毕-设 业-计
(20_ _届)
所在学院 专业班级 化学工程与工艺 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月
摘要: 随着经济和社会的快速发展与环境污染的日益加剧,活性低、降解性差的传统表面活性剂已不能满足生产和生活的需要,因此,研究和开发高效、环境友好的表面活性剂已成为化学工作者的当务之急。以其优越的物化性能和应用性能而被誉为“新一代表面活性剂”的Gemini表面活性剂受到了广大化学工作者的关注和研究,该类表面活性剂的出现是表面活性剂工业发展史上的又一个重要的里程碑。
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Abstract:Along with the rapid economic and social development and environmental pollution, low activity, growing biodegradability poor preach
Tasseled surfactant already cannot satisfy the needs of production and life, therefore, research and develop effective and environmentally friendly Of surfactant has become urgent chemical workers. With its superior performance and chemical properties and application
Known as \Note and research, this type of surfactants is the emergence of the surfactant industry in the history of another important Cheng tablet
Currently there are two solutions: firstly, and ordinary surfactant blends with synergy, looking for some good Namely interaction parameters (p) very low system; Secondly, from synthetic Angle, applied cheap raw material, adopting rings
The process route on friendly. Both, compared to the latter should be the research direction of the future.
Keywords: cationic zwitterion nonionic Gemini surfactant cyclodextrin synthesis
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