原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design do the oral pratice on p119-120, and enable the students
to practise debating. step 2. reading
task 1: read the 2 passages and finish the exercises. if possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences.
step 3. guided writing
give ss 20 minutes to finish the writing assignment on p117, then ask ss to score their work according to the following chart.
3 pluses & 1 wish
name _____ title _____ date _____ + _________ + _________ + _________ ? _________
note: how to use this chart effectively?
ask the student to read his/her deskmate’s writing carefully, and then find 3 valuable things (structure, passage arrangement, sentence, diction, etc) and give 1 suggestion. and then feed the message back. next, ask the ss to correct their work according to the chart.
第 6 页 / 总 8页
原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design period 4:
step 1. analyze some long sentences:
deal with some language points and difficult points if necessary. if possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences. the following sentences in this unit are very important:
among the different kinds of bees, it is the honey-bee that has interested scientists most because of the “language” they use to communicate with each other.
in order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little dots of colour.
for his lifetime’s work in studying the communication of animals, including honey-bees, professor karl von frisch was awarded a nobel prize in 1973, which he shared with two other scientists.
they trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movement. after designing more experiments, they were able to clarify the procedure by which bees communicate information that they use to find and fetch food.
like all other living creatures, human beings belong to a group of other animals that share certain characteristics. step 2: testing your skills on p250-251
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design step 3: cloze test on p255-256 step 4: translating on p 256
Prepared by foonshion Education Research Center
第 8 页 / 总 8页
高三英语:Unit 14 Zoology教学设计