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(1.广东医学院,广东湛江524023; 2.惠州市中心人民医院耳鼻咽喉科,广东惠州516001

中图分类号:R739.65 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-2084(201209-1319-04 摘要:喉癌的发生、发展受多种基因的调控,信号转导及转录活化因子3(STAT3和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF在喉癌的发生、发展、转移及预后中起重要作用。S TAT3由细胞外细胞因子、生长因子等多肽类配体激活,作用于细胞核内特异的DNA片段,调控靶基因的转录,促进细胞的增殖、抑制凋亡。肿瘤的生长依赖肿瘤新生血管的形成,VEGF是重要的血管生成正性调节因子,所以对STAT3和VEGF的一些相关性研究为喉癌发生、发展机制的阐述奠定了基础。


Research Pro gre ss o f STAT3and VEG F in L aryngeal Cancer LI Nan1,YANG Xiao-min2.(1.Guang-dong Medical College,Zhanjiang524023,China;2.Dep artment of Otorhinolaryngology,H uiz hou Centr al People′s H ospital,H uizhou516001,China

Abst rac t:The occurrence and progress of lar yng eal neoplasm s ar e r egula ted by many genes,signal tr ans-ducers and activa tors of transcription3(S TAT3and VEGF play s important roles in the occurr ence,prog ress, m etastasis and prognosis of laryngeal neoplasms.STAT3is activated by extr acellular lig ands,including cyto-kines a nd g rowth factors.It can translocate to nucleus,w her e it binds to specific DNA sequences and regu-lates the tra nscription of tar get genes,and promotes the prolifera tion and inhibits a poptosis of tumor cells.

Tumor g rowth relies on angiogenesis,VEGF pla ys an important role in angiog enesis a s a positive r egulatory fa ctor.S o some studies a bout the S TAT3and VEGF a re carr ied out to establish foundation for genesis mecha-nism of human la ryngeal cancer.

Key words:Signal tr ansducer s and activator s of transcr iption3;Va sculal endothelial grow th fa ctor;La-ryngeal cancer

喉癌是头颈部常见恶性肿瘤,占全身恶性肿瘤 的5.7%~7.6%[1],主要病理类型为鳞状细胞癌。其

发病的病因尚不十分清楚,其发生、发展及转移过程中相关蛋白质的过度表达或异常激活是目前的研究热点。信号转导及转录活化因子(signa l tra nsducer s a nd a ct i-vat or s of t ra nscr iption,S TAT s是一种存在于细胞质并在激活后能够转入核内与DNA 结合的独特的蛋白家族,它与酪氨酸磷酸化信号通道耦联,发挥信号转导和转录调控的作用。其中,S TAT3是家族中的重要一员,在很多不同类型的细胞和组织中均有S TAT3表达,其参与细胞



