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1. welcome to s.p. 欢迎到…… 3. welcome there. 欢迎到那儿 5. be going to do sth.打算做…… 7. call one’s name 点名 9. on time 准时

2. welcome here. 欢迎到这儿。 4.welcome home. 欢迎到家里来。 6.. have fun doing sth. 愉快地做…… 8. It doesn’t matter. 没关系.

10. Thursday, September 10th 9月10日,星期四

11. a card for sb. with one’s best wishes 送给…的卡片,致以某人最良好的祝愿. 12.Thank you for teaching us so well. 谢谢你教我们教得这么好. 13.Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助. 14.Thank you for your hard work ! 谢谢你的辛勤工作. 15.Best wishes for Teachers’ Day ! 致以教师节最良好的祝愿 ! 16.We wish you a Happy Teachers’ Day. 我们祝你教师节愉快 ! 17.want sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事 18.give a talk to sb. = give sb. a talk 给某人做报告 19.give a talk to sb. about sth. 给某人做有关…的报告 20.in class 在课堂上

21.think about … 考虑……

23.talk about … 谈论有关……

26.full name 全名

22.have an idea有了一个主意

24.the difference between…and… ……和……之间的区别/不同 25.That’s a good idea. 那是个好主意. 27.given name 起的名字 29.middle name 教名 31.last name 姓

28.first name 名字 30.family name 姓 32.for example 例如

33.to many people 对许多人来说 34.the meaning of ……的意思

35.use sth. with sth. 把…和…一起使用 36.be different from sth. 与…之间的不同 37.be short for…简称为……

38.call….sth.forshort 把…简称为… 39.in English-speaking countries


40.one’s close friend 某人的密友

41.What is the difference between…and…? … 和…之间的不同点是什么? 42.such as… 象……

43.of course 当然

44.I’m not sure. 我不清楚. 45.I’m afraid I’ve no idea. 恐怕我不知道. 46.know a lot about sth. / sb. 非常了解某事/某人 47.I’m going to the shop. 我打算去买东西. 48.make sb. a card 制作一张卡片

49.buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物 50.give sb. one’s best wishes 向某人致以最良好的祝愿 51.wish sb. a Happy Teachers’ Day 祝愿某人教师节愉快 52.try to do sth. 尽力做某事 56.sound + adj. 听起来… 58.many times 许多次

53.try doing sth 试做某事 55.sound like sth. 听起来象…

54.the students at school 在校的学生

57.have to do sth. 不得不做… 59.not…any more 不再… 63.say sth. with a laugh 大笑着说… 65.email sb . 给某人发电子邮件 67.than before 比以前 69.go on a …trip 去…的旅行

73. agree with sb. 同意某人

60.ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 61.think of … 想/想起… 62.a waste of time 浪费时间 64.right now 就在现在

66.write one’s email 写电子邮件 68.on a …trip 在…的旅行期间 72.of course 当然 去滑冰

walking / climbing / dancing / hiking / 去散步/去爬山/去跳舞/去远足sight-seeing / house-hunting / hunting / 去观光/去找房子/去打猎 shooting / cycling 去射击/去骑车 75.a kind of …一种的…

76.some kinds of … 一些种类的… 79.have a field trip去野外旅行 81.next holiday 下一个节日 83.on one’s field trip 在野外旅行中

77.( many ) different kinds of … (许多)不同种类的… 78.go to the mountain 去爬山 80.go on a picnic 去野餐

82.the day after tomorrow 后天

70.take / make / have a trip 去…的旅行 71.study about… 学习… 74.go shopping / swimming / boating / skating / 去买东西/去游泳/去划船/

84.hike to s.p. 徒步旅行到… 86.have a picnic去野餐

85.on the top of the…在…的顶上

87.have a problem doing sth. 做…有一个难题

88.have some problems ( in ) doing sth.做… 有一些困难

89.go / hike the wrong way走/旅行错了路出茅庐90.start / begin to do sth.开始做某事

91.trip over sth. 被…绊倒 93.Hurry up !赶快 97.pour water倒水

98.the first one to s.p.达到…的第一人/最先达到…的人 99.go to the party去参加晚会 100.go this way 这边走

101.That’s the wrong way.那是条错路. 102.It takes too long. 它太花时间了. 103.take sb. doing sth带领某人做某事 104.at that time 在那时

105This is going to be fun. 这将很有趣 107.fall into the lake跌进湖里 109.take sth. with sb. 带上…

106.See you then.到那时见. 108.feel like…觉得… 110.get to s.p.达到…

92.get sb. to s.p. 把某人带到…

94.I’m tired. 我很累了.

95.tie one’s shoes 给某人的鞋子绑鞋带 96.I’m going to die.我快死了.

111.have a lot of fun hiking有许多有趣的旅行 112.the coming field trip 即将到来的野外旅行 113.go to s.p. for a field trip 到…去进行野外旅行 114.be far from …远离… 118.eat a lot 大吃一顿

115.put sth. in order 有秩序地放好…

117.take sth. out of …把…拿出来 121.on Mid-autumn Day在中秋节 123.be free to do sth. 有空做…… 119.The more, the merrier.越多,越高兴.

116.have a good drink 大喝一顿 120.Mid-autumn Festival中秋节 122.be free = have time 有空

124.eat/have a big dinner/lunch/supper 吃一餐丰盛的饭/午饭/晚饭 125.a small round cake with nuts and meat 有坚果和肉馅的小圆月饼 126.something sweet 甜的东西

127.at the store 在商店里

128.at this time of day在白天的这个时候

129.Would you like / love to do sth ?你想要做……吗?

130.Yes, I’d like / love to. = Yes, I’d like / love that. = OK. = All right. 131.come over to s.p. ( for sth. ) 过到……来( 做……) 132.That’s good. 太好了! 的朋友的电子邮件

135.know more about sth.更多的了解…… 136.know a lot about …非常了解…… 137.get together聚集在一起

138.get sth together把……放在一起

139.eat / have a big dinner 吃一餐丰盛的饭 140.taste a little like …尝起来有点象…… 141.in the open air在户外 143.Thanks for asking us. 145.a little hungry 有点饿

142.look bright and round 看起来既圆又亮


154.be free 有空

144.Thanks for having us for dinner 谢谢你邀请我们吃晚饭 146.have a taste ( to sth. )尝一下…… 147.not … any more不再…… 148.during the festival在节日期间 149.of all 在所有当中

150.of us all在我们所有的人当中 151.of the three在我们三人当中 152.What….for ? 为了……?

153.Let’s take this one.让我们买这个吧. 155.Good night ! 晚安. 157.much bigger大得多

162.smell good 闻起来很香

158.a little older 小一点

133..know about…了解……

134.an e-mail from Lucy to her friend in the USA 一个露茜发往她在美国

156.come for one’s Thanksgiving dinner 来吃感恩节晚餐 159.have a lot to eat 有许多东西吃 160.we each = each of us我们每个人 161.welcome to s.p. 欢迎到……

163.be thankful for sth./sb. 对……表示感谢164.have to do sth. / has to do sth.不得不做

165.feed the animals 喂养动物 167.on the farm 在农场 169.in town在城镇

171.in the city 在城里

166.some sheep 一些羊 168.in the country 在乡下

170.in the fields在田地里 174.do farm work 干农活

172.walk slowly 慢慢的走

173.use sth. to do sth. 用 … 来做… 听 … 做完…

175.hear sb. / sth. doing sth. 听 … 在做… hear sb. / sth. do sth. agree with sb. 赞成; 同意 agree to sth. 同意做… 176.like sth. / sb. better 比较喜欢… 177.in summer 在夏天 179.get up early很早起床 181.at night在晚上

like sth. / sb. best 最喜欢… 178.play with sb.和 … 一起玩…. 180.pick corn采摘玉米

182.until late at night一直迟到深夜

183.help sb. with sth. 帮 … 做 … 185.leave school 毕业

184.be with sb. in s.p. for the summer 和…一起在…渡暑假

186.ask for leave 请假

187.I am going to college. 我要去上大学。 188.want to be a… 想要成为一名。 189.learn more about … 更多得了解

190.learn how to do sth. 学习做 … 的方法

191.Have a good time skating ! 祝你滑冰滑得愉快! 192.Shall we do … ? 我们做…好吗? 193.Let’s do …. 让我们做…

194.How / What about sth. / doing sth. ? 我们做…怎么样? 195.Why not do sth. ? 我们为什么不做…?

196.Why don’t you do sth. ? Ok. / All right. / Good idea. / Sure. / 好! / 行!/ 好主意!/ 当然! Certainly. / Yes, please. / No problem. / 一定!/ 请吧!/ 没关系! No, let’s do sth. / No, I don’t think so.

197.Would you like to do sth.你想做…吗? Yes / Thanks, I would love to.



