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七年级英语上册Unit7Shopping短语归纳上Unit 7 短语归纳

1. 沿着这条街有一个新的卖场。 There is a new mall down the street. 2. 去购物 go shopping

3. 我没有钱。 I don’t have any money.=I have no money. 4. 钱包在这儿。 Here’s the wallet. 5. 跟我来

6. 需要你拿所有的包 need you to carry all the bags 7. 服装店 clothes shop 8. 花店 flower shop 9. 礼品店 gift shop 10. 鞋店 shoe shop 11. 体育用品店 sports shop 12. 玩具店 toy shop 13. 圣诞节快到了。

14. 一张音乐光盘 a music CD

15. 我不确定。 16. 对……感兴趣 be interested in

17. 给他买些邮票 buy him some stamps=buy some stamps for him

18. 爱集邮 like19. 有一个主意/有一些主意 have an idea/have some ideas 20. 别客气,不用谢。

1. 你想买什么? Can I help you?=What can I do for you? 2. 要些足球卡片 want some3. 稍等片刻 just/wait a minute=wait for a short time

4. 这儿有些很不错的卡片。 Here are some nice cards. 5. 看一看 take a look

6. 去年的卡片 7. 发夹,发卡 hair clip

8. 不同种类的发夹 different kinds of hair clips

9. 我们店有不同种类的发卡。in our shop.


10. 我们店有各种各样的发卡。shop.

11. 他们多少钱? How much are they?=How much do they cost? 12. 他们每个两元。 ¥2.

13. 那足够了。 14. 我只有15元。 I only have fifteen yuan. 15. 我买下它们。 16. 找您零钱。 17. 与……相配 go well with

18. 有足够的钱买发夹 have enough money for the hair clips 19. 和她粉红色外套相匹配 match her pink coat

I’m not sure. collecting stamps

Reading (P.82 ~ 84)

football cards

last year’s cards clips =Our shop has different kinds of hair

They’re two yuan each.=Each of them is That’s enough.

I’ll take them. Here’s your change. 1 / 3

There are different kinds of hair There are all kinds of hair clips in our 20. 有足够的钱买书 have enough money for the books

=have enough money to buy the books

21. 买一些和Amy不同的礼物 buy some presents different from Amy’s 22. 买某物作Sandy的生日礼物 take sth as Sandy’s present 23. 礼物花去她19元。 The presents cost her 19 yuan.

=She spends 19 yuan on the presents.

24. 我想要为Simon买的礼物 the presents I want to buy for Simon

Grammar (P. 85 ~ 86)

1. 想来一些茶吗? Would you like some tea? 2. 我可以吃一些桔子吗? Can I have some oranges? 3. 一些土豆 some potatoes 4. 足够的零食 enough snacks

5. 我们需要许多聚会用的东西。 We need many things for the party. 6. 我们也需要一些纸杯。 We also need some paper cups.

7. 我学校四周有一些商店。 There are some shops around my school. 8. 练习本 exercises books

9. 放学后去那儿 go there after school 10. 音乐盒 music boxes

11. 一些其它好东西 some other nice things 12. 远离 far away from

Integrated Skills & Study Skills (P.87 ~ 89)

1. 零花钱 pocket money

2. 从书中学到很多 learn a lot from books

3. 大多数孩子 most of the children=most children 4. 帮助一些贫困地区的孩子 help the children in some poor areas 5. 最需要书 need books most

6. 走很长的路到学校 walk a long way to school

7. 用零花钱买东西 use pocket money to buy things 8. 一双鞋 a pair of shoes 9. 你的尺寸是多少? What’s your size? 10. 尺寸40 Size 40

11. 试穿它(们) try it/them on 12. 很合身 fit very well 13. 太贵 too expensive 14. 另一本书/另一双 another book/pair

Task (P. 90 ~ 91)

1. 关于阳光购物中心的笔记 notes about Sunshine Shopping Mall 2. 五层商场 five floors of shops 3. 在公共汽车站附近 near a bus stop

4. 不同种类的衣服 different kinds of clothes 5. 一层餐馆 one floor of restaurants 6. 许多有趣的书 lots of interesting books 7. 在顶楼 on the top floor

8. 有来自不同地区的食物。 There are foods from different areas. 9. 所有的餐馆 all the restaurants 10. 的确很棒 really great

11. 那儿的食物真的很棒。 The food there is really great. 12. 我最喜欢的地方 my favourite place 13. 来自不同的地区

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14. 一个会友的好去处 a good place to meet friends

15. 玩得开心 have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself

16. 高价/低价 high/low price 17. 与……不同 be different from 18. 给你。 Here you are.

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