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基础模块上册Unit 1-Unit3英语测试题

一、单词拼写 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词。(共20分,每小题2分) 1. 紧挨着 6.enjoy doing sth

2. 谢谢你的帮助

7.together with 3. 受到---的欢迎

8. be glad to do sth 4.对----亲切,和蔼

9. welcome to 5.充满了

10.on the left

二、单项填空 (本大题共20分,每小题1分)

( )11. She isn' t good _____ maths. Could you help her _____ her maths? A. with, with B. at, at C. with, at D. at, with

( ) 12. Xiao Ming always _________ his mother _______ some housework.

A. Helps----do B. help----do C. helps-----doing D. help----to do ( ) 13. --- Is this your ball, Nick? --- Yes, _________. A. this is B. it’s C. here is D. it is ( ) 14.. ________ has travelled to Beijing.

A. A friend of her

B. A friend of hers

C. A her friend D. Her's one friend ( ) 15. _____________,where is the post office ?

A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Thank you D. Hello ( )1 6. Miss Fang is ______ English teacher. ________ is a good teacher. A. our; Her B. my; He C. a; She D. an; She ( ) 17. --- What’s in the reading room?

--- There _____ a computer, twenty desks and thirty chairs in it. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( ) 18. He ___ English very much, but he ____ English every day , so he can’t study it well. A. Like, doesn’t read B. likes, don’t read B. Like , not read D. likes , doesn’t read ( ) 19. --- is this boy in the room? --- He’s my new friend. A. Who’s B. What C. How D. Who

( ) 20.Look at the photo of my family. The boy ___ my father and my mother is me. A. in B. on C. between D. of ( ) 21.--- The books on the chair ______ Millie’s, right? --- Yes, they are. A. is B. am C. it’s D. are ( ) 22. Please help ______ some fish.

A. You with B. yourself with C. yourself to D. you to ( ) 23. ------ Do you mean to say you have never heard _____Tom ? ------- He is quite popular__________ young people.

A. Of , in B. of, with C. from, with D. on, to ( ) 24.--- Is there a poster on the wall? --- No, __________. A. it isn’t B. there isn’t C. there aren’t D. they aren’t ( ) 25. In China, people walk _________ of the street.(街道) A. on the left B. on the right C. in the middle D. on the left of ( ) 26. —Are there _______ halls in the building?

—Yes, there are _______.

A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some ( ) 27. My birthday is _________ April 8. A. on B. in C. at D. of ( ) 28. —The boy looks ____.

—Yes. Today is his birthday.

A. happy B. sad C. happily D. sadly ( ) 29. ______ you and Millie like walking after school?

A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Is ( ) 30. It's June 1st, it's ________ Day.

A. Childrens B. Children’s C. Childrens’ D. Childrens’s B. Children's三.完形填空: (本大题共10分,每小题1分)

The moon, our 31 , travels 32 the Earth. It has 33 been visited by man in spaceships. Man-made satellites (卫星) have been sent up 34 space by many countries. They go round 35 . We used them 36 us to learn more 37 the Earth, the weather and other things. They are also used to 38 and receive massages. It makes people 39 different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much 40 place.

( ) 31. A. satellite B. satellites C. Sun D. Earth ( ) 32.A.on B. near C. round D. before ( ) 33.A. just B. never C. before D. already ( ) 34.A. to B. into C. in D. over ( )35.A.the Sun B. the Earth C. The Moon D . the Sea ( )36.A.help B. helping C. to help D. helped ( ) 37.A.about B. for C. of D. on ( )38.A.send B. sending C . sends D. sent ( ) 39.A.come B. comes C. from D. form

( )40.A.larger B. bigger C. small D. smaller 四、阅读理解 阅读短文,据短文内容选出最佳选项。(本大题共30分,每小题2分)




Jack was 10 years old and he was a very lazy boy. He didn’t like doing any work. He had to go to school, but he didn’t study hard there and tried to do little work. He father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that their son would become a doctor , when he grew up.

But one day Jack said to his mother , “ When I finish school, I want to be a cleaner.” “ A cleaner?” his mother asked . She was very surprised, “That’s not a good job. Why do you want to become a cleaner?” “Because I would only have to work one day a week,” Jack answered at once . “ Only one day a week?” his mother said. “What do you mean? And how do you know it?” “ Well, “ Jack answered, “ I know that the cleaners come to work on Thursday every week. Because I can only see them on that day.” And then his mother laughed and said, “ The cleaner go to work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in other streets. “

41. How was Jack at school?

A.He did well in his lessons. B. He liked his school

C. He was too lazy to study. D. He liked playing football. 42. Where did Jack’s parents work?

A. On a farm . B. In a school. C. In a hospital. D. In a factory 43. What did Jack’s parents want him to be ?

A. A doctor . B. A student. C. A cleaner. D. A worker 44. How many days did the cleaners work in a week?

A.One day B. Three days . C. Five days D. Four days 45. What do you think of Jack?

A. He was a clever boy. B. He was not clever.

C. He was good at his lessons . D. He didn’t do well in his lessons. (B)

“Cool”is a word with many meanings.Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold.As the world has changed,the word has had many different meaning. “Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.

When you see a famous car in the street,maybe you will say,“It's cool.”You may think,“He's so cool,”when you see your favourite footballer.

We all maximize(扩大) the meaning of“cool”.You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”.Here's an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used.A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布)they had visited.On one student's paper was Just the one sentence,“It's so cool.Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.

But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words.Without “cool”,some people have no words to show the same meaning.So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性).Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can.And I think they are also very cool. 46.We know that the word \A.only one meaning B.no meanings C.many different meanings D.the same meaning

47.In the passage,the word“express”means“________”.

A.see B.show C.know D.feel 48.If you are _______ something,you may say,“It’s cool.”

A.interested in B.angry about C.afraid of D.unhappy with

49.The writer takes an example to show he is __ the way the word is used. A.pleased with B.strange to C.worried about D.careful with

50.In the passage,the writer suggests(暗示)that the word “cool”________. A.can be used instead of many words B.usually means something interesting C.can make your life colourful D.may not be as cool as it seems C

One Sunday morning Mr Green and his child , Bill ,are in a big shop . Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Green . Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of oranges for him , too .

Bill wants to buy some picture—books and colour pencils , too . There are many people in the shop . They are men and women , old and young . They all want to buy something there . 51.Mr Green goes to the shop with ___.

A.Mrs green B.his son C.his daughter D.his father 52.Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for ___.

A.Bill’s mother B.Bill C.his friend D.other people 53.Bill likes ___.

A.all the things B.the new blouse C.oranges D.orange 54.Bill wants to buy ___.

A.some picture—books B.some colour pencils C.clothes in the shop D.A and B 55.The shop is ___.

A.empty B.close C.full of children D.full of people 五、翻译句子: (本大题共20分,每空1分) 56. Please write a letter to your friends at once 57. The flower is mine. 58. How tall the building is!

59. Can you see the red car near the library? 60.. Her eyes are full of tears.

61. He ____________ ( 和-----住在一起) his parents.

62. His mother ______________________ (对我们很和蔼 ). 63. _____________________ (有三个阅览室 ) in the library. 64. All the students in our class ______________ (努力学习 ). 65. Both of his grandparents _________ (是退休工人 ).




