(2016 -无锡第一学期期末考试)
A strange army of giants stands around the edges of a remote isla nd in the Pacific Ocea n.Or at least that's how it might
appear.The figures lining Easter Island are actually huge stones carved to look like hulk ing ( have
these coasts for
cen turies.But
not eve n the isla nders are sure how they
got there.
笨重的)huma n figures.The statues
Join scie ntific detectives as they in vestigate this historical mystery.
The Mystery
Nearly a thousa nd gia nt stone figures sta nd side by side on Easter Isla nd
now a part of Chile.Called moai (MOH- eye) by the locals , the statues can weigh more than 80 tons — about as much as ten whales — and some stand as tall as a three — story buildi ng.
Scientists think islanders their an cestors .In land
began creating the moai some 800 years ago to honor
火山口 ) and dug out rock.But the crater is
,scientists found a volcanic crater(
from the volcanic
an cie nt tools there used to carve figures
far from where most of the statues now sta nd.A nd scie ntists have know the people did n't wheels or ani mals to move the rock gia nts.
So how did the stone figures travel as far as 11 miles from the crater to the isla nd's coasts? Some ideas are pretty wild
— people have suggested that the moai
walked by themselves , or even that space aliens beameddownto lend a hand.Scientists struggled to Easter Isla nd to find out the truth.
The Detectives
“ Heave— ho!” cry a group of scientists as they pull on ropes tied to a huge statue.The investigators are seeking clues about the moai in one of Easter Island's green valleys.Wondering if the islanders could have transported the statues upright with just rope and muscle power, they wrapped three strong ropes around the forehead of a ten — foot — tall moai copy.With several people pulling to rock the 10
each rope , they're able
, 000 — pound figure side to side , moving it forward with every tug
, ” team leader Carl
(拖拽)The statue's shape makes this movement fairly easy Lipo says.
In the past , researchers have tried other moving methods.One group tied rope
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to the top and base of an actual moai and attempted to drag it forward with twisting moti on s.A no ther team laid a real 13
—foot moai onto a gia nt log and pulled the log
got serious pain!
forward.All the experiments shared one result: The investigators
The Evide nee Although various
sleuths(侦查)found ways to move the moai ,
researchers still don't agree on what really happened.Some of these techniques might have on ly worked over short dista nces and on flat Ian d.Others would have damaged the moai.
Many people thi nk the statues were laid horiz on tally on woode n sleds which were dragged with rope across log tracks.
“ This would have bee n the safest way to move
the moai,“ archaeologist Jo Anne Van Tilburg says. \It explains why hardly any are damaged. ”
But the truth maynever be revealed.(Experts are pretty sure , though , that aliens were n't in volved.)After
all , the isla nders stopped making the statues at least 300
years ago , later hundreds of islanders left the island or caught deadly diseases brought by explorers.Many
of the moai's secrets disappeared with them.Today the only
remaining witnesses to the events are the moai themselves.And the lips of these stone —faced gia nts are sealed.
在智利的复活节岛的海边矗立着一排既重又高的巨型石像一一摩埃石像。 了科学家们对摩埃石像的搬运方式的调查。
are mentioned in the passage?
A. Three. C. Five.
B [细节理解题。根据第五段第三、四句、
B. Four. D. Six.
第六段及第八段首句可知,文章提到了将摩 Howmany possible ways of moving the rock giants
埃石像竖着向两边晃动、上下扭动、依靠木头移动以及用木制雪橇沿着木头轨道移动这四种 移动巨型石像的方法。故选项
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. The moai was created by the islanders 800 years ago to wish for good luck. B. Someof the rock giants were damaged while being moved to where they are now. C. All the witnesses to the secrets of the moai were infected with deadly diseases and died. D. The statues were madeof volcanic rocks with somehandmadetools by the locals. D [细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句可知,这些雕像是由当地人使用手工制作的工
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具用火山石雕刻出来的。故选项 D正确。]
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