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increasing online ad sales网络广告收入日益增加。该选项与该段 \though print ad sales continue to dwarf their online and mobile counterparts\相违背。选项B. the pressure from its investors来自投资者的压力。该选项属于无中生有;选项C. the complaints from its readers读者的抱怨。同样是无中生有选项。 37、【答案】[A] make strategic adjustments 【解析】首先根据Peretti suggests定位到阐述Peretti观点的第四段第一句:Peretti says the Times shouldn't waste time getting out of the print business, but only if they go about doing it the right way.可以确定答案A. make strategic adjustments进行战略调整。选项B. end the print edition for good永远结束印刷版本。该选项和shouldn't不符。选项C. seek new sources of readership挖掘更多读者。文章中未提到。选项D. aim for efficient management提高管理效率。文章中未提到。 38、【答案】[B] is meant for the most loyal customers 【解析】本题答案定位到第6段第1句\they favor\以及\。其他选项\会降低报纸成本\有助于恢复报纸以前的辉煌\有助于报纸的流行和普及\这些信息文中均未提及。 39、【答案】[C] aggressiveness better meets challenges

【解析】根据题干中的\定位到文章最后一段最后一句. 原文说当市场和世界形势发生变化时,我们所做的事情就毫无意义了。在这种情形下,\(积极进取)is better\和答案中的关键信息\相呼应。其他选项意思原文中均未提及。 40、【答案】[D] Make Your Print Newspaper a Luxury Good

【解析】本文主要是讲述报纸行业为防止被淘汰的而需要做出的应对之策。根据文中第5段最后一句的\以及第6段中\at a higher rate each year...\可得知,应该不应该立即取消或淘汰报纸行业,而应该把它变成一种更像文化遗产的一种产品,并且要不断提高报纸的价格,变成一种奢侈品。

Part B 41、【答案】B (Decide if the time is right)

【解析】该段中出现了表示时间的词汇和短语:during transitions; in a period of , time。在不同的时间段,作者给出了不同的策略。浏览小标题发现,只有选项B出现了表示时间的词汇。再次回看原文,本段第二句中的good与小标题中的right也恰好对应,因此确定正确答案为B选项。 42、【答案】G (Know your goals)

【解析】该段首句提到\弄清楚你希望达到的效果\,然后以问句形式提出段落主题,接着分两个方面来阐述:目标不同,要求不同。本段第一句话中的\clear\与小标题中的\属于同义表达,并且本段第三句话中the goal 与小标题中的goal完全对应,因此正确答案为G选项。 43、【答案】D (Understand the context)

【解析】该段第一句话提到\要像人类学家一样来考虑你的工作环境\,接着给出了几个排比的问句,都是针对工作环境的具体细节的发问。最重要的是在结尾部分,作者总结评论道,\,意为\对文化背景理解得越好,对自己的影响力就有越好的控制\。很明显,这句话凸显了context的重要性,而且出现了关键词的复现understand和context。因此,答案选D选项。 44、【答案】E (Work with professionals)

【解析】本段按照总分的形式安排,并且在首句给出两处关键词professionals 和 share with,即\支持专家的意见,并且与其分享个人的目标\。下文是举例论述,例如去找私人造型师而不是理发师等。紧接着下文就给出 \让专业人士拍照片而不是自己的朋友或者是配偶。因此可以得出结论本段是围绕专业人士professionals 的重要性来展开的。故选择 Work with professionals. 45、【答案】F (Make it efficient)

【解析】该段落主题句出现在转折之后,即%use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue.\,其中it指代上一句中style upgrade。通过前后两句话对比指出目的是利用style upgrade作为机会来reduce decision fatigue(减少决定疲乏),从而来提高办事效率。后两句话作为论据进一步论证这一观点,因此答案选F选项。

Section III Translation 46、【题目考点】宾语从句,被动语态

【句子结构】分号连接两个句子:第一个句子主干为we don't have to learn,how引导宾语从句作learn的宾语,其中how表示方式;第二个句子主干为it is built into us,其中代词it指代前句提及的mental health;in the same way表示方式,that引导定语从句,其中又嵌套了how引导的宾语从句,作know的宾语。

【重点词汇】build sth. into sth.:使成为……的组成部分;heal:治愈;mend:修理,痊愈,愈合。

【参考译文】我们不必一定去学习如何做到心理健康,这种能力植根于我们自身,就像我们的身体知道如何愈合伤口,如何修复断骨。 47、【题目考点】被动语态,并列结构

【句子结构】分号连接两个句子:第一个句子为主谓结构的简单句;第二个句子为but连接的两个并列分句,表达转折关系,主干为it can be hidden, but it is capable of being restored,其中介词短语like the sun behind a cloud表示比喻。

【重点词汇】temporarily:暂时地;hide:隐藏,藏匿;be capable of:能够;restore:复原,恢复;in an instant:立刻,立即。

【参考译文】心理健康不会去往他方。如同乌云可能蔽日,心理健康可能会暂时隐藏于视线之外,但它完全可以在须臾之间复原如初。 48、【题目考点】条件状语从句,并列结构,让步状语从句,介词短语

【句子结构】本句主干为:mental health allows us to view others…,三个并列的介词短语with..表示伴随。其中分别嵌套了if引导的两个条件状语从句和no matter who引导的让步状语从句。


【参考译文】心理健康使我们在他人陷入危难之时给予同情,痛苦不已时给予善意,无论对谁,都能给予无条件的爱。 49、【题目考点】让步状语从句,原因状语从句,宾语从句 【句子结构】 句子主干是it is perfectly ordinary。it指代前文提及的mental health;although引导让步状语从句,其主干为mental health is the cure-all。as引导原因状语从句,其主干为you will see;that引导从句做see的宾语,其主干为it has been there to direct you


【参考译文】尽管心理健康是人们度过一生的一剂万能良药,但它又普通不已,因为当你需要做出艰难决定时,都可感受到它的存在。 50、【题目考点】非限定性定语从句,动名词结构,宾语从句 【句子结构】句子主干是knowing that…and knowing to trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily。两个动名词结构knowing…并列作主句的主语,其中that引导的宾语从句作knowing的宾语。句首的as引导非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句,翻译时可以处理为\就像…,正如…\。




46:宾语从句的考察。Learn how to be healthy以及know how to heal a broken bone.learn和


47:代词要翻出来具体的指代;固定词组的识记。第二句中的it指的是前一句的health,一定要把代词翻译出来这是采分点。另外,该句中出现固定词组---be capable of有能力做什么事情;in an instant瞬间、马上的意思。

48:if从句几乎每年必考,想必也是难不倒大家的,但以后要更加更深入学习一下if的虚拟语气的用法及翻译;with短语也是考点必考之处,这里是三个并列的伴随状语;no matter who you are让步状语从句的理解。

49:although引导让步状语从句,要注意主句要翻译出来\但是\;as的用法在这句和下句均有出现,要注意区分,这里表原因,引导原因状语从句。 50:as在这里是正如的意思,引导方式状语从句。

Section IV Writing 51、

【参考范文】 参见答案部分


其实,通知和书信的本质是一样的,首先,需要大家注意的是通知的格式。我们早在文都教育写作课堂上讲过,通知的格式包括三部分:标题、征文、签名。标题需要在第一行居中位置写Notice,注意首字母N大写;正文每行缩进四个字母,分两段或三段;签名按题目要求,让我们签谁就签谁,以2016考研英语(一)这个通知为例,结尾签名应为:Li Ming。其次,大家需要列出正文部分的提纲,无论是通知还是书信,面对应用文,我们应该从实际生活出发,思考在真实条件下我们应该写哪些内容,把想到的都列举出来,之后再用英文组织成合法的语句和篇章。 因此,按照应用文开门见山的写作特点和通知信息倒三角分布的特征,我们可以列提纲如下:1. 首段首句表明写作意图;2. 向外国学生介绍图书馆情况,例如:每天开闭关时间;在哪里办理图书卡;借书的须知;图书管的基本设施等等。此外,既然通知的对象是新入学

的外国留学生,也可代表校方或图书管向其表达问候;3. 结尾应该体贴的留下联系方式,方便对方进一步咨询。按以上思路,文都教育苗苗老师提供参考范文如下: 参考范文:


This notice is to introduce briefly the library on our campus to those international students who are newly enrolled. The following points is supposed to arouse the attention of new overseas students. At the top of the list, the library opens at 7:00 o'clock in the morning and closes at 22:30 everyday, so it is wise for anyone who wants to read books in the library and borrow books to remember the above mentioned time. More importantly, each foreign student need apply for an entrance card to the library in the International Students Office in our university. Last but not least, I, on behalf of our library, extend warm greetings to all newly students from abroad.

If anyone has questions, please do not hesitate to call 86010123 or send message to for the detailed information. Li Ming


1. This notice/letter is to ... 表达通知或书信意图功能句。 2. 新入学的外国留学生可以有多种表述: 1) international students who are newly enrolled 2) new overseas students 3) foreign students

4) newly students from abroad.

3. 申请图书馆卡:apply for an entrance card to the library 4. 留学生办公室: International Students Office 5. 表达问候:extend warm greetings

6. 敬请垂询:please do not hesitate to call+电话号码 52、





下面总结了这篇写作中会用到的核心词汇及表达,供大家参阅: 1. the modeled behaviors of parents父母的表率作用 2. practise 践行,实施 3. advocate提倡,主张

4. earnestly practise what one advocates 认真的践行你的主张 5. Action speaks louder than the words. 行动比说更重要

6. I prefer to do something instead of talking. 我更赞同身体力行而不是空口说说而已。 7. Wise people used to say that taking actions is of utmost significance in our daily life. 采取行


8. There is no denying that it is taking actions that really realize the promise they made. 是行动


参考范文 1:

As is vividly depicted in the first picture there is a father watching TV and asking his son to study hard, with his son being unable to concentrate on his study. The second picture portrays that the son and the father are studying hard together. At the lower part of the picture is a caption which implies that it is wise for parents to set a good example for their children by action rather than by words.

It occurs to me that the author of the drawing aims at reminding us of the the value of a good example by parents. First and foremost, examples speak louder than words, for it is widely accepted that an example enables each person to transform his or her aspirations from a state of potentiality into reality. Put it another way, parents' example enables their children to improve them selves, so they can be qualified for the future job, be ready for the forthcoming life, and they are likely to achieve more fulfillment. Furthermore, according to a latest survey conducted by an authority on the Internet, the majority of people interviewed answer that parents' action produces more positive influence on the growth of their children than oral requirements do.

Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the above pictures. For one thing, we should frequently use it to enlighten young parents. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of parents that personal examples are very vital to kid's growth. Only by doing so can children grow sound in body and mind.



