Training Effectiveness Evaluation Form
The training effetivenss evaluation shall be conducted 3 months after training completion. The evaluation purpose is to understand training effectiveness to employee’s work. 培训有效性评估需在培训课程结束后的三个月开展。评估目的是为了了解培训课程内容对于员工日常工作的影响及效果改善程度。
BASIC INFORMATION基本信息 Training Participant 培训员工姓名 Job Title 职位 Course Name 培训课程名目 Training Objectives 培训目标 Training Content 培训内容 BU/Department 事业部/部门 Training Date 培训日期 Evaluation Date 评估日期 TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS ASSESSMENT 培训有效性评估 CONTENT 内容 Very True 非常确切 1 True 确切 2 Fairly 一般 3 Not Really 不确切 4 Not At All 根本没有 5 SELF-ASSESSMENT (FILLED BY EMPLOYEE) 自评(由员工填写) 1. I’ve used trained skills regularly on my job? 我在日常工作中运用到了培训的知识技能? 2. This skill is never used because, (circle the most appropriate responses), 如果培训的知识与技能没有被运要到日常工作中是因为: a.) It isn’t part of my job. 培训内容与我日常工作的无关 b.) It is too difficult and not practical. 培训的内容太难懂了,而且不实用 c.) I forget how to do it. 培训完后,我忘了如何在工作中运用 3. I have mastered this skill very well. 我已经很好的掌握了培训的知识与技能. 4. Answer this question if you are unable to perform this skill. 如果您无法将培训知识技能融入到日常工作中,是因为: a.) It is too difficult and complicated. 培训内容太复杂了 b.) No one else is using it. 没有人在运用培训中讲到的知识及技能 c.) No one is available to help and coach me during work. 日常工作中没有人能够帮助指导我运用所学的的技能和知识。 5. I was able to perform this skill immediately after I received the training. 培训结束后,我马上能够学以致用。 6. The skill is performed in the manner described during the training. 我很顺利地达到了培训设定的目标。 General Comments 评语
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Training Effectiveness Evaluation Form
CONTENT 内容 Very True 非常确切 1 True 确切 2 Fairly 一般 3 Not Really 不确切 4 Not At All 根本没有 5 DIRECT SUPERVISOR ASSESSMENT 直属上级评估反馈 - 直属上级姓名 1. I’ve seen some improvement of behavior and/or productivity/ performance after the employee completed his/her training? 在您的下属结束培训后,您有没有觉察到他/她的行为/工作效率/绩效有所改善? 2. I think he/she has mastered training content and is able to utilize training knowledge to daily work. 您认为他/她掌握了培训的内容,并且融会贯通到日常工作中。 3. He/She shares the training content with other colleagues in the team. 他/她积极与团队里的其他成员分享培训内容。 4. He/She doesn’t how to utilize training knowledge/skills to work because: 他/她不清楚如何将所学的知识、技能贯通到日常工作中,因为: a.)Training content is too difficult and complicated培训内容太复杂了 b.) No one else is using it. 没有人在运用培训中讲到的知识及技能 c.) Training content is not practical and useful to work 培训内容的操作性及有效性不强,与平日工作的没什么关联 5. I have coached him/her on making improvement according to training knowledge and skills. 我曾经指导过他/她运用培训所学的知识技能改善工作效率。 6. The skill is performed in the manner described during his/her training. 他/她很顺利地达到了培训设定的目标。 General Comments 评语 SUBORDINATE ASSESSMENT 下级评估反馈 - 下级姓名 1. I’ve seen some improvement of behavior and/or productivity/ performance after the employee completed his/her training? 在您的上级结束培训后,您有没有觉察到他/她的行为/工作效率/绩效有所改善? 2. I think he/she has mastered training content and is able to utilize training knowledge to daily work. 您认为他/她掌握了培训的内容,并且融会贯通到日常工作中。 3. He/She shares the training content with other colleagues in the team. 他/她积极与团队里的其他成员分享培训内容。 4. He/She doesn’t how to utilize training knowledge/skills to work because: 他/她不清楚如何将所学的知识、技能贯通到日常工作中,因为: a.)Training content is too difficult and complicated培训内容太复杂了 b.) No one else is using it. 没有人在运用培训中讲到的知识及技能 c.) Training content is not practical and useful to work 培训内容的操作性及有效性不强,与平日工作的没什么关联 5. I have coached him/her on making improvement according to training knowledge and skills. 我曾经指导过他/她运用培训所学的知识技能改善工作效率。 6. The skill is performed in the manner described during his/her training. 他/她很顺利地达到了培训设定的目标。 General Comments 评语 Document No: Ver 1.00
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