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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit5 music sectionⅠlisteningandspeaking教学案版本:人教版必修第二册

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Unit 5 Music

【注】 ①release v. 发行电影/书/激光唱片 ②decrease v. 减少 ③examine v. 调查 ④be characterised by 具有……的特性;以……为特征

【立德树人】 在紧张的学习之余,听音乐不仅可以放松心情、赶走坏情绪(relax oneself and get rid of bad mood),好的音乐还可以陶冶人的情操(cultivate one's taste),甚至改变人的一生(change one's life)。

Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking

基础知识 预习自检


1.classical n. 古典的;经典的→classical music 古典音乐→classical architecture 古典建筑

2.energy n. 能源;能量;精力 →physical energy 体力→atomic energy 原子能,核能→solar energy 太阳能

3.soul n. 灵魂;心灵→body and soul 竭尽全力;全心全意

4.string n. 细绳;线→stringed adj. 有弦的→stringed instrument 弦乐器 5.Chinese_traditional_songs 中国传统歌曲 6.dance_to 跟着……摇摆/跳舞 7.hip-hop_music 嘻哈音乐

8.remind ... of ... 提醒……注意……;使……想起…… Ⅱ.教材原句

1.Country music touches ________________ (我的内心). 答案:my heart

2.When I listen to ________________ (嘻哈音乐), I just have to move. 答案:hip-hop

3.This will help you make it ________________ (更容易理解). 答案:easier to understand

4.________________ (什么音乐) do you like? 答案:What kind of music

5.What makes it so ________________ (对你如此特别)? 答案:special to you

6.I like to listen to it ________________ (当我锻炼时). 答案:when I exercise

重点知识 合作探究

1 classical n. 古典的;经典的(教材P50) 名词+后缀-al变为形容词: music→musical 音乐的 origin→original 最初的 归纳 拓展 person→personal 个人的;私人的 center→central 中央的;中心的 nature→natural 自然的;天生的 form→formal 正式的 nation→national 全国的 ①He plays classical music, as well as pop and jazz. 他既演奏流行音乐和爵士乐,也演奏古典音乐。

②These buildings are part of our national heritage. 这些建筑是我们民族遗产的一部分。

③All hire cars are for personal use only. 所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。


①There're lots of differences between ________ (classic) and modern ballet. ②I think you should go back to your ________ (origin) plan. ③This is normally done to preserve its ________ (nature) colour. 答案:①classical ②original ③natural (2)单句写作


He studies ________________, but also takes an interest in history. 答案:classical literature

2 feel like 觉得好像……(教材P50) (1)feel like+(that)从句 觉得好像是…… 归纳 拓展 (2)feel like+doing 想做…… (3)feel like+物质名词 摸上去像是…… (4)feel like+名词/代词 觉得/像是要…… (5)feel like+反身代词 感觉(身体/精神情况)正常 ①He feels_like_that he has never been to such a place. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。

②Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel_like_making a trip somewhere. 当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行。

③I'm holding something that feels_like_a_potato. 我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。 ④It feels_like_rain soon. 好像马上就要下雨了。

⑤I'm surprised that he feels_like_that. 我奇怪他会有这种感觉。

⑥I'm not feeling_like_myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服。


①When he doesn't feel like ________ (talk), we just let him be.

②He was beginning to feel like ________ (he) for the first time that whole day. 答案:①talking ②himself (2)单句写作


He ____________ that he was in a nice dream. 答案:felt like

3 remind me of home/people I love 让我想起我爱的家/人(教材P51) remind vt. 使记住;提醒;使(某人)想起 归纳 拓展 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. that/what/how ... 提醒某人……;使某人想起…… ①My secretary reminded_me_of the important meeting to be held this afternoon. 我的秘书提醒我参加将于今天下午召开的重要会议。

②You must remind_him_to_take his medicine, in case he forgets. 你必须提醒他吃药,以防他忘了。

③Passengers_are_reminded_that no smoking is allowed on this train. 旅客们请注意,本次列车禁止吸烟。


①Mary and Lily are alike. Lily's appearance reminds me ________ Mary. ②Remind me ________ (phone) Alan before I go out.

③Can someone remind me ________ I should do next? 答案:①of ②to phone ③what (2)单句写作


I had to ________________ being confident is not the same as being perfect! 答案:remind myself that

学习效果 随堂演练


1.(2019·江苏高考)More wind power stations will spring up to meet the demand for clean ________ (能源).


2.He is keenly interested in ________ (古典的) English literature. 答案:classical

3.I would fly to England to see the Tower of London and to hear the ________ (风笛).


4.She went to pray for the ________ (灵魂) of her late husband. 答案:soul

5.Violin is a ________ (有弦的) instrument played with a bow. 答案:stringed Ⅱ.阅读理解

In all the world's cultures, people sing, play instruments, and celebrate with music. It plays such an important role in our lives that all fields focus on its study,

2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit5 music sectionⅠlisteningandspeaking教学案版本:人教版必修第二册


