Part I Listening Comprehension Section A (1 Point each)
1. A. His paper has been published with the help of his adviser. B. His paper has won an award with the help of his adviser. C. His paper has been revised by his adviser. D. His paper has got the approval from his adviser. 2. A. Tom is terribly ill. B. Tom is in low spirits.
C. Tom is bad-tempered. D. Tom is nervous at the moment 3. A. He saw his boss in person for the first time. B. He is now complaining in a different way. C. He has made his boss change his attitude. D. He has changed his opinion of his boss. 4. A. He was not fond of the concert.
B. He didn't like the tea offered at the concert. C. He left early to have some tea with somebody else. D. He doesn't want to tell the woman why he was not there. 5. A. He always looks down upon others. B. He always lowers the value of others. C. He always judges people by their appearance D. He is always reluctant to take newcomers.
6. A. She is always stupid. B. She is always concentrated. C. She is always careless. D. She is always absent-minded. 7. A. She wants to leave a way out. B. She doesn't trust her boss.
C. She wants to repay her boss. D. She wants to stay with her boss as long as possible 8. A. She should let her daughter decide.
B. She should choose what the teacher is interested in. C. She should make the same choice as the other parents. D. She should choose what she is interested in.
9. A. She felt very cold because of the weather. B. She was frightened by the scene. C. She sent the two boys to the hospital. D. She went to help the injured immediately. Mini-talk one
10. A. He went mountain climbing. B. He went camping. C. He went to a party: D. He went to a concert.
11. A. He was lost in the forest. B. He was caught in a natural disaster. C. He was woken up in the middle of the night. D. He burned his dinner. 12. A. Because it was too noisy. B. Because he wanted to join the party. C. Because he was too tired. D. Because he turned on some music. Mini-talk Two
13. A. They may be overweight. B. They may earn less money.
C. The may suffer from serious diseases. D. They may have lasting damage in their brain. 14. A. Improving children's nutrition in their country.
B. Providing their people with cleaner conditions. C. Improving health care for their people. D. Providing their people with better education. 15. A. Preschool period. B. Teenage period.
C. Between birth and 15 years old. D. Between pregnancy and two years old. Section C (1 point each)
16. \17.Blogs offer young people a place to show their writings and ______________.
18. Personal information puts teenagers at risk of being sought out by dangerouspeople who ______. 19. When teenagers include information on their blogs that canbe seen as a threat toothers they can ___________________.
20. Parents are advised to read their children's blogs to make sure they are not givingout__________.
PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points ) Section A (0.5 point each)
21. The city was virtually paralyzed by the transit strike for better wages. A. subjectively B. imaginably C. positively D. practically 22. In spite of the taxing business schedule, he managed to take some time off forexercise. A. imposing B. demanding C. compulsory D. temporary 23. The court held the parents accountable for the minor child's acts of violence. A. responsible for B. indifferent toC. desperate for D. involved in
24.The visitors were impressed by the facilities planned and programmedin terms oftheir interrelationships.
A. in units of B. with reference to C. in aspects of D. on condition of 25. \ A. mighty B. prospective C. odd D. formidable 26. Poverty and inadequate health care take their toll on the quality of a community'shealth. A. destruction B. contribution C. charge D. origin
27. This old man had trouble expressing the attachment he felt when arriving at his nativetown. A. hospitality B. affection C: appeal D. frustration 28. If you become reconciled to your lot, you will never get a new start in life. A. submissive B. resistant C. tolerable D. committed 29. The little girl felt increasingly uneasy while waiting for her mother at the bus-stop. A. difficult B. excited C. relieved D. restless
30. A high official is likely to win respect and trust if he can stick to his principles. A. turn to B. add to C. keep to D. lead to Section B (0.5 point each)
31. To achieve sustainable development, the of resources is assuming newimportance. A. conservation B. reservation C. exhaustion D. devastation 32. The sale of alcoholic beverages is ________ to those above 21 in some regions. A. confined B. inhibited C. obliged D. restricted
33.The importance of protecting rainforests from human invasion is increasingly realizedby developing and developed countries_______.
A. both B. either C. alike D. apart
34. Before the 1980s, the idea of health insurance was quite _______ to those living inthe mainland of China.
A. overseas B. abroad C. foreign D. offshore
35. The government is expected to make new legislations to ______ foreign investmentin real estate. A. manipulate B. regulate C. dominate D.prevail
36. Despite the suspect's ________to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that hewas involved. A. conviction B. assertion C. accusation D. speculation
37. For many countries, being part of a global supply chain is like striking oil -- oil thatmay never ____.
A. run out B. work out C. turn out D. call out
38. Having been an office secretary for some years, she always _______chores in aresponsible way. A. goes on B. goes for C. goes without D. goes about 39. Without clear guidelines ______, executives of hospitals are sometimes at a loss about what to do. A. in order B. in place C. in need D. in trouble 40. The age of other trees is variously estimated as ______ from two hundred to eighthundred years.
A. changing B. differing C. varying D. ranging
PART III CLOZE TEST (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each)
Every year, as the price of goods rises, the inflation refuses to (41) even fromthe high educational institutions.
In the US, according to a 2005 survey by the College Board, (42) at stateuniversities rose by an average of 7.1 percent annually, after a year when inflation grewmuch less. At private schools it was up 5.9 percent. The survey which (43) morethan 3,000 colleges and universities did not provide clear reasons for the continuedincreases. It did say that the price of goods and services at universities have risen rapidly.Some of the fastest growth has been in employee health (44), and professionalsalaries. Living expenses on campus have also (45). At the university of SouthernCalifornia student dining hall, a buffet meal cost $5.50 in 2004. But now it's $9.The US government often provides (46) assistance to students' lunch in primary and high schools, but these favorable policies usually don't (47) universities.
Some students said the food on campus is sometimes even more expensive than that atrestaurants (48) campus.
To compensate the rise in tuition and living expenses, the federal and stategovernments (49) universities and private sources have provided (50) forstudents. Of all the full time undergraduates about 62 percent have a grant covering 30-50percent of their tuition, according to the College Board. 41. A. stay away 42. A. fares 43. A. attended 44. A. welfares 45. A. rolled up 46. A. management 47. A. apply to 48. A. in 49. A. as well as 50. A. grasps
B. stand out B. payment B. covered B. advantages B. gone up B. economic B. suit for B. to B. the same as B. grains
C. step down C. charges C. included C. benefits C. sat up C. policy C. adjust to C. off C. as far as C. grounds
D. set off D. tuition D. composed D. goods D. taken up D. financial D. gear for D. over D. such as D. grants