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6 He told me he could finish it. D

1 They said they might arrive tomorrow. 2 He told me he might retire.

3 She said she might telephone him. 4 He told me she might sell it.

5 He said she might recognize you. 6 She told me she might finish it.

Lesson138 A

1 He is doing the football pools.

2 No, he has never won anything on the football pools.

3 He will buy his wife a mink coat if he wins a lot of money. 4 No, she doesn't.

5 She wants to see the world.

6 He will try and win the football pools again. 7 Yes, it's only a dream. 8 It all depends on ‘if’. B

1 If he misses the bus, he'll take a taxi.

2 If he doesn't sell his old car, he won't buy a new one. 3 If they offer me more money, I'll work less.

4 If she doesn't type the letter, he'll type it himself.

5 If they come home early, the children will play in the garden. 6 If I am ill tomorrow, I won't go to work. 7 If I go to the party, I'll enjoy myself. 8 If he asks me, I'll tell him the truth.

9 If it rains tomorrow, they'll stay at home. C

1 She can live abroad if she is rich.

2 He can travel round the world if he is rich. 3 He can buy a new house if he is rich.

4 They can have a long holiday if they are rich. 5 I can enjoy myself if I am rich.

6 You can offer your boss a job if you are rich. 7 He can fly to Tokyo if he is rich. 8 She can work less if she is rich.

Lesson140 A

1 Yes, Graham Turner is speaking to John Smith.

2 Mary invited Mr. and Mrs. Turner to dinner.

3 Graham Turner said he would be there at six o'clock. 4 Because his boss wanted him to do some extra work. 5 No, he doesn't.

6 Mr. Turner's wife wants to know if Mary needs any help. B

1 I want to know if you are late. Tell me if you are late. I want to know why you are late. Tell me why you are late. 2 I want to know if you are dirty. Tell me if you are dirty. I want to know why you are dirty. Tell me why you are dirty. 3 I want to know if you are lazy. Tell me if you are lazy. I want to know why you are lazy. Tell me why you are lazy. 4 I want to know if you are busy. Tell me if you are busy. I want to know why you are busy. Tell me why you are busy. C

1 I want to know if you are writing. Tell me if you are writing. I want to know what you are writing. Tell me what you are writing. 2 I want to know if you are cooking. Tell me if you are cooking. I want to know what you are cooking. Tell me what you are cooking. 3 I want to know if you are painting. Tell me if you are painting. I want to know what you are painting. Tell me what you are painting. 4 I want to know if you are playing. Tell me if you are playing. I want to know what you are playing. Tell me what you are playing. D

1 I want to know if Tom got up early. Tell me if Tom got up early. I want to know when Tom got up. Tell me when Tom got up. 2 I want to know if Tom arrived late. Tell me if Tom arrived late. I want to know when Tom arrived. Tell me when Tom arrived. 3 I want to know if Tom did his homework yesterday. Tell me if Tom did his homework yesterday.

I want to know when Tom did his homework yesterday. Tell me when Tom did his homework yesterday.

4 I want to know if Tom had a bath yesterday. Tell me if Tom had a bath yesterday. I want to know when Tom had a bath yesterday. Tell me when Tom had a bath yesterday.

Lesson 142 A

1 Sally is four years old.

2 Because Sally had never travelled on a train before. 3 She sat near the window.

4 A middle-aged lady got on the train.

5 The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.

6 she opened her handbag and took out her powder compact. Then she began to make up her face. 7 Because she wanted to make herself beautiful. 8 No, she didn't. B

1 Someone airs it regularly. It is aired regularly.

2 Someone cleans them regularly. They are cleaned regularly. 3 Someone empties it regularly. It is emptied regularly. 4 Someone sharpens it regularly. It is sharpened regularly.

5 Someone turns them on regularly. They are turned on regularly. 6 Someone waters them regularly. They are watered regularly. 7 Someone repairs it regularly. It is repaired regularly. 8 Someone dusts it regularly. It is dusted regularly.

9 Someone corrects them regularly. They are corrected regularly. 10 Someone shuts it regularly. It is shut regularly. C

1 Someone watered them. They were watered this morning. 2 Someone repaired it. It was repaired this morning. 3 Someone dusted it. It was dusted this morning.

4 Someone corrected them. They were corrected this morning. 5 Someone shut it. It was shut this morning.

6 Someone bought them. They were bought this morning. 7 Someone swept it. It was swept this morning.

8 Someone took them to school, They were taken to school this morning. 9 Someone met them at the station. They were met at the station this morning. 10 Someone told them. They were told this morning.

Lesson144 A

1 The writer lives in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. 2 Because it is a famous beauty spot.

3 Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. 4 Litter baskets have been placed under the trees. 5 The writer went for a walk in the woods. 6 Yes, he saw a lot of rubbish.

7 He saw a sign among the rubbish.

8 The sign said, ‘Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted.’ B

1 Someone has aired it. It has already been aired.

2 Someone has cleaned them. They have already been cleaned. 3 Someone has emptied it. It has already been emptied. 4 Someone has sharpened it. It has already been sharpened.

5 Someone has turned them on. They have already been turned on. 6 Someone has bought them. They have already been bought.

7 Someone has swept it. It has already been swept.

8 Someone has taken them to school. They have already been taken to school. 9 Someone has invited them. They have already been invited. 10 Someone has told them. They have already been told. C

1 It hasn't been aired yet. It will be aired tomorrow.

2 They haven't been cleaned yet. They will be cleaned tomorrow. 3 It hasn't been emptied yet. It will be emptied tomorrow. 4 It hasn't been sharpened yet. It will be sharpened tomorrow.

5 They haven't been turned on yet. They will be turned on tomorrow. 6 They haven't been watered yet. They will be watered tomorrow. 7 It hasn't been repaired yet. It will be repaired tomorrow. 8 It hasn't been dusted yet. It will be dusted tomorrow.

9 They haven't been corrected yet. They will be corrected tomorrow. 10 It hasn't been shut yet. It will be shut tomorrow.



