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一.早中世纪文学:Early and Medieval English Literature(约5世纪-1485)

The ancestor: Celts(凯尔特人). Life style: Primitive life(原始生活).

Language: Celtic(凯尔特语) (Britons 大不列颠语).

最早的英国史:1. Roman Conquest. (55BC--410AD)---Julius Caesar.

2. Anglo-Saxon Conquest. (450--1066)---Anglos, Saxons, Jutes(朱特人).

3. Norman Conquest. (1066--1350).

中期英国史:1.Romance(罗曼史): love, chivalry(骑士精神), religion; 2.3 major themes: (1).Matter of France;

(2).Matter of Greece and Rome; (3).Matter of Britain. 3.Language: 3 language.

文学作品:1.Geoffrey Chaucer (杰弗里。乔叟): Chaucer's works:

(1) . The Canterbury Tales( 坎特伯雷故事集); (2). The Wife of Bath (巴斯夫人); (3). Romance of the Rose (玫瑰传奇); (4).The House of the Fame (声誉殿堂); (5).The Parliament of Fowls (百鸟会议);

(6).Troilus and Cressie (特洛伊斯和克莱西德). Chaucer's contribution to the English language:

(1). The \

(2). He introducer from France and Italy the rhymed (押韵的)stanzas of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter ( heroic couplet) (抑扬格、五音步诗), instead of the Old English alliterative( 头韵的) verse;

(3). For the first time in English literature, he presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture( 现实主义)of the English society of life in his masterpiece \Canterbury Tales( 坎特伯雷故事集)\

(4). He was the first English poet who wrote in English, thus establishing English as the literature language;

(5), He did much in making the London dialect(方言) the foundation for modern English language.

Chaucer's social significance:

(1). Influenced by the early Italian Renaissance, Chaucer affirmed man's right to pursue earthly happiness and opposed asceticism, praised man's energy, intellect, and love of life;

(2). Meanwhile, he also exposed and satirized the social evils, esp.,the religious abuses.

2.The Song of Beowulf (贝奥武甫,a hero)

3.The English Ballads (大众民谣): a story told in song.; in various English

and Scottish dialects.---- Robin Hood (罗宾汉), who is strong, brave, clever, tender-hearted and affectionate(深情的).

二、文艺复兴时期文学: The English Renaissance(15世纪后期-17世纪初)


几个过渡时期:1. The Hundred Year's War: 1337--1453;

2. The wars of the Rose(玫瑰战争/蔷薇战争): 源于两个皇族所选的家微。

英格兰开斯特王朝( House of Lancaster)---红玫瑰; 约克王朝( House of York)---黄玫瑰; Winner: 英格兰开斯特王朝。

3. The Tudor Dynasty(都铎王朝): 1485--1603. The Elizabethan Age( Golden age): economic development; Cultural development;

expansion and exploration abroad; the war of Spain;

the flowering of literature.

The English Renaissance: 1.Thomas More(托马斯。莫尔), 是英国最主要的早 期人文主义者。

Utopia (乌托邦):开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的 先河。把印刷术引入英国。 2. Sir Thomas Wyatt(托马斯·怀亚特爵士)--- Henry Howard Sonnet.

把十四行诗引入英国。 3. Edmund Spenser(埃德蒙·斯宾塞)---the faerie queens (仙后).

A new poet film.

4. Francis bacon(弗兰西斯·培根)---Essays(论说文集) William Shakespeare:The greatest of all English authors; The first founders of realism.


三、17世纪文学:The Period of The English Bourgeois (资产阶级)Revolution.

1. The English Bourgeois/ Puritan(清教徒) revolution:

Politically: the Monarch(Royalists(君主) / the Puritan Republicans.

Religiously:Anglican church (church of England) / Puritanism. The Result: a civil war. 2. Literature of this period:

Poetry( The early half of the 17th century)--John Milton, Ben Jonson. The Cavalier poets(骑士派诗人)

The metaphysical poets(玄学派诗人)---John Donne(多恩),the Flea(跳蚤)

The political poems

Prose(散文)---the King James Bible; literacy criticism(,the end of 17th century

3.基督教发展简史:见Milton PPT。.

4. John Milton(约翰。弥尔顿):wrote the greatest epic(叙事诗) in English literature;

A master of the blank verse(竖体诗); A great stylist(文学风格批评家) 见PPT(尤其是Paradise Lost) 四、启蒙时期文学: the English Century(17世纪后期-18世纪中期)

1. The 18 Century:Parliament/ the Prime Minister;


Socially; Economically; Ideologically(意识形态). 具体的见书上P126

2. The Enlightenment in Europe(启蒙运动): an intellectual movement.

3. The English Enlighteners: 书上P127.

4.Classicism and Neoclassicism(新古典主义):书上P128. 5.文学作品:



