Fish Conservation and
CONS 486
Harvest Regulations:
Sticks, carrots, honey and vinegar
A weird vegan diet, or how we must regulate fisheries?
Chapter 7 in Ross
Topics: Fisheries regulations
?Harvest regulations: -Amount
-Size or species
?Effort and gear regulations:-Fishing effort-Gear types
Fisheries regulations: Introduction
?Agencies need to:–Develop regulations–Enforce regulations?Compliance necessary
–BUT regsexpensive to monitor and enforce?Important to have users buy-in
–Emphasize the value of sustainability?Rec/commercial –what about subsistence?
?Capture of non-target (i.e. wrong species), undesirable, or undersized fish species or population
–Usually legally required to release live bycatch
?Bycatch often released dead (‘discarding’ in trawl fisheries) though with some gear can be released alive, but often do not survive?Can occur in any fisheries sector
?Can affect various taxa
–Inverts, herps, fish, mammals, even birds
?Bycatch biomass often exceeds that of the targeted catch
–Mortality can be high (egtrawling)
Commercial fisheries bycatch
?In mid-90s, up to 40 million T were discarded each year in commercial ?sheries (Alversonet al. 1994)
–Approaching same levels as total aquaculture production!
–But much less waste in past two decades: awareness, regulations, selective gears(Zeller and Pauly 2005)?Managed using:
–Total allowable catch (i.e., %)–Quota systems
–Gear modifications/restrictions (i.e., minimum mesh sizes)
鱼类养护和管理 (12)