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2020年春人教新目标英语八年级下册unit 7知识点复习总结

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Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?


1. the population of China 中国的人口 2. one of the oldest countries 最古老的国家之一

3. feel free to do sth. 随意地做某事 4. as far as I know 据我所知

as you can see 正如你所看见的,…

5. mountain climbing/ climbing mountains 登山运动 6.live up to 活到……

7.higher than any other mountain 比其他任何一座山高 8. of all… 在所有的….中

9. run along 绵延,横亘… … 10. another 200 or so 还有大约200左右

11.one of the world’s most dangerous sports 最危险的运动之一 12.one of the most popular places 最受欢迎的地方之一 13.risk their lives 冒着他们的生命危险 14. challenge oneself 挑战自我 15. in the face of difficulties 面临困难 16. take in air 呼吸空气 17. the first people to do sth. 第一个做某事的人 18. achieve one’ s dream 实现某人的梦想 = make one’s dream come true

19. the forces of nature 自然界的力量 20. reach the top 到达顶峰 21. even though 虽然;尽管

22. at birth 在出生的时候 23. be awake 醒着 24. run over with excitement 兴奋地跑过去 25. walk into sb. 撞到某人 26.die from…… 死于…… 27. fall over 被…绊倒 28. take care of 照顾;照料

29. every two years 每两年 30. cut down the forests 砍伐林木

31. endangered animals 濒危动物 32. fewer and fewer pandas 大熊猫越来越少

33. be in danger 处于危险之中

34. the importance of saving these animals 拯救这些动物的重要性 35.wild animals野生动物 sea life海洋生物

36.water pollution 水污染

37.only live for a short time because of illnesses由于疾病仅活很短的时间 38. make more homes for the pandas为大熊猫建造更多的家园 39.stop putting rubbish into the sea停止往大海里丢垃圾 40.protect … from…保护…免于…的伤害

e.g. protect children from catching a cold. 保护孩子免于感冒

41.in the remaining forests在剩下的森林里

二. 重点短语句型详解

1. The elephant weights many times more than this panda. 这头大象的重量是这只熊猫的很多倍。 【解析1】weigh v 称……的重量 → weight n 重量

【记】 She weighs herself every day and wants to lose weight. 【解析2】time ①“是......的几倍”

主语 + 数词 + times + as +形容词+ as +被比较的内容 Our new school is four times as big as the old one.

②“次数” 一次 once 两次 twice 三次及三次以上 :

基数词 + times three times 三次 three or four times 三到四次

【短语】many times 很多倍 last time (在)上次……时 every time 每次/每回…… each time 每当……时

the first time 第一次……时 next time (当)下次……时 【句型 】

It’s time for sth . 或 It’s time ( for sb . ) to do sth . 意为:该是……的时候了 e.g. It’s time for dinner .

It’s time for children to go to bed .

【2012浙江杭州2】We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _____ we speak.

A. as twice much as B. twice as much as C. as much as twice D. as much twice as

2.At birth, a baby panda is about ___ to ____ kilos. 【解析】at birth 出生时 (用作时间状语) give birth ( to sb/ sth) 生孩子;产仔

3.A panda can live up to ___ to ____ years. 【解析】up to 高达

up to +数量词 达到 (某数量、程度等);至多 e.g. I can take up to four people in my car. 直到 (现在) be up to sb. “由某人决定”

e.g. — Shall we go out or stay in ? — It’s up to you.

4. Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas’ breakfast. 【解析】prepare…for… 为……准备……

1). prepare sth.表示\准备......\,后接名词或代词作宾语。

Our English teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office. 2). prepare to do sth.表示\准备做......\。

They were preparing to cross the river when it began to rain. 3). prepare for sth.表示\为......做准备\。

The students are busy preparing for the final exam.

5. At 9:00 a.m, they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. 【解析】awake adj. 醒来 (反义词)asleep 睡着的 She was awak all night. V. 唤醒;使醒来 = wake up The noise awak me.

【例题】 Do you lie __________ (醒着的)at night,worrying about things? ( ) He fell ____ early last night, and he was ___ early this morning.

A. sleep; wake B. asleep; wake C. asleep; awake D. sleep ; awake

6. When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their

friends and fall down! 【解析1】run over 撞倒 run →ran→ run→ running → runner 赛跑的人 【短语】run after 追逐,追求 run away from 从……跑掉;逃避 run out (某物)被用完 run out of 用完(某物)

run into 无意间碰到,和……相撞 【解析2】excitement 激动;兴奋

exciting 形容词,表示\令人兴奋的;使人激动的\,指


He told us an exciting story yesterday. excite v \使)兴奋\→excitement n 激动;兴奋

excited 形容词,表示\兴奋的\,指人、物

Are you excited about going to Beijing?

be excited about 对……感到激动 对......感到兴奋,是(主动地感到)兴奋的 to one’s excitement 使某人兴奋的是

【例题】Everyone was _______when they heard the ______ news.

A.exciting,exciting B.excited,exciting C.exciting.excited 【解析3】fall down 跌倒 fall “落下,跌落,降落”,指在重力的作用下落下,或失去平衡而跌落 The leaves fall in the autumn. fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from The book fell down from the table to the floor.

【短语】 fall down 倒下 fall over 落在...之上, 脸朝下跌倒 fall off 下降, 跌落 fall over“向前摔倒、跌倒”。

【例题】— What happened to Mare — He fell ____ the bike ___ a snowy morning. A.off; in B.down; at C.off; on

7. The baby often die from illness and do not live very long.熊猫幼崽常死于疾病,并且活不久。

【解析1】die v. →(延续性动词) be dead 死,死亡 → death n. 死,死亡→dead adj. 死的 → dying adj. 将死的

①Lucy’s dog’s __________(die) yesterday. Its_______ made her sad. ②His grandpa ____________(die) for five years .

( )③He _____ for two years. We are still sad about his _____.

A. died; dead B. died; death C. has been dead; dead D. has been dead; death ( )④The doctor ____a ___ boy yesterday.

A. saved; dying B. saved; dead C. has saved; dead 【解析2】illness 疾病;病

ill /sick 共同点:\生病的;有病的\

不同点:ill adj.\生病的;有病的\作表语,不能作定语 be ill in hospital

sick 作表语/作定语,\病人\或the sick,

She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。She is looking after her sick father . 【拓展】sick \恶心的;厌倦的\ The smell makes me sick. 【例题】】25. He can’t even move because of his (ill).

8. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. 【解析】spend … (in) doing 花时间做某事 【】spend/pay/cost/take 花费

(1)spend→spent→spent v 花费,主语是人 ◆ sb.+ spend +时间/钱+on sth

◆sb. +spend +时间/钱+(in) doing sth ◆spend on= pay for 支付

【解析2】He spends too much time on the computer games.

( ) Remember to spend some time __ your loved ones, because they’re not going to be around forever. A. from B. with C. in D. on (2) pay →paid →paid v 支付,主语是人

◆sb.+ pay + 钱+for sth I pay 10 yuan for the book.

( ) — How much did you ____ for this computer? — Five hundred dollars. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay

(3) cost→ cost→ cost v 花费,主语是某物或某事

◆sth cost sb. +钱 某物花费某人多少钱 A new computer costs me a lot of money. 【例题】】 I bought a new sweater last weekend. It ____ me 120 yuan. A. paid B. take C. cost D. spend (4)take→took → taken v 花费

◆It takes /took sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 【解析2】 It takes him 3 hours to do his homework. 【例题】】10. It will ________ them several years to learn English well. A. cost B. take C. spend

【例题】--Are you always online? --Yes. It ____ me a lot of time to read the web pages I likes. It’s the best way to kill time. A. takes B. spends C. uses D. pays 【例题】 It only_______ him 20 minutes __________to his office every day. A. takes, to drive B. took, drive C. takes, drive D. took, to drive 【例题】22. It usually Mum about half an hour to cook supper. A. pays B. takes C. spends D. costs

【例题】4. I spent $5 this book. A. in B. to buy C. buying D. buy

9. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests. 【解析】 There be + 名词(短语) + ving. 某处有某人或某物在做某事 Thee is a truck collecting rubbish outside.

【解析】remind v保持,仍是(系动词+adj. )

( ) ①Though he has been working hard, his math remains_____. A. bad B. badly C.OK ( ) ② At the meeting ,they said nothing but ____quiet. A. took B make C. reminded 【例题】 25. —Can I smoke in the dining hall? —Sorry. It's not_________. A. promised B. realized C. allowed D. reminded

10. Another 200 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. 【解析1】another +数词 另外的……, 再…… another 同类事物(三个以上)的另一个,

【解析2】I don't like this one, please show me another. some... others一些,另一些

Some boys are reading; others are listening to the radio. one ... the other 表示两者里面的另一个!

I've bought two sweaters . One is for you and the other is for my brother. other+复数名词

Where are the other students?

【例题】22. My family has two dogs. One is white, ________ is black. A. other B. another C. the other D. others[来源:学科网]

【例题】— Have you finished your work yet? — No, no t yet. It’ll take me ____ ten minutes. A. other B. another C. the other

12. We all hope that in the future there will be a lot more pandas than now. 【解析】there be句型的将来时 【例题】—There’s going to ___ an English evening tonight? Would you like to go with us? —I’d love to. A. have B. has C. is D. be 【例题】 _________ two soccer games in our school next week .

A. There is has B. There are have C. There are going to be D. There is going to be

【例题】Do you think there _____ robots in People’s homes in the future? A. will be B. will is C. be will

13. Another reason for fewer and fewer pandas is because people are cutting down forests so pandas have fewer places to live and less bamboo to eat. 【解析】比较级 +and +比较级 越来越……

【例题】Funtawild Adventure is very popular and ______ tourists visit it year by year. A. more and more B. fewer and fewer C. less and less D. more or less 【例题】 Farmers have become ___ in our hometown in recent years.

A. more and more rich B. richer and richer C. more rich and more rich 【例题】After rebuilding, our school is becoming ___.

A. more and more beautiful B. more beautiful and beautiful C. beautiful and beautiful D. the more beautiful

(二)形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 形容词及副词的比较级和最高级变化形式 一、规则变化

1.一般在词尾直接加er或est, tall-taller-tallest,long-longer-longest 2.以不发音的字母e结尾的单词在词尾直接加r或st, nice-nicer-nicest

3.以辅音字母+y结尾的词,把y变为i,再加er或est, heavy-heavier-heaviest

4.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est, big-bigger-biggest 【注】: 大,红,湿,热,悲,瘦,胖.双写末辅再变级.(big/red/wet/hot/sad/thin/fat )

5.部分双音节词和多音节词分别在原级前加more构成比较级和most构成最高级, beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful

【注】:表示否定意义在其前加less /least important----less important----least important English is more interesting than Chinese =Chinese is less interesting than English . 6.由 “形容词+ly”构成的副词,在其前加more/ most

slowly---more slowly----most slowly;但early—earlier---earliest 二、不规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well better best many/much more most little less least old old / elder old /eldest bad/badly/ill worse worst far farther (距离)/further(程度) farthest /furthest 下列单、双音节词只能加more和most 注: 形容词,副词同形有: back , high , well ,fast, early, late ,straight 三、常见用法

形容词或副词的比较级+than。如:You are taller than Tom. 你比Tom高。

可修饰比较级的词 a bit, a little, rather, much, far, a lot, a great deal, any, still, even.

2020年春人教新目标英语八年级下册unit 7知识点复习总结


