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I can play soccer.

We meet each Wednesday at 7 p.m. Which one would you like to go to? At what time are you free?

On which day did Fred do these things?

重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, meet, Britain, learner, rest, middle, workday, interesting, footballer, head, opposite, team, tie, rock, club, pasta, coconut, lemon, sausages, cheese, coffee, sandwich, lemonade, supermarket, between, under, behind

所需教具 Materials for teaching



有关的广告图片(自制第二部分广告) 相关的食物单词卡片和图片 若干个色子 若干张白纸

教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up



教师上课进首先问大家:“What day is it today?”教师帮助和引导大家说出当天是星期几,然后给出肯定问答:“Yes, today is Monday.”并带着大家朗读几遍该句子。然后教师接着问:“How many days are there in a week?”教师带着大家说出:“There are seven days in a week. What are they? They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.”教师边说的时候边写出这些词。写好之后,带着大家再反复朗读这些单词。朗读时,教师可以把这些词拍着手有节奏地说出,比如Monday, Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.

a ) 大家基本能正确说出这些单词之后,教师对大家说:“Now I have some riddles. Please guess which day it is. It’s the day before Friday.”这时教师可以根据学生的情况调整难度。如果学生能很快地说出,教师不必给任何的提示,如果学生有一定的困难,教师可以指着黑板上的星期五说:“It’s the day before Friday.”这样能让大家很快地找到该词。接着,教师继续说其他的谜语。

b ) 教师再次让大家熟悉这些词后问大家:“Which day do you like best?”教师很快提问一些同学,然后对大家说:“Let’s see how many of you like Sundays. OK? Let’s play the game on Sunday.”教师带着大家先玩星期天上的游戏。该游戏的玩法是:教师发给两人一个骰子,然后两人自己商量各自要奇数还是偶数,决定后开始由某人先掷骰子。如果掷的是奇数,1、3、5的某个,就要由奇数的同学画画,要画甲壳虫的第一部分。教师事先把甲壳虫的图型画在黑板上,让学生模仿着画,每个人自己画自己的,看哪个学生先画完。

c ) 教师接着问大家:“Which day do you like next?”教师让学生挑选,然后根据学生的要求进行。比如学生要求Monday这一天,教师就带着大家完成这道题。


in 4 weeks (4.8) in 10 weeks (12)

in half a year (219) in a whole year (438)

d ) 如果大家选星期四,教师就问:“Have you some good friends?”然后说:“You should be nice to your friends when you are at school. Look, this is what they say to us.”教师先给大家读一遍,然后再让学生一起读并练习着说这些话。



如果选择星期二,教师就问大家:“Have you ever broken your arm? If not, that’s very good. But you should be very careful in the future. If yes, that’s very bad. Let’s read this passage together and we can

learn something from it.”教师带着大家一起学习该段内容。最后教师再次提醒大家玩的时候要注意安全。

如果选择星期六,教师就提出问题:“What can you do on Saturday?”教师让两个人相互说:“I can wash my own socks. I can help mum cook food. I can clean the room.”等等。然后,教师再让几个学生在全班范围说一说。

e ) 最后,教师对大家说:“Now we have seven days a week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…But if we give you one more day, what would you all that day? Please think of a name for that day and tell your friend and then tell him or her what you want to do on that day.”教师再次让学生两人一组进行讨论并说出自己的想法。

f ) 最后,教师让大家纷纷说出自己给多出来的一天所起的是什么名字。


单元教学活动2 Read and answer.

第二部分是有关课外活动兴趣小组的广告。教师先对大家说:“Every day after class, we can do many things, but you have to choose by yourself. We don’t know what you like to do. So please read each poster carefully and tell us which you’d like to choose. And you also tell us why you like to go to that club.”教师先让大家自己看并做出选择,然后再让学生两人一组相互谈,最后找几个同学在全班范围内说说自己的想法。说之前,教师要确信大家没有词汇的障碍,否则就要带着学生先学习和朗读一下。

单元教学活动3 Read, choose and fill the table.

第三部分是让学生给自己制定一个健康的食谱安排。在学生选择之前,教师说:“Let’s review some of the food words. I’m sure that you like some and dislike some. Please look and read.”教师拿出食物的图片及单词卡让学生重新复习。复习之后,教师说:“Please look at the table. We have breakfast, lunch and supper time here. But we have no food for each meal. Please think of them very carefully and write the names on each meal. Later let your parents see this. Maybe they can cook you the food you want best. Do you understand? Do it now.”教师让学生现场写一日主餐的食谱。最后,再让学生两人之间相互问答:“What do you like to eat for Monday breakfast? What do you like to eat for Tuesday afternoon? What do you like to eat for Thursday evening?”教师告诉学生回答时可以说:“I like to have eggs, milk and burger for breakfast.”其他的句子依次类推。


单元教学活动5 Let’s play.


单元教学活动6 Look, say and learn.

第六部分是教师介绍给学生英语介词的用法,教师可以拿出事先准备的小盒子及猫的玩具给学生作示范。教师要记住,示范不要从头到尾,而是说一个词便带着学生进行一下操作、比划并说出该词及介词短语。比如,教师边做边带着说:“In, in, in the box. The cat is in the box. On, on, on the box. The cat is on the box.”

a ) 把表示地点的介词都说完以后,教师可以让学生另外一个词进行替换,造许多类似的句子。比如:“The dog is in the bag. The dog is on the bag. The dog is between the bags.”等等。最后看哪个学生造的最好,最正确。

b ) 在学生基本明白表示地点的介词短语后,教师可以带出一些表示时间的句子。教师首先说出大家最熟悉的短语,比如,in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, after class, after school, before class, before March,等等。教师不必让大家全一下子记住,只要大家知道这个概念,有的表示时间,有的表示地点就可以了。教师应该给学生更多练习的机会。

单元教学活动7 Read and answer.


单元教学活动8 Look, listen and write.

第八部分是听力及看图说话的练习。首先,教师可以带领大家继续复习一下星期的名称,然后问大家:“Did you do lots of things last week? Did you have a busy and tiring week?”

a ) 教师接着说:“We have a very nice friend, Fred. He was very busy and tired last week. Form Monday to Sunday he did many things. Now please listen very carefully and then look at the pictures and write the days under the correct pictures.”教师给学生放录音,共放两遍。第一遍之后,教师稍微提醒一下大家:“Now please look at the pictures and listen carefully. We are going to listen to it again. Please check your answers.”


On which day did Fred do these things?

Fred was very busy last week. On Monday afternoon, after school he went to the city library. He read lots of books there. He was very interested in animals, so he read three books on animals. He stayed in the library until it was dark. On Tuesday afternoon, Fred had his computer lesson in the computer room. He was working very hard and finished the teacher’s assignment very quickly. On Wednesday morning, Fred had a cooking lesson. The teacher taught them how to cook and they all had a great time. He and his classmates cooked some food for lunch by themselves and ate together. On Thursday evening, Fred helped his mum to wash he dishes. He also helped his mum clean the room. On Friday morning, Fred went to see his maths teacher. He told his maths teacher about his learning problems. His teacher gave him lots of help. On Saturday afternoon and evening, Fred watched TV most of the time with his brother and sister. They watched lots of cartoons. On Sunday morning, Fred went to the school playground and played football with some of his best friends. He was tired and busy, but he was also very happy.

听后,教师和学生一起说答案。 答案是:

周一 (went to the city library) 周二 (had a computer lesson) 周三 (had a cooking lesson)

周四 (helped mum wash dishes and clean the room)

周五 (went to see his maths teacher and got a lot of help) 周六 (watched TV most of the time)

周日 (played soccer with some of his best friends.)


b ) 完成了听力任务后,教师让大家两人一组说说自己过去一周的生活和学习。比如,学生可以说:“Last week I had a busy time. On Monday I went to school…”

c ) 教师在学生练习的基础上任意提问一些学生:“What did you do last Monday evening?”

单元教学活动9 Listen, read and act.



单元教学活动4 Listen, sing and chant.




Unit 14 How often does he have sports?

教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands

通过学习本单元,学生能进步巩固有关星期的词汇 进一步复习和巩固有关食物词汇


交际用语 Expressions in communication

How often does he have sports? How often does he read books? What’s your favourite colour?

What sports do you enjoy playing? What do you wear on you feet?

How many pupils are there in Class One?

重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, piano, music, games, beans, rice, chicken, cheese, beef, steak, sandwich, juice, chocolate, coffee, fries, pasta, pie, bread, cakes, sea food, milk, butter, vegetables, coconut, tea, anytime, sometimes, rarely

所需教具 Materials for teaching


相关的食物图片和单词卡片 地球、月亮及太阳的图片或模型

教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up



上课时,教师首先问学生:“What day is it today? How many days are there in a week? What are they? Which is your favourite day? Why do you like this day?”学生回答这些问题之后,教师拿出周历及日历对学生说:“Now which day is this?”教师指着某一天问大家。待大家基本熟悉这七天后,教师对学生说:“Let me ask you a question,‘How often do you go to the zoo? Once a mouth, or once a year? How often do you play soccer? Do you play soccer once a day or twice a week?’”教师教学生说:“once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times.”然后再重复练习一下问句。“How often do you take a shower?”等大家对这个句型基本清楚之后,教师说:“I’m sure you are very busy during the weekdays. Here we have a boy. He has a busy timetable. Please look at the pictures and find out what he does during the weekdays. Please read the questions after me first.”教师让学生两人一组根据图片进行问答,但在问答之前,教师应该带领学生把所给的问句朗读一下。待学生能比较熟练地说出问句时,教师再让学生进行问答。在学生问答的基础上,教师可以提问学生:“How often do you watch TV? How often do you eat a burger? How often do you go to see a film?” Practice

单元教学活动2 Look, read and talk.

第二部分是复习和巩固所学的食物和水果、蔬菜等词。教师首先拿出这些词的图片让大家辨认,然后对学生说:“We are food every day, but we do not eat them all the time. We sometimes eat certain food. We seldom eat certain food. Do you know? Now please look at the pictures and decide which food we eat sometimes, which food we eat at anytime, and which food we rarely eat. Please write the food in the right box.”教师先让学生写出总可以吃的、有时可以吃的及很少可以吃的食物。然后教师可以补充说:“We should eat fruits and vegetables at any time. We should seldom eat butter and chocolate.”等等。

单元教学活动3 Read and play.


单元教学活动4 Read, choose, answer and listen.


答案:1 ) dogs 2 ) heard 3 ) take 4 ) lovely 标题是:c ) Have fun with dogs.


单元教学活动5 Look and trace.



单元教学活动6 Look and learn.

第六部分是学习有关地球、月球及太阳简单数据。教师拿着图片对学生说:“This is the sun. This is the earth. The earth is moving around the sun and it takes about 365 days to go around the sun. This is the moon and it moves around the earth and it takes 28 days to move around the earth ”教师边说边在黑板上画一个简单的运转图,最后还要提醒学生:“The earth moves around itself in 24 hours.”给出这些基本数据之后,教师带领学生朗读这些句子,然后朗读所给的三个问题。之后,教师带领学生做一遍回答。最后,教师给学生一定的时间,让学生两人一组进行问答练习以便进一步熟悉这些句型。


“How often does the earth move around the sun?(once a year)”

“How often does the earth move around itself?(every day, once a day)”

单元教学活动7 Pairwork.


单元教学活动8 Look and talk in pairs.

第八部分是让学生了解如何看统计表,并根据统计表的数据回答问题。做练习之后,教师可以问学生:“How many of you come to school by bus? How many of you come to school by car? How many of you come to school by taxi? How many of you walk to school? How many of you come to school by bike?”教师做一个简单的统计,然后对学生说:“Let’s look at the figures on this diagram. How many pupils come to school by bike?”教师让学生说出具体的数字,然后继续问其他的问题。教师带着学生做一遍练习后,再让学生自己进行一次问答。


单元教学活动9 Listen, chant and sing.



请学生用所学的句型给自己的爸爸和妈妈各提五个问题。如:How often do you go to work?

Unit 15 I enjoy reading picture stories!

教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands

通过学习本单元,学生能看懂单元的主题故事并能简单讲述该故事 通过复习和学习,学生能掌握一定数量的动词短语和介词短语 学生能谈论两张图之间的区别

交际用语 Expressions in communication

I enjoy reading picture stories. Which comes first? What happens next?

Match the ones that sound alike. Can you spot them all?

Can you do one of the following things?

重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions

market, bean, angry, throw, beanstalk, castle, monster, fairy, seed, correct, order, English, comic, cooking, hide-and-seek, cupboard, onions, soup, grams, laugh, Anna, Ben, Daisy, Fred, Sally, Jill, Jim, John, Mary

所需教具 Materials for teaching


相关的动词短语的图片及词组卡片(第三部分) 复印一些图片,让学生讲述两张图的不同之处 本单元主题故事书或书的封面




