高一Modern agriculture Period 4
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G1 Modern Agriculture Period 4
教师:风老师 风顺第二中学
原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 高一Modern agriculture Period 4
教材说明:本教学设计资料适用于高中高一英语科目 ,主要用途为培养学生的学习兴趣,提高逻辑思维、形象思维、口语交际及表达能力,进而促进全面发展和提高。内容已根据教材主题进行配套式编写,可直接修改调整或者打印成为纸质版本进行教学使用。 Period 4 (一) 明确目标
1. Get the students to realize the great contribution Chinese 2. Train the ability of writing (二)整体感知 Step 1 presentation
TaskⅠ have you heard the name Jia SiXie before?
What was he famous for? What was the great (work) book he wrote? Do you know what it was about?
TaskⅠ encourage the students to find out any popular problems about the weather or farming they have know。 (三)教学过程 Step 2
After the team work, read the passage carefully to search more details about the topic. Step 3 writing skill
TaskⅠwrite a brief introduction to Yia SiXie and his work.
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design TaskⅠ imagine you own a vegetable garden on something like that try to write a plan for it. Step 4 check the writing
Prepared by foonshion Education Research Center
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英语:高一Modern agriculture Period 4教学设计