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His face is round and his eyes are small but bright. He has short and black hair. He is handsome and sporty. He is good at Math. He likes playing basketball very much. He is very honest and friendly. He is always ready to help others.

He wants to be a doctor when he grows up. 第一段进行介绍。 第二段是文章的主体。 第三段是结论。 Homework

1. Revise the adjectives we’ve learned today.

2. Write a short passage to describe one of your good friends.


这节课我们学习了大量描述人物的词汇,同学们要学会收集信息,然后完成一篇关于朋友的文章。 请同学们记住写作的结构: 1. 介绍 – 说出谁是你最好朋友。 2. 主体 – 描述你朋友的外貌和品质。 3. 结论 – 描述你朋友将来的打算。



第一部分 简要提示


二、教学内容: 8A Unit 1 Friends Reading 三、课型: Reading ( I ) 四、教学目标


1) 词汇:初步理解与本单元主题相关词汇。 2.能力目标

通过阅读了解文中所出现的三个好友的基本情况;理解用形容词来描述朋 友外貌和个性品质的语篇。 3.情感目标

学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊。 五、教学重难点

1.学会使用正确的阅读技巧进行文本解读,获取关于文中三个好友外貌与 个性特征的主要信息。

第二部分 教学流程

Part I Pre-reading

1. Leading in 用时3分钟

Show Ss the picture of the three characters in the reading materials and ask Ss to describe them. (见ppt5)

T: Hello! Boys and girls. Today we will learn Unit 1 Friends, Reading. We are going to meet three best friends.


T: Let’s look at these pictures. 看这些图片。

T: What do they look like? Can you say something about their appearance?


S: Bettye is…/ Max is… (见ppt5)

2 . presentation 用时5分钟

Show Ss the picture and present some important and difficult words and sentences for Ss

T: Good. Betty is slim and she has short hair. Read after me. Slim,slim.

(见ppt6) Max is tall and he wears glasses because he has poor eyesight. Read after me. Eyesight, eyesight. (见ppt7) May is pretty and she has straight, shoulder-length hair. Read after me. Shoulder-length, shoulder-length. (见ppt8) Do you like them? S: Yes.

T: Here are more words to describe them. Please read after me. (见ppt9) S: Yes.

T: generous (大方的) willing(乐意的) ready (乐意的) round(圆形的) smart (聪明的) sense (意识)

humour (幽默) bored (无聊的) true (忠实的)

Part II While-reading (见ppt10) 1. Skim the text 用时3分钟(见ppt10)

T: Let’s know more about the three friends! Skim the text and find out: What makes Betty, Max and May so special in the writers’ eyes? 让我们来更多地了解他们。快速浏览全文然后回答:

是什么使得Betty,Max 和May在作者看来如此与众不同呢? S: Skim and answer the question.

T: Now. Let’s check the answers. Betty is a generous and helpful girl. Max has a good sense of humour. May is a true girl. (见ppt11) 2. Scan the text 用时5分钟(见ppt12-15)

T: OK! We know the special qualities of the three best friends.

Would you like to go further into their world? Scan the text and fill in the form:

我们已经了解了这三个好友一些特别的地方。你是否愿意更进一步走进他们 的世界呢?快速跳读课文,然后填写表格。(见ppt12)

S: Scan the text part by part and answer.

T: Now, let’s check the answers. Betty is slim and has short hair. She is generous and helpful. (见ppt13)Max is very tall. He is the tallest in his class. He looks has a good sense of humour. He is so funny. (见ppt14) May is small and pretty. She is a true friend. She is kind. (见ppt15) 3. Read and answer 用时8分钟(见ppt 16-18)

T: Now, boys and girls. Let’s read after the ask and answer in pairs. Now, start!


S: Read after the Tape.

T: I’ll ask some pairs to ask and answer… S: Ask and answer. T: Check the answers.

4. Read and judge用时5分钟 (见ppt 19-21)

T: It’s time for us to read aloud the whole text. Now, one, two, ready, go! 该是我们朗读课文的时间了! Now, one, two, ready, go!

T: Time is up. Let’s do the judgments. Look at the following statements. Write a T if the statement is true. Write an F if it is false and correct it. 时间到! 让我们来根据课文做判断。正确的写T,错误的写F并改正。 Part Three Post-reading (见ppt 22-24) 1. Discuss 用时5分钟(见ppt 22)

T: Now we have learned a lot about the three friends by reading and listening. Who would you like to make friends with? Why?

Please discuss the questions in groups of four and then one of you in the group will report the results.

通过听读,我们对三个好友已经有了更多的了解。 你愿意和他们中的哪一个交朋友呢?为什么?

请分成四人一组讨论,然后选一个代表向全班汇报讨论结果。 S: Discuss and give their reasons in their own words. 2. Say your best friend用时6分钟(见ppt23)

T: Betty, Max and May can be the writers’ best friends. Can you tell us some about your best friend?

The following useful expressions may be useful to you. Would you mind telling us now? We can’t wait to hear you. Betty,Max和 May是作者的最好的朋友。 那你能告诉我们你的好朋友的情况吗? 快点吧!我们怕等不急了!

S: Tell the whole class about his/her best friend.

3. Appreciate the proverbs about friends用时3分钟(见ppt24) T: What is a friend? What is a real friend like? Let’s see the proverbs about friends. Read them after me, please. 什么才是真正的朋友?

我们来看下面关于朋友的谚语吧。请跟我读。 S: Read and take notes if interested in. up用时1分钟(见ppt24)

T: 同学们今天我们又结识了三个好朋友Betty, Max和 May。 了解了他们的外貌及性格特征。

用英语多向别人推荐一下自己的好朋友, 学会欣赏,感受与他人分享友谊的快乐吧! Part Four Homework

1. Set the home assignment 用时1分钟(见ppt25)

T: We have known what our friends look like and different qualities they have.

Please read the text at least three times, and then underline the main phrases you think in the passage.

S: Take the homework down.

第三部分 说明


在教学过程中,教师可通过设计具体的任务让学生加深对三个人物的理解。 教师还可根据本课的阅读内容适当介绍一些阅读技巧,让学生学会针对不同的阅读任务采用相应的阅读技巧。帮助学生捕获有关描述人物外貌与性格特征的信息。

第一部分 简要提示


二、教学内容: 8A Unit 1 Friends Reading 三、课型: Reading ( II ) 四、教学目标


1) 词汇:本课时的四会单词 2) 词组?:

be willing to do sth. be ready to do sth. share things with sb. any time in need

knock sth. off sth. make sb. laugh

say a bad word about sb. 3) 句型:

She is as slim as I am.

He is the tallest boy in my class. She is shorter than I am.


学会运用本课所学的主要词汇、句型介绍自己最好的朋友。 五、教学重难点


第二部分 教学流程

Part One Revision

1. Choosing the best friend 用时5分钟

Show Ss the picture of the three characters in the reading materials and ask Ss to finish Part B1 and B2. (见ppt6)

T: Hello! Boys and girls, nice to see you again. Yesterday we met three best friends. They’re Betty, Max and May.

How much do you remember them?

Please open your textbook and turn to Page 9. Finish Part B1 and B2. 同学们好,很高兴再次见到大家。昨天我们认识了三个好朋友, 他们是Betty, Max 和 May,你还记得他们吗? 请把课本翻到第九页,完成B1和B2部分。 S: Read and do exercises.

T: Let’s check the answers.(见ppt6)

2. Choose and answer用时5分钟(见ppt7-12) T: Let’s play the game-Choose and answer.

Each person on the screen will bring you at least one question. Please choose and answer.


画面上每个人都会给我们带来至少一个问题,开始选择并作答吧! S: Choose and answer one by one.

Part II Part Two Language Points(见ppt13)

1. Answer the following questions 用时17分钟(见ppt13-29) T: Wonderful! You all have a very good memory. Let’s move on to the detailed info. about them. Here are more questions:

同学们太棒了! 让我们进一步走入他们的生活吧!

这儿还有些问题等待大家去解答: S: Answer the questions.

T: Now. Let’s check the answers. T: 1. Is Betty slim or fat? S: She is slim.

She is as slim as the writer.

T: as+ adj. + as 表示“和…一样” ,形容词为原级。 I am meters tall.

Mary is meters tall, too. = I am as tall as Mary (is).

T: 2. Why does the writer think Betty is generous?

S: Because she is willing to share things with her friends.

T: be willing to “情愿、愿意干某事” ,同 be ready to。 Put the following phrases into English:

情愿--- 照料他妈 / 为他溜狗 / 喂它食物 S: be willing to look after his mother be willing to walk his dog be willing to feed it food

T: Share…with “与… 分、分享东西 ”

the phrases: share卧室 / 快乐 with Tom S: share a bedroom with Tom share joy with Tom

T: share sunshine with 她 / 我和他 S: share sunshine with her



