你想到哪里吃晚餐?Where would you like to go for dinner?
你想好去哪家餐馆了吗?Do you have any particular restaurant in mind?
Could you recommend some good restaurants around here?
我建议你带他们去一家像样的法国餐厅。 I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant。
这家餐馆供应地道的川菜。This restaurant serves real Sichuan cuisine。
这家餐厅是城里最好的餐厅。 It’s considered the best restaurant in town。 这家法国餐厅以甜点闻名。
This French restaurant is famous for its desserts。
那边餐厅里可供选择的葡萄酒较多。 The restaurant over there has a better wine selection。
This restaurant is more expensive than that one。
Deciding on a Restaurant Samantha:Hi, Julius. I’m treating Mr. Lee and his team members from Gallup to dinner tomorrow evening. Where do you think I should take them?
Julius:Well, Mr. Lee has a very good taste in wine, and Gallup is one of our biggest clients. I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant. Make sure you make a really good impression。
Samantha:That’s a good idea. Which one do you recommend? Les Parisians?
Julius:Or La Place. They’re both listed in this year’s Gourmet Magazine for having the most authentic French cuisine in town. But I heard La Place has a better wine selection。 Samantha:We’ll go to La Place. Could you book a table for four at 7 p.m.? Julius:Sure。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第一节 外出就餐前 32预订餐位
我们可以在你们餐馆提前预订餐位吗? Can we make a reservation at your restaurant in advance?
我想预订餐位。I’d like to make a reservation。
我想预订一张供六人用餐的桌子。 I’d like to reserve a table for six 我想订一个明天晚上的包间。
I’d like to book a private room for tomorrow evening。
我想订张靠窗户的桌子。 I want to book a table by the window。
请以沃森的名义订下。 Please book it under the name of Watson。
我在你们餐厅预订了餐位。I’ve made a reservation at your restaurant。
我打算六点到。I’d like to come at 6. 你们餐馆在什么地方?Where is your restaurant?
Reserving a Table over the Phone
Receptionist:Good afternoon. Peace Restaurant. May I help you?
Julius:I’d like to reserve a table for two. My wife and I。 Receptionist:Yes, sir. What time would you like, sir?
Julius:I’m not sure? perhaps around 8 p.m。
Receptionist:Fine. I’ll reserve a table for two at 8 p.m., sir. May I have your name, please?
Julius:Julius. Julius Berman。 Receptionist:Thank you, Mr. Berman. And do you prefer smoking or non-smoking?
Julius:Non-smoking will be fine, please. But it is more important that you get us a table by the window. It’s our anniversary and I’d like it to be very special。
Receptionist:I’ll try my best. We look forward to having you with us tonight, Mr. Berman。
Julius:Thank you. Good-bye。
Receptionist:Good-bye, and have a good day!
第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 33准备点菜
请把菜单拿给我看看。Show me the menu, please。
我的朋友一会儿就到。My friend will be along shortly。
我真的需要再考虑几分钟。I really need a few more minutes to decide。
I wish the waiter would hurry up and take our order。
你喜欢吃哪种饭菜?What kind of food do you like?
我特别喜欢吃辣的饭菜?I’m partial to hot food。
你想吃什么?What would you like?
你更喜欢吃肉,还是海鲜?Do you prefer meat or seafood?
我不挑食。I’m not particular about food。 除了猪肉以外我什么都吃。I eat anything except pork。
Arriving at a Restaurant
Waitress: How are you doing today? How many in your group today?
Customer:Fine, thank you. There will be five of us. The rest will be along shortly。 Waitress:Smoking or non?
Customer:Non-smoking is fine. Thank you。
Waitress:Right this way, please。 (At the table)
Waitress:Something to drink first? Customer:Just water, please。
Waitress: Would you like to see a menu first or wait for your friends?
Customer:I’ll wait. But please bring me some bread. Maybe I would like an appetizer before they get here. Please bring me the menu and let me have a look。
Waitress:Certainly, sir. If you need anything else, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to get it for you right away。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 34点菜
我可以看看酒单吗?May I see the wine list?
我对大蒜过敏。I’m allergic to garlic。 这道菜不要放大葱。I’d like that without spring onion。
你推荐什么?What would you recommend?
今天的特色菜是什么?What’s today’s special? 我也要同样的。The same for me, please。 我比较喜欢清淡一点儿的。I prefer something a little lighter。
你们有鸡汤吗?Do you have chicken soup?
我不想要甜点。I don’t want dessert。
Ordering Food Waiter:Can I take your order now, madam? May:Yes. What would you recommend? Waiter:I am happy to recommend the fish. It tastes delicious and it’s today’s special. Our chef is from the coast and loves seafood. Today’s special is actually his favorite dish. So I’m sure it is absolutely fabulous。
May:It does sound wonderful. Maybe I’ll try it。
Waiter:Is there anything else? Maybe I could interest you in one of our fine appetizers, such as the escargot。
May:Not today, thanks. But I’d like to know if you have any vegetarian dishes。 Waiter:Yes. Here’s the menu. And what do you think you’d like to order?
May:Maybe I don’t want the fish. I think I’ll have the green bean dish instead。
Waiter:What kind of soup would you like? May:I’d like the egg drop soup。 Waiter:OK. Is that all? May:Yes。
Waiter:Would you like anything to drink while you wait?
May:Just an ice water. Thanks!
第三章 餐厅用餐 第二节 点菜 35等待上菜
洗手间在哪儿?Where is the rest room? 请给我一些餐巾纸。Please give me some napkins。
我们的菜怎么还没来啊?Where are our dishes?
我们都要饿死了,能快点儿吗? We are starving. Would you please hurry up?
你们忘了我点的菜了吧?Have you forgotten my order?
Excuse me, I ordered a tuna salad half an hour ago. Is it ready?
我已经等得不耐烦了。I’m impatient with being kept waiting。
十分钟之后能做好吗?Will it be ready in ten minutes?
我还要等多久?How much longer will I have to wait?
我的菜还没上。怎么这么长时间啊? My order still hasn’t come. Why does it take so long?
Complaining about Having to Wait Too Long for Your
Linda:Excuse me。
Waiter:Yes, Miss. What can I do for you? Linda: I ordered my dish about half an hour ago, but it hasn’t arrived yet。
Waiter:I’m sorry for that. I’m going to check with the chef right now。
(The waiter comes back from the kitchen。) Waiter:Miss, I just checked with the kitchen and they said your order will be coming right up next. Oh, here it comes。 Linda:Thank you。 Waiter:Miss, I’m very sorry for the delay. Please enjoy this free glass of wine for the inconvenience. Again, I’m terribly sorry to make you wait so long。
Linda:It dosen’t matter。
第三章 餐厅用餐 12 第三节 用餐 36用餐中劝酒夹菜
我来给你倒啤酒。Let me pour the beer for you。
为你的升职干一杯。Here’s to your promotion。
让我们为前途干杯!Let’s drink to our future。
请随便吃。Help yourself to whatever you like, please。
It’s said the spaghetti here is very good。 你想来点这个吗?Would you like some of this?
要不要再来一杯?啤酒?Would you like another beer?
尝尝这个。Try this。 我吃饱了。I’m full。
During Dinner Paul:Please help yourself to whatever you like. Don’t be shy。
Linda:Yes, thank you. I’ve already been helping myself。
Paul: This dish tastes terrific! Would you like to try a little? It is a little hot, but very good。
Linda:I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine。
Paul:Would you like another beer? Linda: I’ll have another cup if you insist. I know I don’t like to drink alone, especially if there’s someone sitting next to me。
Paul: Come on, it’s the weekend. Let’s toast to an enjoyable meal. Cheers!
Linda: Bottoms up! And you’re right. This meal is incredible. I wish I had known about this restaurant before. Thanks for bringing me here. I know I’ll be back again soon。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 37谈论饭菜
这真是一顿非常不错的午餐!This is a very nice lunch!
这里的饭菜果然名不虚传。The food here deserves its name。
这道菜合你的口味吗?Is this dish to your taste?
你觉得这里的饭菜怎么样?How do you like the food here?
味道很好。It’s delicious。
饭菜太难吃了!The food is terrible! 肉太肥了。The meat has too much fat。 真辣!It’s hot!
这种食物太难消化了。This food is too heavy on my stomach。 这道菜很鲜美。It has a very delicate taste。
Discussing Dishes
Brad:Are you satisfied with the dishes? Jane:Great! The lamb stew tastes incredible! Brad:I like it too. I like the fish, especially. It’s so fresh and the flavor is kind of light for a freshwater fish。
Jane:Yes. The food here deserves its reputation. Chinese food is one of my favorites。 Brad:If you’d like, I’ll take you to a new restaurant next time. I just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it. It serves
great Sichuan cuisine. Would you like to try that?
Jane:Sure, I’d love to. I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot. I think I’ll definitely love it。 Brad:Great! I love hot food too。
Jane:Well, let’s finish this great dinner first。
Brad:You said it!
第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 38抱怨饭菜
我的沙拉里有只虫子!There’s a bug in my salad!
我能见一下经理吗?Could I see the manager, please?
我的鱼不熟。My fish is raw。
这个不是现榨的橙汁。This is not freshly squeezed orange juice。
这鱼尝起来有点儿变质了。The fish tastes a bit off。
I’m not very happy with the quality of the food here。
我要取消我点的菜。I’d like to cancel my order。
这道菜尝起来味道很怪。This food tastes very strange。
这菜已经差得不能再差了。The dish can’t be ang worse。
Complaining about the Food
Waiter:Is anything wrong with your food this evening, Miss?
Linda: Sorry to trouble you, but I don’t think this fish is fresh. It actually tastes a bit off 。
Waiter: Sorry, Miss. I’ll replace it immediately. Can I get you another drink while you wait?
Linda:No, please don’t do that. I’d just like to return it。
Waiter: I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m afraid we can’t do that. But you may order something else instead. I would love to suggest the steak. It’s the house specialty and quite tasty。
Linda:OK, then please bring me the steak medium-rare. Thank you。 Waiter:OK, Miss. I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第三节 用餐 39买单 请给我账单,好吗?Could I have the check, please?
请结账。Bill, please。 我来付钱。It’s on me。 我请客。Be my guest。
请把账单分开。Separate bills, please。 我们各付各的怎么样?How about going Dutch?
我该付多少钱? How much shall I pay? 请过会儿开账单给我。Please bill me later。
恐怕账单上有个错误。I’m afraid there is a mistake on the bill。
我觉得这个账单不对。I don’t think the bill is correct。
能开一张收据吗?May I have a receipt, please?
Paying the Check
Brad:Let me take care of the check today。 Lucy:Why? It’s unfair. How about going Dutch?
Brad:You paid last time because I didn’t have any money, remember?
Lucy:Oh, come on. I almost forgot. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mind picking up the tab last time。 Brad:But you really should let me treat one time. I’d feel like I owe you one if I didn’t。 Lucy:OK. But it’s only for this time。 Brad:What’s the damage?
Lucy:It’s 12 dollars and 80 cents altogether. But don’t forget the tip. It’s usually 15%。
Brad:(to the waiter) Check, please。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 40在西餐店 我要一杯?冰茶,加一片柠檬。
I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。
我要一杯香槟。I’d like a glass of champagne。
这个高脚杯有裂痕。This goblet is cracked。
我的牛排要全熟的。I’d like my steak well-done。
我不要开胃菜。I want to skip the starter。
我要熏肉和煎鸡蛋。I’d like the smoked bacon and fried eggs。 我要两个三明治,一个什么都不加,另一个什么佐料都加。
I want two sandwiches, one plain, the other with all trimmings。
你们有什么调料?What kinds of dressing do you have?
Dining at a Western Restaurant
Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma’am?
May:Yes, please. I’d like the steak and mushrooms。
Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done?
May:I’d like it well-done, please。
Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashed, boiled or baked? May:I think I’ll have baked potatoes. And I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。 Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start with?
May:I’d like a cream and onion soup, please。
Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma’am?
May:I want to skip dessert. That’s all. Thank you。 Waiter:OK. I’ll be with you in a moment。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 41在比萨店
我要一个比萨。I’d like a pizza。 我想要一个比萨,在这里吃。I want a pizza for here 。
我喜欢很多种比萨配料。I like a lot of different pizza toppings。
我要皮薄的。I’d like thin crust, please。 我不喜欢平底比萨,我经常点薄皮比萨。 Pan pizza is not my cup of tea. I always order thin crust。
Please put some extra bell pepper on my pizza。
一个中号的比萨就可以了。A medium pizza would be perfect。
我可以使用这些优惠券吗?Can I use these coupons?
Ordering a Pizza to Go
Waitress:Welcome. How may I help you today?
Martin:I’m after a pizza, please。 Waitress:Then you’ll be happy to hear that today all our pizzas are on sale, 2-for-1. Martin:You’re right. That is great! Waitress:What size would you like?
Martin:A medium one would be perfect. Thank you。
Waitress:Which kind do you want? Martin:I like seafood on my pizza。
Waitress:We have two seafood pizzas — tuna and crab。
Martin:Tuna sounds good today。 Waitress:Will that be for here or takeaway? Martin:That will be to go。
Waitress:That should only be about 10 minutes, please sit over there and I will call you over as soon as it’s ready。 Martin:No problem。
第三章 餐厅用餐 第四节 其他场所用餐 42在快餐店
我要一个汉堡、一份薯条和一杯可乐。 I’d like a hamburger, an order of French fries and a Coke。
我要四号套餐,在这儿吃。I’d like the Combo Number 4 for here.
薯条不脆了。The fries are not crisp。 我可以把薯条换成玉米吗?Can I change the fries for corn?
Does Combo Number 3 come with fries and a large drink?
我想来一杯雪碧,就不要可乐了。 I’d like a sprite instead of a coke。
我要一小杯可乐。I’d like a small Coke。 我想要两个蓝莓派。I want two blueberry pies。
请问吸管在哪儿?Where are the straws?
At McDonald’s
Clerk:Can I help you?
Susan:I’d like the Double Cheese Burger Meal, please。
Clerk:What kind of drink would you like with that?