Value Assessment of the Lake Honghu Wetland and Protection of Its Biodiversity
Value Assessment of the Lake Honghu Wetland and
Protection of Its Biodiversity
Wang Xuelei;Du Yun
【期刊名称】《中国科学院院刊(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2002(016)003
【摘要】A wetland ecosystem's value may be considered as the value derived from its natural resources, the value derived from its eco-environment, the value for special protection and values in cultural, research and educational aspects. Lake Honghu, in the heartland of Hubei Province, covers a vast but shallow body of water and surrounding marshlands. It is conducive to farmland irrigation, flooding regulation, adjustment of the local climate and self-purification of the water quality. Because of its benign functions, the native ecosystem of the lake is ecologically sound, and the thriving wildlife in its ecosystem makes it a primordial pool of biodiversity. Besides, it is possible to transform it into a national base for environmental education and an R&D center for freshwater organisms, so that it can play a constructive role in heightening the public's awareness of environmental protection. 【总页数】6页(157-162) 【关键词】
【作者】Wang Xuelei;Du Yun
【作者单位】Institute of Geodesy & Geophysics,CAS;Institute of Geodesy
Value Assessment of the Lake Honghu Wetland and Protection of Its Biodiversity