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Doubly excited 2s2p 1,3p1 resonances in photoionization of helium

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Doubly excited 2s2p 1,3p1 resonances in

photoionization of helium

Wan Jian-Jie;Dong Chen-Zhong

【期刊名称】《中国物理:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2009(018)009

【摘要】The multi-configuration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) method is implemented to study doubly excited 2s2p 1,3P1 resonances of the helium atom and the interference between photoionization and photoexcitation autoionization processes.In order to reproduce the total photoionization sprectra,the excited energies from the ground ls2 1 S0 state to the doubly excited 2s2p 1'3P1 states and the relevant Auger decay rates and widths are calculated in detail. Furthermore,the interference profile determined by the so-called Fano parameters q and p2 is also reproduced. Good agreement is found between the present results and other available theoretical and experimental results. This indeed shows a promising way to investigate the Fano resonances in photoionization of atoms within the MCDF scheme,although there are some discrepancies in the present calculations of the 2s2p 3P1 state. 【总页数】9页(3819-3827) 【关键词】

【作者】Wan Jian-Jie;Dong Chen-Zhong

【作者单位】Northwest Normal University;Northwest Normal University

Doubly excited 2s2p 1,3p1 resonances in photoionization of helium


