【期刊名称】《计算机仿真》 【年(卷),期】2017(034)001
【摘要】在提高电子商务网站用户忠诚度的研究中,由于电子商务用户数据复杂的内部结构,传统的方法支持向量机(SVM)在挖掘潜在忠诚用户群模式时,无法利用用户的消费历史记录和上下文信息进行挖掘,从而降低了电子商务用户忠诚度挖掘的准确度.提出一种采用回归预测的支持向量机的算法,旨在应用回归预测机制更好的利用用户历史购买行为记录,并分析用户购买行为记录的背景,从而提高电子商务用户忠诚度评估的准确度,实验结果表明,上述算法与传统的支持向量机算法相比,准确度提高了约15%左右.%Among the research methods of consumer loyalty of e-commerce website,the traditional support vector machine (SVM) method has a low accuracy for mining the consumer loyalty.So the author proposed a new SVM algorithm based on the predictive regression,in which the regression prediction mechanism was used to analyze the history data and context information of the consumers to improve the accuracy of the loyalty assess.The experimental result shows that the new algorithm can improve the accuracy by about 15% compared with the traditional one. 【总页数】4页(348-351)
【关键词】支持向量机;回归预测;电子商务;用户忠诚度 【作者】唐胡鑫