【期刊名称】《中国果菜》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)012
【摘要】The effects of 1-MCP and CO2 high-permeability preservation film packaging (MAP) on the quality of Fuji apples during cold storage were studied in this paper. The results indicated that, compared with control group, 1-MCP or MAP treatment significantly inhibited respiration rate of Fuji apple, delayed the decrease of fruit firmness, soluble solid content and titratable acid, and decreased the weight loss. The best quality of Fuji was observed with the treatment with 1-MCP and CO2 High-Permeability Preservation Film Packaging (MAP).%以富士苹果为试材,研究1-MCP和CO2高透性保鲜袋气调包装(MAP)对富士苹果贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:1-MCP和CO2高透性保鲜袋气调包装均能有效抑制富士苹果贮藏过程中呼吸强度的增加,减缓果实硬度、SSC和TA含量的下降,抑制果实失重率的增加。其中,1-MCP结合CO2高透性保鲜袋气调包装处理效果更佳,更好地保持果实的品质。 【总页数】4页(5-8)
【关键词】富士苹果;1-MCP;CO2高透性保鲜袋气调包装;品质 【作者】魏雯雯;吕平;冯建华;徐新明;杨相政;贾连文;郁网庆