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Part I Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Styles of Living. You should write at least 120 words following the ou tline given below:

1. 有些人愿意和父母居住在一起 2. 有些人想自己独立居住 3. 我的看法 Styles of Living

PartⅡ canning)

Reading Comprehension (Skimming and

Directions:In this part, you will have l 5 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1~7, choose the best answer from the your choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8~10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage?

Fixing a World That Fosters Obesity Environment forstering obesity

Why are Americans getting fatter and fatter? The simple explanation is thatwe eat too much junk food and spend too much time in front of screens--be they television, phone or computer-to burn off all those empty calories.

One handy prescription for healthier, lives is behavior modification. If people only ate more fresh produce. If only children exercised more. Unfortunately, behavior changes won’t work on their own without huge societal shifts, health experts say, because eating too much and exercising too little are merely symptoms of a muchlarger disease. The real problem is a landscape littered with inexpensive

fast—food meals;much advertisingfor fatty, sugary products; inner cities that lack supermarkets; and unhealthy, high—stress workplaces. In other words, it’s the environment.

“Everyone knows that you shouldn’t eat junk food and you should exercise,” says Kelly D. Brownell, the director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale. “But the environment makes it so difficult that fewer people can do these things, and then you have a public health catastrophe.” Dr. Brownell, who has a doctorate in psychology, is among a number of leading researchers who are proposing large-scale changes to food pricing, advertising and availability, all in the hope of creating an environmentfavorable to healthier diet and exercise choices. To that end, health

researchers are grappling with how to fix systems that are the root causes of obesity, says Dee W. Edington, the director of the Health Management Research Center at the University of Michigan. “If you take a changed person and put them in the same environment, they are going to go back to the old behaviors,” says Dr. Edington, who has a doctorate in physical education. “If you change the culture and the environment first, then you can go back into a healthy environment and, when you get change, it sticks.”

Indeed, despite individual efforts by. some states:to tax soda pop, promote farm stands, require healthier school lunches or order calorie information in chain

restaurants, obesity rates in the United States are growing. An estimated 72.5 million adults in the United States are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention. Last year, about 27 percent of adults said they were obese, compared withabout 20 percent in 2000, as reported in a C. D. C. study published this month. And, the report said, obesitymay cost the medical system as much as $147 billion annually.

Equalizing food price

So what kind of changes might help nudge (促使) Americans into healthier routines? Equalizing food pricing, for one.

Fast-food restaurants can charge lower prices for value meals of hamburgers and French fries than for salad because the government subsidizes the corn and soybeans used for animal feed and vegetable oil, says Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “We have made it more expensive to eat healthy in a very big way,” says Dr. Popkin, who has a doctorate in agricultural economics and is the author of a book called The World Is Fat:The Fads, Trends, Policies and Products That Are Fattening the Human Race.

The inflation-adjusted price of a McDonald’s quarter-pounder with cheese, for example, fell 5.44 percent from l990 to 2007, according to an article on the economics of child obesity published in the journal Heal th Affairs. But the inflation-adjusted price of fruit and vegetables, which are not subject to federal largess (赠与), rose l7 percent just from l997 to 2003, the study said. Cutting agricultural subsidies

wouldhave a big impact on people’s eating habits, says Dr. Popkin. “If we cut the subsidy on whole milk and madeit cheaper only to drink low-fat milk, ” he says, “people would switch to it and it would save a lot ofcalories. ”

Company keeping employees trom obesity

Health experts are also looking to the private sector. On-site fitness centres and vending machines that sell good-for-you snacks are practical workplace innovations that many companies have instituted。

On a more philosophical level, innovative companies are training managers not to burn out employees byoverworking them, says Dr. Edington of the University of Michigan. “Stress comes up. It can lead toovereating and obesity,” Dr. Edington says. At companies that see employee health as a renewable resource, he adds, managers encourage employees to go home on time so they can spend more time with their families, communities or favorite activi ties. “Instead of going home with an empty tank, you can go home with theenergy that we gave you by the way we run our business,” he says。

Corporate-sector efforts aren’t entirely altruistic (无私心的). It’s less expensive for businesses to keephealthy workers healthy than to cover the medical costs of obesity and related problems like diabetes (糖尿病). For employees at IBM and their families, for example, the annual medical claim for an obese adult or child costs about double that of a non-obese adult or child, says Martin J. Sepulveda, IBM’s vice

president for integrated health services.

IBM has been promoting wellness for employees since the l980s. But in 2008, it began offering a newprogram, the Children’s Health Rebate, to encourage employees to increase their at-home family dinners, their servings of fruits and vegetables, and their physical activities, as well as to reduce their children’stel, evision and computer time. In addition to helping prevent obesity in children, Mr. Sepulveda says, theprogram is aimed

at employees who might neglect to exercise on their own but would willingly participate aspart of a family project. Each family that completes the program receives $150.

Britain launching an attack concernlng obesity

All of these ideas sound promising. But the architecture of obesity is so

entrenched (难以更改的) that policy makers, companies, communities, families and individuals will need to undertake a variety of efforts to displace and replace it, says Alan Lyles, a professor at the School of Health and Human Services at the University of Baltimore.

And American efforts can seem piecemeal compared with those in Britain, where the government has undertaken an allround national attack, requiring changes in schools, health services and the food industry. Britain now places restrictions on advertising fatty, sugary and salty foods during children’s shows, for example. And by 2011, cooking classes will be mandatory (强制性的) for all 11-to 14-year-old

students in the nation. The hope is to teach a generation of children who grew up on prepared foods how to cook healthy meals, and perhaps to make eating at home--instead of at the local fried fish-and-chips shop—the default option.

1. What is a convenient way to live a healthier life? A) To change people’s behaviors. B) To choose more fresh produce.

C) To stay away from the screens. D) To close all the fast food restaurants.

2. What is the real problem leading to obesity? A) Many advertisements for junk food. B) Lacking supermarkets. C) Unhealthy workplaces.

D) The environment that people live in.

3. What can we infer concerning the relationship between environment and people’s behaviors?

A) There is no relationship between the two.

B) Environment will influence people’s behaviors. C) People’s behaviors will influence environment. D) The two will influence each other.

4. What is the benefit of equalizing food price?

A) It might promote AmeriCans into a healthier lifestyle. B) It will lower the prices of salad.

C) It will raise the prices of hamburgers.

D) It will make it expensive to eat healthy food.

5. What could government do to change people’s eating habits? A) Order restaurants to modify their prices.

B) Persuade consumers to choose healthy food. C) Persuade people to change their eating habits. D) Cut some agricultural subsidies.

6. Why do the companies make efforts to keep employees healthy? A) Because the companies are completely selfless.

B) Because it will reduce the companies’cost in medical care. C) Because the companies care about their employees.

D) Because healthy workers can bring more profits. 7. What can we conclude from Dr. Edington’s words? A) Companies burn out employees by overworking them. B) Stress in companies can cause obesity.

C) Managers for bid employees to go home on time.

D) Managers forbid employees to spend more time with their families.

8. Policy makers, companies, etc. will need to undertake a variety of efforts to displace and replace the architecture of obesity

9. Promoting fatty, sweet and salty foods during children’s programs

isrestricted in Britain 10. In Britain, by 2011, it will be compulsory for ll-to-14-year-old students to

attend cooking classes Part III Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions :In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long

conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked

about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。

11. A) The blood sample collection. B) Religious concern about research.

C) Results of genetic testing. D) The way to get the blood sample.

12. A) Because she is younger than the previous managers. B) Because she has more experience.

C) Because she is sure that she is mentally stronger. D) Because she has few psychological problems. 13. A) The man has taken away the woman’s stuff. B) The woman’s roommate is missing.

C) The man thinks the woman’s roommate might be stealing. D) The woman has taken away her roommate’s stuff. 14. A) People deserve all the disasters.

B) People shouldn’t have deserved the disasters. C) People have been ready for the tornado.

D) People must protect themselves against disasters. 15. A) Different cultures and customs. B) The woman’s first year at university. C) Things that the woman is doing now. D) The foreign roommates of the woman. 16. A) He was pushed by the woman.

B) He put forth great efforts.

C) He made a wheelchair by himself. D) He was very proud of himself. 17. A) Doctor and patient. B) Teacher and student. C) Father and daughter. D) Coach and player. 18. A) Because she can pay the higher fuel costs.

B) Because rising fuel costs can benefit the environment. C) Because she can save more money. D) Because she can cut her consumption.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) Grateful. B) Embarrassed. C) Upset. D) Ashamed.

20. A) He buys some medicine for her. B) He tries to find a job for her.

C) He lends her some money. D) He lets her live in his apartment.

21. A) Wait for her grandfather to change his mind. B) Pay a visit to the man’s uncle.

C) Get a job and buy the medicine herself.

D) Call her grandfather and ask him to change mind.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have j ust heard. 22. A) Basic skills of leadership. B) Basic skills of learning.

C) Basic skills of being a popular person.

D) Basic skills of holding an important meeting. 23. A) To be kind. B) To be sociable. C) To be rude. D) To be strong。

24. A) Tell the truth. B) Show the strength. C) Build self, confidence. D) Learn from knowledge. 25. A) Be the best of a group. B) Solve problems quickly.

C) Be brave and treat others kindly. D) Accept life as it is. Section B

Directions:In this section,you wiII hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage,you will

hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions Will be spoken only once.After you hear

a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and

D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. A) He threatened the recruiter. B) He lied about his age. C) He begged the recrui ter. D) He bribed the recruiter. 27. A) He drove an ambulan’e for a hospltai. B) He served as the Honorary Chairman.



