以Agilent Zorbax Eclipse XDBC18(46 mm× 250 mm, 5 μm)为色谱分离柱,流动相为47%甲醇/水等度洗脱,洗脱流速为10 mL?min-1,柱温30 ℃,检测波长为270, 280, 290, 300 nm多波长检测的色谱条件同时测定红花中4种亚精胺成分N1, N5, N10(Z)tripcoumaroylspermidine (1), N1, N5(Z)N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine (2), N1(E)N5(Z)N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine (3), 和N1, N5, N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine (4)的含量,进样体积为10 μL。各成分之间分离度良好,4种亚精胺成分的质量浓度分别在0002 1~0041 6 (r=0999 5), 0002 6~0051 2 (r=0999 7), 0002 7~0054 0 (r=0999 8), 0005 0~0100 4(r=0999 8) g?L-1内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系,加样回收率为 9861%~1009%,RSD为23%~30%。表明所建立的方法快速简便、具有较好的重复性和稳定性,可用于红花中4种亚精胺成分的含量测定。
Simultaneous determination of four coumaroylspermidine constituents in
Carthamus tinctorius by HPLCDAD LI Shifei, YUAN Maoye, ZHANG Liwei*
(Institute of Molecular Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China)
[Abstract]The HPLCDAD method was established to simultaneously determine the contents of four coumaroylspermidine[ N1, N5, N10(Z)
tripcoumaroylspermidine (1), N1, N5(Z)N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine (2), N1(E)N5(Z)N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine (3), and N1, N5, N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine (4) ] in Carthamus tinctorius The method was performed on an Eclipse XDBC18 column (46 mm×250 mm, 5 μm) eluted with 47% methanol in an isocratic program The flow rate was 1 mL?min-1; the injection volume was 10 μL, and the column temperature was 30 ℃ The detective wavelength was 270, 280, 290, and 300 nm, respectively Four coumaroylspermidine constituents showed a good linearity in the range of 0002 10041 6 (r=0999 5), 0002 60051 2 (r=0999 7), 0002 70054 0 (r=0999 8) g?L-1, and 0005 00100 4 (r=0999 8) g?L-1, respectively The average recoveries of these four coumaroylspermidine constituents were in the range of 986109% (RSD 230%). In
conclusion, the method is simple, rapid, and sensitive, which could be used as a quantitative determination method for the four coumaroylspermidine components in Ctinctorius [Key words]Carthamus tinctorius; HPLC; coumaroylspermidine constituents doi:10.4268/cjcmm20160819
红花是菊科红花属植物Carthamus tinctorius L的干燥管状花,全国各地都有分布,主要产自于新疆、河南、四川、浙江等省份。红花在我国已经有2 500年的药用历史,具有活血通经、降血压、散瘀止痛和降血脂等功效。文献报道的从红花中分离得到的化学成分已经有250多种,包括黄酮类[1]、生物碱类[2]、聚炔类[3]、烷基二醇类[45]、有机酸类[67]、甾体类[8]、亚精胺类[9]等。其中亚精胺类结构是指具有H2N(CH2)3NH(CH2)4NH2结构单元的多胺类化合物,这类成分显示出了广泛的生物活性,如抗HIV病毒[10],抗肿瘤[11],抗氧化[12]等。2009年中国科学院上海生科院研究人员采用活性追踪的方法从红花分离得到了亚精胺类化合物N1,N5(Z)N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine,并采用细胞培养法,大鼠脑突触体5羟色胺(5HT)再摄取抑制方法以及体内实验法研究了该化合物抑制5HT再摄取的活性,结果表明亚精胺类化合物N1,N5(Z)N10(E)tripcoumaroylspermidine对5HT再摄取有很好的选择性抑制活性[13]。之后,2013年