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2019年人教版七年级英语下册Unit 5单元测试卷(含答案)

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七年级英语新目标(下)新版Unit 5单元检测试卷附参考答案

姓名____________ 得分____________


( ) 1. There is ______ elephant in the zoo. ______ elephant is from Africa.

A. a, The B. an, The C. /, An D. a, An

( ) 2. --- Why do you like penguins(企鹅)? --- Because they are very ________. A. cute B.dirty C. lazy D. tall ( ) 3. -Isn’t she sister? -_______. She is my aunt.

A. Yes, she isn’t B. No, she is C. Yes, she is D. No, she isn’t ( ) 4. Does your mother like sleeping during the day? ________

A. No, he doesn’t B. No, he isn’t C. No, she doesn’t D. No, she isn’t ( ) 5. Chinese people are very ________ to others.

A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. friendy

( ) 6. --- Do you like _______? --- Yes, they’re very smart. A. elephant B. tigers C. panada D. animal ( ) 7. Elephants can remember the places _________ food and water. A. with B. for C. in D. at

( ) 8. --- ________ do you like dogs ? ---- Because they’re very interesting. A. What B. How C. Why D. Where ( ) 9. The girl is ______ shy.

A. very much B. a little C. much D. little ( ) 10. Where _______ lions ______?

第 1 页 共 8 页


A. does, from B. do, come from C. is, from D. are, come from ( ) 11. He likes ________ my friend.

A. to play with B. to play C. play with D. play ( ) 12. What ______ animals do you like ?

A. else B. other C. others D. other’s ( ) 13. He works only ________.

A. at the night B. in night C. at the evening D. at night ( ) 14. Mr Li is kind _____ us. But sometimes he is kind ______ serious(严肃). A. to, of B. with, to C. of, to D. of, of

( ) 15. Let’s ______ the dolphins( 海豚 ) now. They are very smart. A. read B. watch C. look D. see

( ) 16. My little cat sleeps ______the day, but _____night he begins to work.

A. at, at B. on, in C. on, at D. during, at

( ) 17. –Do you like tigers? -Yes, I like them ________. A. a lot of B. a lot C. lots of D. many ( ) 18. Why do you want _____________ the lions first?

A. seeing

B. to look C. to see

D. see

( ) 19. I know she is very________. Look,the smile (微笑) is on her face.

A. happy B. sad C. smart D. cute

( ) 20. She likes _______ to the movie ________ her friends.

A. go; with B. going; with C. going; and D. to go, and


第 2 页 共 8 页


Let me tell you something 1_________ my little dog Snoopy(史努比). Snoopy is an American 2_________. He looks very cute. He has 3________ small eyes(眼睛), two big ears(耳朵), 4________ short legs and a small tail(尾巴). Now he can 5________ many

games. If I say “Go to sleep!” he 6______ to his bed and lies(躺)down. If I say “7________ basketball!” he goes to catch a ball and puts it into a basket. If I say “Please 8_______ for us!” then he dances to the music. “Can he 9________ a song?” a friend asks me. “Sure, he can, but he doesn’t sing 10________English or Chinese. When he sings, nobody can understand him.” ( )1. A. in B. about C. on D. for ( ) 2. A. cat B. boy C. girl D. dog ( ) 3. A. two B. three C. one D. four ( ) 4. A. two B. three C. four D. one ( ) 5. A. find B. play C. see D. bring ( ) 6. A. go B. comes C. goes D. takes ( ) 7. A. Buy B. Play C. Bring D. Sell ( ) 8. A. sing B. play C. want D. dance ( ) 9. A. sing B. write C. play D. teach ( ) 10. A. at B. on C. in D. with Ⅲ、阅读理解。(10分) 根据短文内容,判断正(A)误(B)

In our city there is a big zoo. There are a lot of different(不同的) animals in it. There are some scary tigers and lions. They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day.

There are also two big elephants and a baby(婴儿) one. Children like to ride(骑)one of them. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much grass(草) and bananas.

第 3 页 共 8 页


In the zoo, we can see different kinds of(种类) bears(熊), brown bears, black bears and white bears. They are all slow and clumsy(慢而笨拙). They stand on their back legs and lift their front legs to ask for food. They like cakes very much.

Do you like pandas? There’s only one in the zoo. Her name is Lingling. She is very cute. She likes eating bamboos(竹子) very much. She is kind of shy. She’s very interesting and lovely. ( ) 1. The tigers and lions like eating vegetables. ( ) 2. There are three elephants in the zoo. ( ) 3. The bears’ color is different.

( ) 4. The bears likes eating bananas very much. ( ) 5. Pandas like to eat vegetables and bamboos. Ⅳ. 用所给的词填空。(共10分)

shy China play with Sunday because new panda want beautiful quiet Today is ___1____. Jim and David ___2____ to go to the zoo. ___3___ there is a ____4__ in the zoo. She is _5_ there. Her name is Ling ling. She is from ____6_ . She is only five years old. She's very _7 . Children like her very much. They want to __8___ her, but Ling Ling is very___9____ . So the keeper(饲养员)in the zoo tell them to be ____10_____.

1._________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ 6._________ 7.___________ 8. ___________ 9.____________ 10. ___________ Ⅴ. 根据首字母或汉语提示,填出正确的单词。(5分)

1. I don’t like tigers because they’re really ____________(吓人的). 2. Robert usually gets up at 10:00 am. We think he is a l ___________ man.3. A g_____________ has a very long neck. It's a beautiful animal.

第 4 页 共 8 页


4.The elephant is one of Thailand’s s_____________.

5.Today there are only about 3,000 elephants ( but_____________(多于)100,000 before ).

Ⅵ. 选句子完成对话(共5分) A. I like koalas. B. I like elephants. A: Hi, Peter! 1 C. Where are you going? D. They’re from Australia. B: I’m going to the zoo.

E. It sounds great. A: 2 . What animal do you like? B: 3 . A: Why?

B: Because they’re strong and intelligent (adj.聪明的;理解力强的). What about you? A: 4 because they’re cute. B: Where are the koalas from? A: Oh, 5 .

1.______ 2. ________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5.__________ Ⅶ. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。( 10分)

1.___________ ( not fight ) with your classmates, please.

2. Her home is far from his school, so he has to ___________ ( eat ) her breakfast quickly. 3. I don’t like lions because they’re ____________. ( friend ) 4. We must __________ (follow) the school’s rules.

5. I’m sorry Tony __________ ( not do ) his homework on time every day. 6. There __________ ( be ) some water in the glass. 7. Let the girl __________ ( go ) to school early.

第 5 页 共 8 页


2019年人教版七年级英语下册Unit 5单元测试卷(含答案)


