1.康华光主编,电子技术基础(数字部分),高等教育出版社 2.标准集成电路数据手册TTL电路,电子工业出版社
致 谢
附录2 主程序
org 00h
ajmp start
ORG 001BH ;定时器T1中断程序入口 LJMP time1 ;跳至INTT1执行 org 0030h start: mov TMOD,#10h mov IE,#88h MOV TH1,#00h MOV TL1,#00h mov r7,#03h; setb TR1 turn: jnb p2.0,is_key jnb p2.1,is_key
jnb p2.2,is_key jnb p2.3,is_key orl p1,#0ffh; is_key : jb p2.3,no_check; anl p1,#0c0h; jmp turn no_check:
jmp turn
time1: push acc
mov TH1,#010h mov TL1,#00h
jb p2.0,left djnz r7,return mov r7,#3 xrl p1,#3fh
left: jb p2.1,right dec r7;
cjne r7,#6,next1; mov p1,#0fbh next1: cjne r7,#3,next2; mov p1,#0fdh; next2: cjne r7,#0,right; mov p1,#0feh mov r7,#9;
right: jb p2.2,return dec r7; cjne r7,#6,next11; mov p1,#0f7h next11: cjne r7,#3,next21; mov p1,#0efh; next21: cjne r7,#0,return; mov p1,#0dfh mov r7,#9;
return: pop acc reti end
(From Introduction to Data Communications and Net Working,
Behrouz Forouzan)
Once we have encoder our information into a format that can be transmitted, the next step is to investigate the transmission process itself. Information-processing equipment such as PCs generate encoded signals but ordinarily require assistance to transmit those signals over a communication link. For example, a PC generates a digital signal but needs an additional device to modulate a carrier frequency before it is sent over a telephone line. How do we relay encoded data from the generating device to the next device in the process? The answer is a bundle of wires, a sort of **munication link, called an interface.
Because an interface links two devices not necessarily made by the same manufacturer, its characteristics must be defined and standards must be established. Characteristics of an interface include its mechanical specifications (how many wires are used to transport the signal); its electrical specifications (the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the expected signal); and its functional specifications (if multiple wires are used, what does each one do?). These characteristics are all described by several popular standards and are incorporated in the physical layer of the OSI model.
Of primary concern when considering the transmission of data from one device to another is the wiring. And of primary concern when considering the wiring is the data stream. Do we send one bit at a time, or do we group bits into larger groups and, if so, how? The transmission of binary data across a link can be accomplished either in parallel mode or serial mode. In parallel mode, multiple bits are sent with each clock pulse. In serial mode, one bit is sent with each clock pulse. While there is only one way to send parallel data, there are two subclasses of serial transmission: synchronous and asynchronous (see Figure 6-1).
Parallel Transmission
Binary data, consisting of 1s and 0s, may be organized into groups of n bits each. Computers produce and consume data in groups of bits much as we conceive of and use spoken language in the form of words rather than letters. By grouping, we can send data n bits at a time instead of one. This is called parallel transmission.
Data transmission
Parallel Serial