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Are there any letters (massages) for me? 这有给我的信(口信)吗? Please send this letter by air (sea) mail. 请空运(水运)这个邮件 I’d like to send this parcel to China. 我想将这个包裹寄回中国 Could you pack it for me? 你能帮我做下包装吗?

Can I have a box for packing? 能给我个盒子作包装吗?

Could you page Mr. Ford here? 你在这能写上FORD先生吗? He must be somewhere in the hotel 他一定是在酒店的某个地方 Just a minute, please. 请等一下 Come in 进来

Please bring me a pot of coffee. 请给我一壶咖啡

This is room 316. I’d like a blanket, please 这是316房,请给我一张毛毯。 I’d like a wake-up call, please. 请给我一个起床提醒 What time? 几点?

7 o’clock tomorrow morning 明早7点 Your room number, please 你的房间号码

Do you have room service? 你有房间服务吗? I’d like a pot of boiled water 我想要壶开水

Please bring me some ice cubes and water 请给我一些冰块和水 Hoe long does it take? 需要多长时间? As soon as possible, please. 越快越好

I’d like shampoo (hair conditioner/a drier/a bath towel/a match) 我想要洗发液(护发素/吹风机/浴巾/火材)

I’d like to order breakfast for tomorrow 我想订明早的早餐 What would you like to have for breakfast? 你早餐想要点什么?

I’d like orange juice, two eggs, over easy, with ham and French fries, and Coffee, please 我想要橙汁,两个鸡蛋,两面煎,和火腿,法国菜和咖啡

About what time shall we bring it? 大约几点我给你送去?

My breakfast still hasn’t arrived. Please bring it right away 我的早餐还没有到。请立刻送来 Good morning. Here’s a menu, sir 早上好,这是菜单,先生

I’d like some rolls, scrambled eggs, hashed potatoes and tea, please. 我想要一些卷,搅过的鸡蛋,土豆泥和茶

Would you like some bacon or ham with your eggs? 你想要一些煎肉或火腿加在鸡蛋上吗? Bacon, please. 煎肉,谢谢

Would you like some lemon slices with your tea? 你想要些柠檬块在茶中吗? No. with cream, please. 不,加奶油,谢谢

Would you like your tea, now? 你现在就要你的茶吗? Yes, please. 是的 餐馆用语

Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 你能推荐附近的一个好点的餐馆吗? I’d like a restaurant not too expensive 我想找一个不是很贵的餐馆

I’d like a quiet restaurant. 我想要一个安静的餐馆

I’d like a restaurant with a cheerful atmosphere 我想要一个有着愉快气氛的餐馆 Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 你能推荐几个餐馆吗? Where is main area for restaurants? 餐馆主要集中在什么地方? Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近有中国餐馆吗?

Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 这附近有高档餐馆吗? Do you know of any restaurant open now? 你知道有现在开门的餐馆吗? I’d like to have some local food. 我想吃些当地食品

Where is the nearest Italian restaurant? 哪有最近的意大利餐馆 Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?

Could you make a reservation for me? 你能帮我预订一下吗? I’d like to reserve a table for three 我想订3人的桌子 We are a group of six 我们6个人一组

We’d like to have a table tighter 我们想并桌 We’ll come at eight o’clock 我们8点到

What time can we reserve a table? 什么时候我们可以订桌? How late is it open? 开门最晚到几点? How can I get there? 我怎么到那里

Hello. This is ABC restaurant. 你好,这里是ABC 餐馆

I’d like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight. 我想在7点订个2人桌 I am sorry. We have so many guests this evening. 很抱歉,今晚客人太多拉 How long is the wait? 需要等多长时间? We can wait till late hours 我们可以等的晚些 Nine o’clock should be ok 9点可以

Could we have a table on the garden? 我们可以要张在园子里的桌子吗? It’s ok. Your name, please 没问题,姓名?

What do you have for today’s special? 你们今天有特价吗? Do you have a dress code? 你有衣服编号吗? Should I dress a coat and tie? 我需要系领带吗?

Should the ladies wear formal dresses? 女士需要穿正式服装吗 No jeans, please 请不要穿牛仔裤

I’m sorry, but I want to cancel my reservation. 对不起,我要取消预订 Do you have a table for three? 你有3人的桌子吗?

Can we have a table in the corner? 我们可以要张角落的桌子吗? I’d like a table by the window 我想要张靠窗的桌子 Please wait to be seated 请等候如座

Good evening. Do you have a table for two? 晚上好,有两人的桌子吗? Sure, this way, please 当然,这边请

Our tables are full now. Could you wait for a while? 我们坐满拉,请等一下 I guess we can offer a table in 30 minutes. 我想30分钟后会有空位 All right. We’ll wait 好,我们等会

May I have a menu, please? 我可以看看菜单吗? Do you have a menu in Chinese? 你有中文菜单吗?

Would you like something to drink before dinner? 饭前想喝些什么吗?

What kind of drinks do you have for aperitif? 想喝什么样的开胃酒? Do you have some local beer? 你有当地啤酒吗? May I have another one? 能给我另一个吗? May I see the wine list? 我可以看看酒单吗?

May I order a glass of wine? 可以给我一杯葡萄酒吗? What kind of wine do you have? 你想要什么样的葡萄酒 I’d like to have some local wine. 我想要当地的葡萄酒 I’d like to have French red wine 我想要法国红酒

Could you recommend some good wine? 你能给我推荐些葡萄酒吗? May I order, please? 我可以订了吗?

Can we have separate checks? 我们可以分开付帐吗? What is the specialty of the house? 有什么特别料理吗? Do you have today’s special? 有今天的特价吗

I’d like to have something special. 我想要一些特别的 Do you have local dishes? 你有当地菜吗? What do you recommend? 你有什么推荐?

Do you have anything ready quickly? 有没有快点的菜

Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以要和那个一样的菜吗? I’ll have it 就是它了

I’ll have whatever you recommend. 就要你推荐的

I’d like appetizers and meat (fish) dish. 我要开胃菜和肉(鱼)类

I’d like to have dinner for less than 30 dollars including drinks. 我想要30圆以下包括酒水的 Can I have it right away? 我可以现在就要吗? What is this? 这是什么?

What kind of dish is this? 这是什么菜? I’d like this 这个不错 I’m on a diet 我正在减肥

I have to avoid food containing fat (salt/sugar) 我不要有脂肪(盐/糖)的食物 Do you have vegetarian dishes? 你有素菜吗? Can you make it mild? 能做的清淡吗?

How do you like your steak? 你想怎么吃牛扒

Well done (medium/rare), please 全熟(中等/生)的 Could you tell how you to eat this? 你吃的怎么样?

Could you pass me the salt (pepper)? 你能把盐(胡椒)给我吗? I’d like a glass of water, please 我想来杯水

May I have a bottle of mineral water? 给我一杯矿泉水 Uncarbonated mineral water, please. 不含碳酸的矿泉水 May I have some more bread, please? 能再给我些面包吗? I dropped my knife (fork) 我的刀(叉)掉了 Is everything all right? 一切还好? This is very good 非常好

I’d like a dessert, please 一份甜点

What do you have for a dessert? 什么样的甜点?

I’d like something light, just some cheese or cake, please 我想要些清淡的,奶酪或蛋糕都行

May I have some cheese? 来些奶酪

What kind of cheese is this? 这是什么奶酪? May I have just a little of it? 我就要一点点

Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert? 我可以要些水果代替甜点 What kind of food do you have? 你有什么样的食物? Is coffee included in this meal? 咖啡包括在菜里吗? May I smoke? 我可以吸烟吗? 观光用语

Where is the tourist information office?


Do you have a sightseeing brochure for this town? 在这个镇上有观光手册吗? Do you have a free city map?

你有免费的城市地图吗? I’d like a bus route map 我想要张巴士线路图

Could you tell me some interesting places in this town? 能告诉我一些好玩的地方吗? I’m interested in architecture. 我对建筑学感兴趣

Where is the best place to meet young people? 遇见青年人最好的地方在哪? I’d like to see T Church.


I’d like to go to WorldTradeCenter. 我要去世贸中心

I’d like to go shopping. Where is the downtown area? 我想去购物。市区在哪?

Where is the place to enjoy a nice view? 在哪能看到美好风光? Is it far from here?


Can I walk down there? 我能走着去那吗?

How long does it take to get there on foot? 步行到那里需要多长时间? Can I go there by bus? 我能乘巴士去那吗?

Could you recommend some places where I could go and come back in a day? 能推荐一个一天往返的的地方吗?

I’d like to take the horse-drawn carriage. How much does it cost? 我想乘马车。多少钱?

Are there any sightseeing boats? 这有观光船吗?

Is there a two-hour sightseeing cruise? 有两小时的观光船吗?

Can I make a reservation here? 我可以预订吗? Can I buy a ticket here? 我能在这买票吗? How far is it from here? 那离这里多远?

How can I get to the cathedral? 我怎么去大教堂?

You should take the number 5 bus 你应该坐5路车去 Where can I get the bus?


Where is the restroom? 洗手见在哪?

Could you show me the way on this map? 你能在地图上给我指路吗? Could you write it down here? 能写在这吗?

Do you have the changing of the guard today? 你们今天警卫换岗吗? What time?


Is the museum of art open today? 今天艺术馆开门吗?

How much is the entrance fee? 门票多少钱? Is there a gift shop? 那有礼品店吗?

Is the botanic garden open today? 今天植物园开门吗?

How late the department stores are open? 商店最晚开到几点? Are they open on Sundays? 他们周日开门吗?

What time does it open and close? 这什么时候开门和结束? I’d like to take a sightseeing tour. 我想感受观光旅行



