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i.听对话,根据你所听到的内容选出问题的答案,录音念两遍。(4小题,每小题1分) 1. How does Ross feel now? A. Angry. B. Bored. C. Ashamed.

2. How long did the meeting last? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours.

3. When did the fire break out? A. On January 1st. B. On October 1st. C. On December 24th.

4. How often does Paul eat out with his family? A. Seldom. B. Often. C. Never.

ii.听录音,选出你所听到的问题的合适答语,问句念两遍。(4小题,每小题1分) 5. A. Sure. It is delicious. B. OK. Here is my bill.

C. Yes. I’d like some fish and chips. 6. A. By bus. B. My friend. C. At 7 a.m.

7. A. Bus No.3. B. Take a taxi. C. On East Street. 8. A. We went there by air. B. It was very interesting.

C. Yes, of course. It means a lot to me.

iii.听录音,根据你所听到的答语选择最佳问句,答语念两遍。(4小题,每小题1分) 9. A. What does Martin look like? B. Where does Martin come from?

C. Why can’t Martin get on well with them? 10. A. What’s wrong with you?

B. What should I do if I want to keep healthy? C. How do you usually deal with your Maths problem? 11. A. Who is your English teacher?

B. Do you like your English teacher Miss Li? C. How do you like your English teacher Miss Li?

12. A. Where did the girl and her elder brother decide to go? B. What did the girl and her elder brother decide to do? C. When did the girl and her elder brother decide to go?



4.How to achieve dream 3.Why to live in Shenzhen Simon’s life in ten years 2.Whom to live with 1.What dream 13. 你可以这样开始转述: Simon is a junior high school student in Shenzhen. Ⅱ.词汇。(15小题,每小题1分,小计15分)

i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(8小题,每小题1分)

14. - The weather here was awful last winter, often rainy and too cold.

- Luckily, the weather report says it will be fine this winter. A. bad B. fine C. ordinary

15. - Look! The soldiers over there look very excited. What happened?

- They heard the news of their victory, and they will hold a party to celebrate it. A. work B. success C. business

16. - Excuse me, when and where can I have breakfast?

- Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m. on the ground floor of this hotel. A. provided B. protected C. produced

17. - Do I need to take some presents when I go to Bill’s flat tomorrow?

- Yes. You’d better buy some books because Bill likes reading very much. A. gifts B. tasks C. parents



