Lesson4 How Long Will You Stay There?
Are you ready to go? Not yet. Let me check my list. Did you take your raincoats and umbrellas? Don’t worry, Mom. I’m ready to go. Oh, I forgot the camera. Who has the camera? I have the camera. OK. Let’s go to the airport. 二、教学目标
1、学会说拥有的东西。 2、听,说教学法以及电教手段。 3、让孩子意识到做事要有规划 三、学情分析:
本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,他们已经具有一定的英语 基础、学习方法和学习习惯。这个年龄的学生的思维愈加的成熟起来,他们对于简单的重复已经没有太大的兴趣,更重要的是不利于学生英语思维的养成。所以在本课中设计了大量的活动增加学生表达的机会,充分发挥学生资源,结合学生身边的生活经历,让学生在课堂上用英语表达自己的真情实感,有效地养成英语思维的习惯。 四、教学重点 句型的熟练掌握。 五、教学难点
对所学知识进行整合,在实际生活中应用。 六、设计理念
五年级的学生已经具备了一定的语言基础,也掌握了初步运用英语进行交流的能力。在教学中我主要采用了任务型教学、多媒体展示、小组合作探究等教学方法,让学生通过听说唱做和演等多种渠道来感知语言,理解语言。 六、教学准备
课件教材、录音机、磁带、课件、单词卡片、 七、教学过程 Ⅰ、Greetings: T: Class begins.
S: Good morning, teacher. T: Good morning, children.. T: How are you today? S: I’m fine ,thanks.
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T: Ok, today let’s learn lesson4 “How long will you stay there?”
T: Now ,first let’s sing a happy chant together,and try to do the actions . S: Try to have a happy chant together. Ⅱreview:
T: look at the screen, That is beautiful scenery of Wonder Land . I’m going to visit Wonder Land.
T: I have so many tickets . Do you want to go with me? Ss:Yes.
T: Now, let’s do the words game .If you win the game you can get it .
ⅢNew lesson:
T: Today Sandy’s family is going to Wonder Land. Let’s listen what are they talking about?
T: They are very busy. They are preparing for the trip. (According to the tape the teacher guides the students to understand the text)
T: Listen to the tape carefully and try to answer teacher’s questions. S: Listen to the tape carefully and try to answer questions. T: Call one to read the whole test, and let the follow her. S: Read it after the girl together.
Now read the text by yourselves, then answer the question.(根据孩子回答随机完成板书)
T: Every team will read one sentence in order. S: Every team try to read it better!
T: Now let’s have a competition. Four games:1.More times.2.High voice and low voice.3.Make a “trick”4.Listen and do(通过比赛对动作和短语进行反复操练) Ⅳ、Practice:
T: Now,open your book, let’s listen to the tape and follow it to read together, OK?
S: Yes. Listen to the tape and follow it to read. T:(To ask the students read the dialogue) S:(The students read the dialogues in pairs)
T: Good for you! Now look at the exercise, give you few minutes to fill in the blanks, you can work in groups. (To Show the exercise on the screen.)
第 2 页
S: (Work in groups and fill in the blanks) T: Good! This time let’s read it together. S: (The students read the passage) T: You all did a good job. V、Summary:
T: Let’s compete in speaking.(展示熟悉的生活画面,拓展孩子的思维) 播放课件,出现明显特点的图片,让孩子发挥想象,自由讨论。
T: let’s see the homework. Go over “Have Fun 1”and write a composition. 板书:
Lesson4 How Long Will You Stay There? Did you take your________?
Don’t worry, Mom. I’m ready to go.
I forgot the camera.
Lesson4 How Long Will You Stay There?(第二课时) 一、教材内容
Good morning. Can I see your tickets, please ? OK .Here you are. How long will you stay in Wonder Land ? For 2 weeks. Are these three pieces your luggage? Yes, they are. OK. Here are your boarding passes, Mr. Taylor. Thank you. 二、教学目标
1、学会表达关于时间长短的问答。 2、听,说教学法以及电教手段。 3、让孩子意识到做事要有规划 三、教学重点 句型的熟练掌握。 四、教学难点
对所学知识进行整合,在实际生活中应用。 五、设计理念
五年级的学生已经具备了一定的语言基础,也掌握了初步运用英语进行交流的能力。在教学中我主要采用了任务型教学、多媒体展示、小组合作探究等教学方法,让学生通过听说唱做和演等多种渠道来感知语言,理解语言。 六、教学准备 课件 录音机 七、教学过程 Ⅰ、Greetings:
第 3 页
五年级下英语教案-Lesson 4 How Long Will You Stay There_(EEC)