【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)040
【摘要】Objective To explore significance of the RP - HPLC method for determination e medicine content of buprenorphine patches. Methods Chromatographic column and mobile phase were respectively 5 um Waters Symmetry C18 column and methanol- 0.02 mol · L-1 buf er salt solution, detection wavelength and velocity were respectively 286 nm and 1.0 ml min -1. Results 070919, 070920, 070921 batches of buprenorphine patch content levels were 0.156 mg·cm -2, 0.150 mg·cm-2, 0.149 mg·cm-2, RSD was 1.1%, 0.83%and 1.7%respectively. Conclusion RP -HPLC method for determining the content of medicine of buprenorphine patch was accurate, reliable and has high sensitivity, which is worthy of promoting.%目的:探讨RP-HPLC法测定丁丙诺啡贴剂中药物含量的意义。方法色谱柱和流动相分别为5 um的Waters Symmetry C18柱和甲醇-0.02mol?L-1的缓冲盐溶液,检测波长和流速分别为286nm和1.0ml?min-1。结果070919,070920,070921批号的丁丙诺啡贴剂的含量分别为0.156 mg?cm-2、0.150 mg?cm-2、0.149 mg?cm-2,RSD分别为1.1%、0.83%、1.7%。结论 RP-HPLC法测定丁丙诺啡贴剂中药物的含量准确可靠,具有较高的灵敏度,值得推广。 【总页数】1页(141-141)