【期刊名称】《应用化学》 【年(卷),期】2012(029)006
【摘要】通过红外光谱在线监测1,5-二乙酰基-3,7-二硝基-1,3,5,7-四氮杂环辛烷(简写DADN)合成奥克托今(HMX)的反应过程,利用渐进因子分析(EFA)、多元曲线分辨-交替最小二乘法(MCR-ALS)和直观推导式演进特征投影法(HELP)等化学计量学方法对反应过程获得的光谱信息进行解析,得到了各组分浓度变化曲线和对应的红外光谱,并将MCR-ALS和HELP两种方法的分析结果进行比较,得出可相互验证的一致结论,从而推测出该反应合理的反应机理.所得结果与文献报道吻合,表明化学计量学方法结合在线红外光谱是研究奥克托今合成机理的有效手段.%Online Infrared spectrum was used for monitoring the reaction process of synthesizing octogen (HMX). The concentration profiles and spectra of reactants, intermediates and product were determined by analyzing the data using chemometric methods of multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares ( MCR-ALS) and heuristic evolving latent projection( HELP) , and the reasonable mechanism was induced, which were coincided with literature. The results show that it is an effective means for researching the synthesizing reaction mechanism of octogen by chemometrics and infrared spectroscopy. 【总页数】7页(711-717)