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新人教版小学三年级英语下册各单元测试题 - 图文 

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( )Can I have a pear , please? A. No, I don’t . ( )Do you like grapes ? B. Eleven ( )Have some watermelon,Mike ? C. Certainly! ( )How many bananas can you see ? D. Good idea!

( )Let’s share. E. Thank you . 四、把下列句子按正常的语序排列,把序号填写在题前括号内。(10) ( )1、Thank you .Miss White . ( )2、Do you like pears,John ? ( )3、Certainly !

( )4、Have some fruits , John .

( )5、No, I don’t. Can I have an apple , please ? 五、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”(10)

Hello! I am Wang Hong . I like peaches very much . I don’t like grapes . My father likes watermelons . He doesn’t like strawberries . My mother likes bananas . She doesn’t like pears . ( )1. Wang Hong likes apple .

( )2. Wang Hong doesn’t like grapes . ( )3. Her father likes watermelons . ( )4. Her mother likes bananas .

( )5. Her mother doesn’t like oranges .


PEP人教版小学三年级下册英语第五单元测试 一.选出不同类项

( )1.A.car B.bike C.lamp D.taxi

( ) 2. A.red B.walkman C. blue D.yellow ( )3.A.fox B.zebra C.box D.lion

( ) 4. A.umbrella B.under C.on D.in E.behind ( )5. A.watermelon B.violin C.strawberry D.grapes

一、 单词分类。

watermelon banana pear tiger jeep fox i straberry car duck panda monkey

1.Fruits:(水果)------------- 2.Animals(动物)--------------- 3.Toy(玩具或玩具车)--------

二、 Match.

1.show me STUVW a.给STUVW涂色 2.point to STUVW b.给我看看STUVW 3.type STUVW c.把STUVW圈起来 4.colour STUVW d.指一下STUVW 5.circle STUVW e.打印STUVW 四.Match.

1.close your eye a.小心

2.show me straberry b.指FGHIJ 3.pour the tea c.不行 4.It tastes good. d.闭上眼 5.very much e.捉迷藏 6.look out f.非常 7.no way g.给我看 8.circleSTUVW h.味道很好 9.point to FGHIJ i.倒茶

10.hide and seek j.把STUVW圈起来 五、Choose.

( )1.Where is my pencil? A.Thank you. ( )2.Can I use your ruler? B.Yes.

( )3.Happy Children”s Day. C.I”m here.

( )4.Let”s go to the park. D.No,it is on the desk . ( )5.Is it in your desk? E.No,Idon”t. ( )6.Where are you ? F.No problem. ( )7.Do you like bus? G.I have three. ( )8.How many jeeps do you have? H.Great.


cat 六.CHOOSE.

( )1.Do you like oranges? A. Thank you . ( ) 2.What fruit do you like ? B.No problem.

( )3.Happy Children”s Day. C.It is on the desk. ( ) 4.Can I have an apple,please? D.Yes,I do. ( )5.Can I use your pencil? E.It is blue.

( )6.Let us play a game. F.I am behind you. ( )7.Where is my car? G.He”s my father. ( )8.What colour is it ? H.Certainly. ( )9.Who is that man ? I.OK.

( )10.Where are you ? J. I like pear.

七、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填在括号里。(20分) ( )1.A.desk B.chair C.lamp D.apple ( )2.A.apple B.pear C.pen D.orange ( )3.A.bus B.under C.bike D.jeep ( )4.A.wind B.in C.on D.under ( )5.A.zebra B.fox C.zoo D.duck

( )6.A.peach B.mother C.grandfather D.sister ( )7.A.sixteen B.lion C.fifteen D.eleven ( )8.A.tiger B.kangaroo C.banana D.snake ( )9.A.grape B.orange C.blue D.pink ( )10.A.box B.bike C.bus D.car


Jeep apple book duck bag 七、CHOOSE.(6分)

( )1.在桌子里吗? A.Here you are1 ( )2.你准备好了吗? B.No problem. ( )3.这是给你的 。 C.In the desk? ( )4.让我们去公园吧! D.Are you ready? ( )5.给你 E.This is for you. ( )6.没问题。 F.Let’s go to the park. 九、Choose。 (5分)

( ) Can I use your pen? 1.Yes, I do .

( ) Do you like bananas? 2.She’s my mother . ( ) Who’s that woman? 3.I can see 11.

( ) How many cats can you see? 4.It’s under the chair. ( ) Where is the ball? 5.Sure. 十、Reorder.(10分) 1.where car my is ? 2.it’s chair the under. 3.do like oranges you? 4.from you are where? 5.pencil your can I use?


Unit 6测试题

五、根据提示,写出相应的大小写字母。(每小题1分,共6分) 例: e f g H I J

M d f s

Y P U W 六. 请根据图片提示,把下列单词补充完整。(每小题1 分,共6分)

1. 2. 3. and ar e e

4. 5. 6. abbit ird ebra 七、找出下列不同类型的单词,将序号写在题前的括号里。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. short B. long C. taxi ( )2. A. pencil B. bus C. car ( )3. A.orange B. monkey C. apple ( )4. A. cat B. mother C. bear ( )5. A. China B. England C. desk




( )1. Do you like pears? A. Oh, It’s short.. ( )2. Who’s that man? B. No problem. ( )3. Where is my crayon ? C. He is my grandpa. ( )4. Look at the deer! D. Yes, I like them very much. ( )5. Can I use you pencil? E. Under your chair.


( )1. ( )2.


( )3. ( ) 4.

十、选择正确的中文翻译,填入序号。(每小题2分共10分) ( ) 1. Where is my car?

A. 我的小汽车在哪里? B. 你从哪里来?

( ) 2. This is Sarah.

A. 她是萨拉。 B. 这位是萨拉。

( ) 3. Wow!It’s so big?

A. 哇!它真大啊! B. 哇!它真小啊!

( ) 4. The pig has a long tail!

A. 那只猪有短尾巴。 B. 那只猪有长尾巴。 ( ) 5. That’s right!

A. 正确! B. 那是右边。


( )1. 上课迟到了,要说:

A. I’m sorry. B.Excuse me.

( )2. “Look out!”是提醒别人“小心!”,它的近义词是:

A. See you. B. Watch out!

( )3. “下午”的缩写形式是:

A. P. M.. B. A. M.

( )4. 中国和英国的缩写形式正确的是:


( )5. 新学期开始了,老师见到你是会说:

A. Welcom back to school. B. Of course!


新人教版小学三年级英语下册各单元测试题 - 图文 


