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作者:汪传雷 许冰凌 叶春森 来源:《现代情报》2014年第01期
〔摘 要〕本文在介
绍科技资源共享相关概念的基础上,从科学数据?自然科技资源?仪器设备?科学文献4个 领域分析美国科技资源共享现状,归纳总结美国科技资源共享领域的经验,并提出对我国科
〔关键词〕科技资源;资源共享; 美国
〔中图分类号〕G255 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕1 008-0821(2014)01-0008-06 U.S Science and Technology Reso urces Sharing
Experience and the Implications to China Wang Chuanlei Xu Bingling Ye Chunsen
(School of Business,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China)
〔Abstract〕”BZ〗This paper is based on introducing the related concept of science and te chnology resources sharing.Analysed the current situation of scientific and tech nological resources sharing of the U.S from scientific data,natural and technol ogical resources,equipment and scientific literature areas.Summarized the experi ence of technology resources sharing of the U.S and proposed inspiration to our