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便条是一种简单的书信,我们有事请要告诉别人或委托别人办理而不能面谈时,就可以被他们写个便条,便条内容简短,大多是临时性的询问、留言、要求等,往往只是一两句话。便条的种类有请假条、留言条、借条、收条等。 语言特点

便条篇幅短,语言简单扼要,语体通俗口语化。 格式

便条的书写格式基本上都包括以下几个部分: 1)日期(date):日期写在右上角。 2)称呼(salutation):称呼可以正式(如dear mr. white), 也可以随便些(如dear peter)。 3)正文(text):正文写明要留言的内容,但语言要简单扼要,通俗口语化,把事情说清楚就行。 4)署名(signature):署名部分写上留条人的姓名,写在右下角。如果是很熟悉的人,只要写上名就可以了,如john,kate等,也可以写上全名,如john smith 1请假条(notes asking for leave)


请假条可分为病假条(asking for sick leave)和事假条(asking for business leave)。 范文

【例1】 march 1

dear mrs. smith

owing to a server headache, i should be unable to attend classes today, i enclose a medical certificate from the doctor and ask for a sick leave of two days.

hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. yours respectfully, david zou 【例2】 dec. 1

dear director,

i beg to apply for one week’s leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my grandfather, who is now seriously ill. to support my

application, i herewith submit the telegram received from my father last night.

respectfully, james smith 常用句型

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● i am awfully sorry that i cannot …. i beg to apply for a week’s leave from ….to….

owing to a bad cold / fever /cough /headache, i shall be unable to attend…. please excuse my absence from….

because of …. i should very much like to have a leave of…. on account of an attack of the flu, i want to ask for leave

tomorrow. i shall be much obliged if i can get your permission. i should be very much obliged if you will grant me ay

application. i hope my request will be given due consideration. to support my application, i submit / enclose the doctor’s certificate. i will resume my study/work if i feel better. 练习

1. 田野因为感冒发烧今天上午的英语课不能参加,请以他的名义给英语王老师写一张请假条,并附上医生的证明。

2. 你明天要参加大学生英语演讲比赛决赛,因此不能参加明天举办的校运动会,给你的班主任老师写一张请假条。 sample 1 march 3rd

dear mr. wang,

owing to a bad fever, i shall be unable to attend the english class this morning. i shall be much obliged if i can get your permission. enclosed is the doctor’s certificate. yours, respectfully, tian ye

sample 2 may 6th

dear mr. zhang,

i am awfully sorry that i could not attend the sporting meet tomorrow due to the college english speaking final contest

which will be held on the same day. please excuse my absence. yours, respectfully,

li ming

2 留言条(message note)

在日常交往中,没有见到对方,而又有话需要告诉对方,或有事情需要委托对方办理,只能留下数言转达情况或请求联系,这便是留言条。 留言条除注明留言日期之外还应写明留言具体时间。 范文


4:30 p.m. saturday alex,

your father called to say he would come to pay you a visit at 8:00 p.m. this evening and hope you would stay home waiting for him. stephen 【例2】

9:00 a.m. sep.17th lee,

i arrived in shanghai this morning by plane. i am staying at room 1212, jin jiang hotel. please come over and have a chat. jim 练习

1. 你有两张音乐会的票,当你去朋友alice的寝室时,她碰巧不在。请给alice 写一张留


2. 你妈妈来学校看望你,你今晚要住在妈妈预订的酒店,明天上午不能去上英语课。请你

写一张留言条给你的室友lin,并请他帮你交英语作业。 sample 1

3:00 p.m. saturday dear alice,

i have two tickets of tonight’s concert. i’m sure you love to go. i will meet you at 6:00 p.m. at the entrance to the concert. please do call me if there is any change. annie

sample 2

15:00 jan. 5th lin,

i won’t be in our dormitory tonight because my mother has come here to see me and i plan to stay in the hotel nearby.

besides i have asked our teacher for a day’s leave. would you do me a favor by handing in my english assignment to the teacher? it is on my desk. thanks. lin ming

3 借条(note / form of i.o.u.)


在书写上,借条的时间应该较为具体,应包括年、月、日。称呼一般会写 to…… (物品或款项的主人),如to computer

department 或 to mr. zhang min 等。 正文中的关键信息,如向谁、借了什么东西、数量多少、归还期限等,也应该具体明确。语言要简明扼要。署名部分应署借款或借物人的全名,如果是公事,可以加注借款或借物人所在单位。

借款性质一般分为定期和不定期偿还两种。 没有偿还日期的借条书写较为简单。在抬头下一行写明借款的数量,开头写上i.o.u. 就可以了(i.o.u.也可以写作iou,是i owe you 的缩写,相当于中文的“今借到”)。写明定期偿还得借条(promissory note)文中可以不写i.o.u.,但要写清楚偿还日期,末尾即款项后面往往加上“for value received”,意思是“….整”,这样写表示慎重。如果想要说明借款用途,可在钱物后面加上“for”。 范文


june 23, 2008

to computer department,

borrowed from the computer department a computer. peter young 【例2】

may 3, 2007

to mr. chang yuan,

i.o.u. eight hundred yuan (rmb) for value received for buying a color tv.

jones wang 【例3】

oct. 13, 2008

to the finance section of the college,

i.o.u. ten thousand yuan (rmb) to be paid back within one year from this date twelve thousand yuan (rmb) for value received. hey white

foreign languages department 常用句型 ● ● ● ●

iou $200 for value received for buying…… iou 500 yuan to be paid back within 6 months borrowed from …. a chinese dictionary.

i. o. u. one thousand dollars, to be paid within one year from this date with annual interest rate of 10%. ● borrowed from…… the following things. 练习

1. 李明2009年1月1日向william smith 先生借1000 美元,借期从即日起一年,年利率


2. 2008年12月2日,你向外语系资料室借一本原版书 jane eyre,上英语课备用,请写一 张借条。 sample 1

jan. 1st, 2009

to mr. william smith,

i.o.u 1,000 dollars, to be paid within one year from this date with annual interest rate of 10%. li ming

sample 2:

dec. 2nd, 2008

borrowed an original edition of jane eyre from reference room of foreign language department for references of english class. li ming

4 收条(receipt)

收条是指接受款项或物品时所写的条据。收条的写法和借条大致相同。收条的日期也应该具体到年、月、日, 但收条不必写称呼,可直接写明收到的具体内容。收条常以“received from….”或

“received of….”开头,相当于中文“今收到….”, 信息应该具体准确. 如果是公事,署名部分也可以写明收款或收物人所在单位。 范文


oct. 12, 2008

received from miss helen white one thousand dollars for tuition.



