第七节 、雨季施工主要技术管理措施 Chapter VII Main Technical Measures
7.1 雨季施工管理
7.1 Management in Rainy Season
7.1.1 Construction scheme will be properly planned and arranged. Overall check will be performed for each construction unit and concrete measures will fully be taken on. Defects and risks should be fully inspected. Comprehensive check and inspection will be done every week on Thursday. All needy and urgent materials, tools and equipment should be fully prepared in advance.
7.1.2 Flood control leadership crew is set up and control plan and emergency measures are prepared.
7.1.3 On night shifts we arrange staffs on duty, ensuring 24-hour recording. Staffs on night shifts will also follow weather forecast and collect climate information, submit to leadership crew and inform each construction units.
7.1.4 Training will be given to each construction staff. Before entering into rainy season, we arrange full and over inspection for temporary facility, temporary power, equipment and scaffolding for flood control and rain leakage.
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7.1.5 drainage facilities for the whole camping spots should be checked and inspected, ensuring each spot pipe line open, clean and smooth for rains running.
7.1.6 Since rainy season encounters the main foundation work, structural works and mechanical and electrical works, we strictly make plans for each sub divisional work, make electrical material stay in storage house and make drainage pipes smooth and connected with appointed rain system.
7.2地基与基础工程 7.2 Base and Foundation Works
7.2.1 Earthwork excavation
On the process, we ensure drainage works fully meet excavation requirements: basins and trench troughs should be set along foundation pits, avoiding rains in destroying sloping. We make supports for deep pits and high sloping: we use 50mm thickness C20 concrete with A4@200 two-way fabricated bar (C12, 400mm length) for sloping fixing(spacing 1m with dowel bar).
1. No over excavations are allowed, all excavation specifications should be in line with required schemes.
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2、当现场降水等级超过中雨时,根据现场土壤情况,表层土接近或达到饱和,此时严禁进行挖土施工,以免发生机械倾覆等安全事故。 2. No accidents allowed. With this in mind, we ensure top soils are dry enough for construction. When heavy rain arrives, we totally stop work for the over- humidity of top soil.
3、现场基槽内如有积水,应立即用水泵抽出,抽放至排水沟。 3. We pump out rains which staying in foundation pits.
4. We take a regular look at the stability of sloping. When the heavy rain comes frequently, we should take more looks at sloping stability. In addition, if the sloping is unstable, we should immediately stop the excavation works. For those sloping which are not covered by concrete, we use plastic cloth to cover the sloping first.
5、土方开挖至基底标高时,在坑边及时做好排水沟和集水坑,遇有降雨时及时将坑底土体用塑料布覆盖,集水坑内安设水泵进行抽水。 5. When the excavation work comes to the bottom level, around the pit, we should reserve drainage troughs and plash. When heavy rains arrive, we use pump taking out rains which staying in plash and use plastic cloth covering the excavated earth.
6. Heavy duty trucks and material are not allowed to be put within 2m nearby the foundation pits.
雨天应停止土方开挖施工,大雨过后,要根据土层含水率及时调整挖土方案。 According to the water ratio from top soil, we establish and adjust excavation plan after heavy rains.
7.2.2回填土工程 7.2.2 Soil Backfilling
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1. When we start backfilling work, we should take a strict control of water ratio of backfilling earth.
2. When the work is stopped by heavy rain, we use plastic cloth covering the earth.
3、如果填好的土层被雨水浸泡,应把被泡的土挖出来翻晒,晾干后重新回填。 3. It the backfilling earth is soaked by water, we should ted the earth and decrease water ratio until it meets requirements. Then, we perform the second-time backfilling.
4. At the positions which the backfilling work completed, we should open drainage trench (inside plastering with mortar). We will prevent rains running into foundation pits, avoiding collapsing and earth of pit damaged.Between backfilled parts and unfinished parts, ladder-shaped connections should be protected to prevent the eroding from rains. A 150mm platform should be made for unfinished parts for backfilling, of which the function of platform is to prevent rains from running into foundation pits.
5、 基坑回填土应连续进行,尽快完成。施工中注意雨情,雨前应及时夯完已填土层,并做成一定坡势,以利排除雨水。
5. Backfill shall be continuously performed. The compacted layer should be protected and should be made sloping in order to drain.
6、 雨期土方回填施工应严格控制回填土的含水率,及时取样试验,将回填土的含水量控制在设计要求范围内,如含水量偏高,可采用翻松、晾晒或均匀掺入干土等措施;必要时应事先对土源加以覆盖,避免出现橡皮土。
6. When we start backfilling work, we should take a strict control of water ratio of backfilling soil. We take samples from backfilled soil and test water ratio, and if the water ratio surpasses the standard, we take measures to ted the earth until they come
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into normal. Spongy soil is not allowed to exist.
7、 当回填土被雨水浸泡或出现“橡皮土”时,应挖出晾晒后重新回填。 7. If the backfilled soil is changed into spongy soil, we should take it out and backfill with suitable material again.
7.3防水工程 7.3Water-Proof Works
1、雨季进行防水施工时,应注意收听天气预报。防水材料应妥善保存。 1. According to weather forecast, we properly handle construction progress and keep materials in good conditions.
2. For waterproof material which strict to moisture content, we should check its dry degree. If the water ratio exceeds 9%, the work is stopped. We will adopt dryer to make base course dry so that we can start the work.
3. When the rains become heavy and the wind power is more than 5 levels, we will stop the work.
4. Exterior wall waterproofing works should not be started during rainy days. The moisture should be controlled within no more than 4%.
5. For concrete cushion construction, we should make a drainage sloping and reserve plash so that rains can be pumped out in time.
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