64. Gambia ['ɡ?mbi?] [GMB; GM] 班珠尔(Banjul ['b?nd?u:l]) the Republic of the Gambia 冈比亚共和国
65. Georgia ['d??:d?j?] [GEO; GE] 第比利斯(Tbilisi [t?'bilisi,tbili:'si:])格鲁吉亚 66. Germany ['d??:m?ni] [DEU; DE] 柏林(Berlin [b?:'lin]) the Federal Republic of Germany 德国;德意志联邦共和国
* 德意志民主共和国与德意志联邦共和国已于1990年10月3日合并为一个主权国家。自合并之日起,德意志联邦共和国在联合国内的国名为“德国”。 67. Ghana ['ɡɑ:n?] [GHA; GH] 阿克拉(Accra [?'krɑ:]) the Republic of Ghana 加纳共和国
68. Greece [ɡri:s] [GRC; GR] 雅典(Athens ['?θinz]) the Hellenic Republic [he'li:nik]希腊共和国
69. Grenada [ɡr?'neid?] [GRD; GD] 圣乔治(St. George's)格林纳达 70. Guatemala [?ɡw?ti'mɑ:l?] [GTM; GT] 危地马拉城(Guatemala City) the Republic of Guatemala 危地马拉共和国
71. Guinea ['ɡini] [GIN; GN] 科纳克里 (Conakry ['k?n?kri]) the Republic of Guinea 几内亚共和国
72. Guinea-Bissau ['ɡinibi's?u] [GNB; GW] 比绍(Bissau [bis'au?]) the Republic of Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍共和国
73. Guyana [ɡai'ɑ:n?,ɡai'?n?] [GUY; GY] 乔治敦(Georgetown ['d??:d?taun]) the Republic of Guyana 圭亚那共和国
74. Haiti ['heiti] [HTI; HT] 太子港(Port-au-Prince [?p?:t?u'prins]) the Republic of Haiti 海地共和国
75. (the)Holy See [VAT; VA] 梵蒂冈城(Vatican ['v?tik?n] City)教廷[非联合国会员国] 76. Honduras [h?n'dju?r?s] [HND; HN] 特古巴加尔巴(Tegucigalpa [t??ɡu:si'ɡ?lp?]) the Republic of Honduras 洪都拉斯共和国
77. Hungary ['h??ɡ?ri] [HUN; HU] 布达佩斯(Budapest ['b(j)u:d?'pest]) the Republic of Hungary 匈牙利共和国
78. Iceland ['aisl?nd] [ISL; IS] 雷克亚未克(Reykjavik ['reikj??vi:k]) the Republic of Iceland 冰岛共和国
79. India ['indj?] [IND; IN] 新德里(New Delhi [nju: 'deli]) the Republic of India 印度共和国
80. Indonesia [?ind?u'ni:zj?] [IDN; ID] 雅加达( Jakarta [d??'kɑ:t?]) the Republic of Indonesia 印度尼西亚共和国
81. Iran [i'rɑ:n] [IRN; IR] 德黑兰 (Tehran [te?`r?n,-`rɑ:n]) the Islamic Republic of Iran 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 82. Iraq [i'rɑ:k] [IRQ; IQ] 巴格达(Baghdad [`b?ɡd?d]) the Republic of Iraq 伊拉克共和国
83. Ireland ['ai?l?nd] [IRL; IE] 都柏林(Dublin ['d?blin]) the Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国
84. Israel ['izrei?l] [ISR; IL] 特拉维夫(Tel Aviv [?tel?'vi:v]) the State of Israel 以色列国
85. Italy ['it?li] [ITA; IT] 罗马(Rome [r?um]) the Italian Republic [i't?lj?n] 意大利共和国
86. Jamaica [d??'meik?] [JAM; JM] 金斯敦(Kingston ['ki?st?n]) 牙买加 87. Japan [d??'p?n] [JPN; JP] 日本国 东京(Tokyo ['t?ukj?u]) 88. Jordan ['d??:dn] [JOR; JO] 安曼(Amman [?'mɑ:n]) the Hashemite [`h?∫?ma?t] Kingdom of Jordan约旦哈希姆王国
89. Kazakhstan [?kɑ:zɑ:k'stɑ:n] [KAZ; KZ] 阿斯塔纳 (Astana [?'stɑ:n?]) the Republic of Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦共和国;
90. Kenya ['ki:nj?,'kenj?] [KEN; KE] 内罗毕(Nairobi [?nai?'r?ubi]) the Republic of Kenya 肯尼亚共和国
91. Kiribati ['k?r?b?s] [KIR; KI] 塔拉瓦(Tarawa [tɑ:'rɑ:wɑ:]) the Republic of Kiribati基里巴斯共和国[非联合国会员国] #. Korea: Democratic People's Republic of Korea: see 47.
Republic of Korea: see 139.
92. Kuwait [ku'weit] [KWT; KW] 科威特城 (Kuwait City) the State of Kuwait 科威特国
93. Kyrgyzstan ['k??gi:?stɑ:n, ?k??gi: 'stɑ:n] [KGZ; KG] 比什凯克 (Bishkek ['bi?kek, 'bi:?-]) the Kyrgyz Republic 吉尔吉斯斯坦;吉尔吉斯共和国
94. Laos ['lauz] [LAO; LA] 万象(Vientiane [vjen'tj?n]) the Lao People's Democratic Republic 老挝人民民主共和国 95. Latvia ['l?tvi?] [LVA; LV] 里加(Riga ['ri:ɡ?]) the Republic of Latvia 拉脱维亚共和国
96. Lebanon ['leb?n?n] [LBN; LB] 贝鲁特(Beirut [bei'ru:t]) the Republic of Lebanon 黎巴嫩共和国
97. Lesotho [li'su:tu:] [LSO; LS] 马塞卢(Maseru ['m?z?ru:]) the Kingdom of Lesotho 莱索托王国
98. Liberia [lai'bi?ri?] [LBR; LR] 蒙罗维亚(Monrovia [m?n'r?uvi?]) the Republic of Liberia 利比里亚共和国
99. Libya ['libi?] [LBY; LY] 的黎波里(Tripoli ['trip?li])
the Great Socialist People's Libyan ['libj?n] Arab Jamahiriya阿拉伯利比亚民众国;大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国
100. Liechtenstein ['likt?n?stain] [LIE; LI] 瓦杜兹 (Vaduz [fɑ:'du:ts]) the Principality [?prinsi'p?liti] of Liechtenstein 列支敦士登公国
101. Lithuania [?liθju(:)'einj?,-ni?] [LTU; LT] 维尔纽斯(Vilnius [`vilni?s,-?s]) the Republic of Lithuania 立陶宛共和国
102. Luxembourg ['luks?m?b?:ɡ] [LUX; LU] 卢森堡(Luxembourg) the Grand Duchy ['d?t∫i] of Luxembourg 卢森堡大公国
#. Macedonia: see 170.
103. Madagascar [m?d?'ɡ?sk?] [MDG; MG] 安塔那利佛(Antananarivo [??nt??n?n?'ri:v??, ?ɑ:nt??nɑ:n?-])
the Republic of Madagascar 马达加斯加共和国
104. Malawi [mɑ:'lɑ:wi] [MWI; MW] 利隆圭(Lilongwe ['lil?:?kwi]) the Republic of Malawi 马拉维共和国
105. Malaysia [m?'lei∫?, m?'leizi?] [MYS; MY] 吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur ['kwɑ:l? 'lumpu?]) 马来西亚
106. Maldives ['m?:ldaivz, 'm?l-] [MDV; MV] 马累 (Male ['mɑ:lei]) the Republic of Maldives 马尔代夫共和国
107. Mali ['mɑ:li:] [MLI; ML] 巴马科 (Bamako ['bɑ:m?k?u]) the Republic of Mali 马里共和国
108. Malta ['m?:lt?] [MLT; MT] 瓦莱塔(Valletta [v?'let?]) the Republic of Malta 马耳他共和国
109. (the)Marshall Island ['mɑ:∫?l] [MHL; MH] 马朱罗(Majuro) the Republic of Marshall Island马绍尔群岛共和国
110. Mauritania [?m?(:)ri'teinj?] [MRT; MR] 努瓦克肖特(Nouakchott [nu'ɑ:k∫?t]) the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国
111. Mauritius [m?'ri∫?s] [MUS; MU] 路易港 (Port Louis ['p?:t 'lu(:)i(s)]) the Republic of Mauritius 毛里求斯共和国
112. Mexico ['meks?k??] [MEX; MX] 墨西哥城 (Mexico City)
the United Mexican States ['meks?k?n] (The United States of Mexico)墨西哥合众国
113. Micronesia [?ma?kr??`ni:z??,-??] [FSM; FM] 帕利基尔(Palikir ['p?lik?]) the Federated States of Micronesia密克罗尼西亚联邦; #. Moldova: see 140.
114. Monaco ['m?n?k?u] [MCO; MC] 摩纳哥城(Monaco-Ville) the Principality of Monaco [?prinsi'p?liti] 摩纳哥公国
115. Mongolia [m??'ɡ?ulj?] [MNG; MN] 乌兰巴托(Ulan Bator ['u:lɑ:n 'bɑ:t?:])蒙古 116. Morocco [m?'r?k?u] [MAR; MA] 拉巴特(Rabat [r?'bɑ:t]) the Kingdom of Morocco 摩洛哥王国
117. Mozambique ['m?uz?m'bi:k] [MOZ; MZ] 马普托 (Maputo [m?'put?]) the Republic of Mozambique 莫桑比克共和国
118. Myanmar ['mj?nmɑ:(r)](亦作Burma ['b?:m?])[MMR; MM] 仰光(Rangoon [r??'ɡu:n]) the Union of Myanmar 缅甸联邦
119. Namibia [n?'mi:bi?] [NAM; NA] 温得和克(Windhoek ['vinthuk]) the Republic of Namibia 纳米比亚共和国
120. Nauru [nɑ:'u:ru:] [NRU; NR] 亚伦 (Yaren [`jɑ:r?n]) the Republic of Nauru 瑙鲁共和国[非联合国会员国]
121. Nepal [ni'p?:l] [NPL; NP] 加德满都 (Kathmandu ['kɑ:tmɑ:n'du:])
the Kingdom of Nepal 尼泊尔王国(2008年改为the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal 尼泊尔联邦民主共和国)
122. (the)Netherlands ['nee?l?ndz] (=Holland ['h?l?nd]) [NLD; NL] 阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam ['?mst?'d?m])
the Kingdom of the Netherlands 荷兰王国 (尼德兰王国)
123. New Zealand [nju:'zi:l?nd] [NZL; NZ] 惠灵顿(Wellington ['weli?t?n])新西兰 124. Nicaragua [?nik?'rɑ:ɡw?,?nik?'r?ɡju?] [NIC; NI] 马那瓜 (Managua [m?'nɑ:ɡw?]) the Republic of Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜共和国