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【最新推荐】(新教材)2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修第三册练习:课时检测·素养达标 Unit 2 Reading a

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Ⅰ. 语段填词

1. I think we should stress the education of our traditional virtues(美德), which are all precious(宝贵的). We should also reject(拒绝)bad values in our life.

2. Many students complained(抱怨) about the high tuition(学费) fees of the university. But the official related responded(回应), “We charge fees based on certain rules, and our scholarship(奖学金) is on the increase. ”

3. Jane was hired(雇用) as a resident physician(医师) after graduating from a medical college. She was always energetic(精力充沛的) and volunteered to go to faraway(遥远的)villages to provide medical care.

4. In the last two decades(十年), the industry of insurance(保险)has seen a sharp(急剧的) increase. The majority(多数的)of people have bought various types of insurance(保险), especially those who have retired(退休) from work. Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. There is always someone who will carry us through hard times in our life. 2. The majority(major) of students in my class are from the countryside. 3. It is surprising that the young man is appointed (appoint)to be our manager. 4. Our school is the first senior middle school in this area to win(win) the title. 5. People tend to buy(buy)daily supplies on the Internet.

6. The young man was found smoking(smoke) in the library and fined 50 yuan.

7. There is nothing more important(important) than study when we are young. 8. I don’t like Jack, because he is always complaining about something to me. Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. Sometimes, our wrong decisions can leave us in a dilemma. 有时候, 我们的错误决定会使我们处于困境之中。

2. China is the first developing country to send man-made spaceship into the space.

中国是第一个向太空中发射人造飞船的发展中国家。 3. All I received in response to my request was “Wait”. 我收到的回应我的请求全部是“等候”。

4. I’m sure that those who agree to the plan will be in the majority. 我确信同意这个计划的人将会占多数。

5. To me, you are unique, and no one can replace your position in my heart. 对于我来说, 你是独一无二的, 没有人可以代替你在我心里的位置。 Ⅳ. 结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇50词左右的短文

1. 我们中华民族以自己传统的美德(virtues)而著称, 我们应该继承并且实践道德原则(moral principles)。

2. 我们应该多了解一下我们民族的历史和文化。

3. 在日常生活中, 我们应该乐于助人, 有一颗善良的心; 在学习中, 我们应该充满活力(energetic), 刻苦努力。

We Chinese are known for our traditional virtues. We are supposed to inherit and practice the moral principles. In addition, we should have a better knowledge of our history and rich culture. In our daily life, we should be willing to help others and have a kind heart, and in our study, we should be energetic and hardworking.

The topic: How to deal with moral dilemma and why?

Your opinion: I think we should offer our help in this kind of situation/call the police for help/turn to the passers-by for help. The reason: I think helping those in need is most important.


【最新推荐】(新教材)2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修第三册练习:课时检测·素养达标 Unit 2 Reading a


