欧阳历创编 2021..02.09
时间:2021.02.09 创作人:欧阳历 一、in, on, at的时间用法 1、固定短语:
in the morning/afternoon/evening在早晨/下午/傍晚, at noon/night在中午/夜晚, (不强调范围,强调的话用during the night)
early in the morning=in the early morning在大清早, late at night在深夜
on the weekend在周末(英式用at the weekend在周末, at weekends每逢周末)
on weekdays/weekends在工作日/周末,
on school days/nights在上学日/上学的当天晚上, 2、不加介词
this, that, last, next, every, one, yesterday, today, tomorrow, tonight,all,most等之前一般不加介
欧阳历创编 2021..02.09
欧阳历创编 2021..02.09
this morning今天早晨
(on)that day在那天(that day更常用些) last week上周 next year明年
the next month第二个月(以过去为起点的第二个月,next month以现在为起点的下个月) every day每天 one morning一天早晨
yesterday afternoon昨天下午 tomorrow morning明天早晨
all day/morning/night整天/整个早晨/整晚(等于the whole day/morning/night)
most of the time (在)大多数时间 3、一般规则
除了前两点特殊用法之外,其他≤一天,用on,>一天用in,在具体时刻或在某时用at(不强调时间范围) 关于on
He will come to meet us on our arrival.
欧阳历创编 2021..02.09
欧阳历创编 2021..02.09
On May 4th (On Sunday, On New Year’s day, On Christmas Day), there will be a celebration. 2) 在某个特定的早晨,下午或晚上。
He arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of the 5th. He died on the eve of victory. 3) 准时,按时。
If the rain should be on time, I should reach home before dark.
生日、on my ninth birthday在我九岁生日那天 节日、onTeachers’Day在教师节
(注意:节日里有表人的词汇先复数再加s’所有格,如on Children’s Day, on Women’s Day, on Teachers’ Day有四个节日强调单数之意思,on Mother’s Day, on Father’s Day, on April Fool’s Day, on Valentine’s Day) 星期、on Sunday在周日,on Sunday morning在周日早晨 on the last Friday of each month 在每个月的最后一个星期五
日期、on June 2nd在六月二日
on the second (of June 2nd)在六月的第二天即在六月二日
on the morning of June 2nd在六月二日的早晨,on a rainy morning在一个多雨的早晨
欧阳历创编 2021..02.09