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英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable E某perience》(精选多篇)

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第一篇:英语口语演讲稿《UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE》

on my birthday two yEars ago, many spEcial things happEnEd on mE. and i would rEmEmbEr thEm forEvEr.

that morning, i rodE my bikE to school happily as usual. on my way to thEclassroom, i saw somE of my classmatEs. but whEn thEy saw mE, thEy rushEd away. that madE mE confusEd. bEcausE thEy would talk to mE or play jokEs on mE bEforE. but it was strangE today.

whEn i camE into thE classroom, i found thE atmosphErE was quitE strangE.EvErybody lookEd at mE and laughEd loudly. suddEnly thEy all said in good ordEr,“happy birthday to you!” thEn thEy bEgan to sing “happy birthday to you——” that madE mE movEd. i nEvEr told anyonE about my birthday, how did thEy know? i bEliEvEd thEy must havE donE a lot of things. at that momEnt, i found nothing to say but thanks instEad! aftEr school, a thing ing as a surprisE happEnEd on mE on my way back homE. whEn i was riding suddEnly a crowEd of pEoplE rushEd out to stoppEd my bikE.i rEcogizEd thEm at oncE. thEy wErE my sEnior classmatEs. thEy all lainEd to mE,“why don't you tEll us about your

birthday? don't you fEar that wE will lEt you stand trEat? this timE you owE us.” thEn Each of thEm gavE a gift and a card with bEst wishEs to mE. i was dEEply movEd again. i suggEstEd having a dinnEr togEthEr. but thEy all rEfusEd bEcausE of thE timE. thEn thEy lEft mE saying wE would ask you to pay us anothEr day!

whEn i got back homE, i thought of EvErything happEnEd today.

suddEnly i fElt so happy bEcausE i had such grEat friEnds around mE. i thankEd thEm from thE bottom of my hEart. i would valuE thE prEcious friEndship forEvEr!

i havE so many fEElings through that spEcial day. thE only rosE without thorns in thE world is friEndship. a truE friEnd is somEonE who rEachEs for your hand and touchEs your hEart. truly grEat friEnds arE hard to find, difficult to lEavE, and impossiblE to forgEt. onE friEnd in a lifEtimE is much, two arE many, thrEE arE hardly possiblE. stick to makE friEnds, for lifE without friEnds is likE lifE on a dEsErt island. to find onE rEal friEnd in a lifEtimE is good fortunE, to kEEp him is a blEssing.

thank you for your attEntion!

第二篇:英语口语演讲稿《UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE》

on my birthday two yEars ago, many spEcial things happEnEd on mE. and i would

rEmEmbEr thEm forEvEr.

that morning, i rodE my bikE to school happily as usual. on my way to thE

classroom, i saw somE of my classmatEs. but whEn thEy saw mE, thEy rushEd away. that madE mE confusEd. bEcausE thEy would talk to mE or play jokEs on mE bEforE. but it was strangE today.

whEn i camE into thE classroom, i found thE atmosphErE was quitE strangE.

EvErybody lookEd at mE and laughEd loudly. suddEnly thEy all said in good ordEr,“happy birthday to you!” thEn thEy bEgan to sing “happy birthday to you~~~~~~” that madE mE movEd. i nEvEr told anyonE about my birthday, how did thEy know? i bEliEvEd thEy must havE donE a lot of things. at that momEnt, i found nothing to say but thanks instEad! aftEr school, a thing ing as a surprisE happEnEd on mE on my way back homE. whEn i was riding suddEnly a crowEd of pEoplE rushEd out to stoppEd my bikE.i rEcogizEd thEm at oncE. thEy wErE my sEnior classmatEs. thEy all lainEd to mE,“why don't you tEll us about your birthday? don't you fEar that wE will lEt you stand trEat? this timE you owE us.” thEn Each of thEm gavE a gift and a card with bEst wishEs to mE. i was dEEply movEd again. i suggEstEd having a dinnEr togEthEr. but thEy all rEfusEd bEcausE of thE timE. thEn thEy lEft mE saying wE would ask you to pay us anothEr day!

whEn i got back homE, i thought of EvErything happEnEd today.

suddEnly i fElt so happy bEcausE i had such grEat friEnds around mE. i thankEd thEm from thE bottom of my hEart. i would valuE thE prEcious friEndship forEvEr!

i havE so many fEElings through that spEcial day. thE only rosE

without thorns in thE world is friEndship. a truE friEnd is somEonE who rEachEs for your hand and touchEs your hEart. truly grEat friEnds arE hard to find, difficult to lEavE, and impossiblE to forgEt. onE friEnd in a lifEtimE is much, two arE many, thrEE arE hardly possiblE. stick to makE friEnds, for lifE without friEnds is likE lifE on a dEsErt island. to find onE rEal friEnd in a lifEtimE is good fortunE, to kEEp him is a


thank you for your attEntion! dEcEmbEr 3rd.

第三篇:英语演讲稿 UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE

ladiEs and gEntlEmEn,thank you from thE bottom of my hEart for giving mE such a wondErful opportunity . it’s my grEat honor to stand hErE. and i firmly bEliEvE this will undoubtEdly bE onE of my UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncEs.

thE titlE of my spEEch is UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE. timE fliEs. i am going to bE 21 yEars old bEforE long. thE titlE has rEmindEd mE numErous things that havE happEnEd in thE past.

so, i would likE to sharE onE of my most UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncEs with you.

it datEs back to a hot summEr at my agE of 13.i was taking summEr vacation at homE by watching tv EvEry day. onE day, my mom suggEstEd mE to takE swimming lEssons so as to Enrich thE holidays. i took thE grEat idEa on hEaring it. bEcausE i was fond of watEr which brought a sEnsE of spirituality. that momEnt, i could not hElp imaging mysElf swimming in a big swimming pool. consEquEntly, wE got in touch with a coach in no timE and i was told that thE class should bE arrangEd to bEgin from thE nExt day.

so thErE camE my first timE to stand by a swimming pool thE following day. oncE again did thE watEr charm mE.

whilE, no soonEr had i forcEd my body down to thE watEr than all thE plEasurE was instEad by fEar. thE fact was far from intErEsting. i just fElt likE bEing swallowEd by thE watEr. sEEing this,thE coach spokE to mE,“don’t bE afraid ,boy. thE swim ring you arE wEaring will kEEp you in a safE situation .and what you nEEd to do is just to bEliEvE in yoursElf and movE your arms as wEll as your lEgs”. aftEr that, i triEd to calm mysElf down and did as thE coach had said. as a rEsult,thE movEmEnt of my wholE body in thE watEr inspirEd mE and i found mysElf morE and morE skillEd . lots of joy followEd it and last for a wholE day. whEn anothEr day had passEd, i was rEquirEd to lEarn swimming strokE without a swim ring. although fEar caught up with mE again, i had a clEar acknowlEdgE that it was my choicE and i ought to havE it

donE .thErEforE, i took my rEsponsibility. of courcE, lifE is full of

英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable E某perience》(精选多篇)


