【期刊名称】《中华肝胆外科杂志》 【年(卷),期】2018(024)008
【摘要】Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis is a kind of zoonosis with poor prognosis.At present,the diagnosis and treatment are mainly based on ultrasound,CT diagnosis,MRI and other classical imaging by detecting the terminal effects of the changes on the cell molecules of the disease itself,the organ anatomy changes.However,it is found that the above imaging techniques have limitations in the diagnosis and treatment.For example,the infiltration zone of the lesion is not clear and the degree of biological activity can not be determined.This leads to a higher recurrence rate in the late stage of clinical treatment.In recent years,the molecular imaging shows the abnormal cell and molecular level in the disease process has been developed rapidly.This has led to several diagnosis and treatment problems related to liver vesicular disease.This paper mainly reviews the research results of the disease in the field of molecular imaging and the development direction of this field in the future,to provide guidance for future clinical and scientific research.%肝泡型包虫病是一种预后极为严重的人畜共患寄生虫病.目前该病主要依据B型超声、CT、MRI等经典影像学检查所示组织、脏器解剖学改变进行诊断及治疗.然而,上述成像技术亦存在诸多不足,包括病灶浸润带显示不清以及无法判断其生